Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1908, Part I: Found Campaigning in Kansas with Eugene Debs


Quote re Battle Scarred Mother Jones, AtR p3, Aug 29, 1908

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday September 17, 1908
-Mother Jones News Round-Up for August, 1908, Part I
“Our Dear Old Battle-Scarred Mother Jones” Found in Kansas

On Wednesday August 19th, an all-day picnic was held in Pittsburg, Kansas, with Mother Jones and Eugene V. Debs as the principal speakers of the day and evening. The Appeal to Reason of August 29th describes the event:

Mother Jones from Cripple Creek Strike by EFL, 1908 edition

The Pittsburg meeting was a winner. An all-day picnic was arranged. In the afternoon Comrade George D. Brewer, our next representative from Crawford county to Topeka, acted as chairman. George’s speech was enthusiastically received. He started off the program on the right foot, which gave the whole situation an assured success, culminating in a wonderful climax with Debs at night. After Brewer, Comrade Snyder gave one of his characteristic speeches which gripped the audience with intensity. Then followed Phil Callery, who, although speaking but a brief time, lifted the audience into the white heat of enthusiasm. Next came Comrade Miss Caroline A. Lowe with her sweet and convincing message so original and characteristic of herself and filled with a strong appeal, especially to the women. Her address was most loyally received.

Mother Jones was the next speaker. Our dear old battle-scarred Mother Jones, who, although grown gray in the fight, still retains her youth and spirit. She paced the platform, filled with the vigor of youth and in her own original manner, told the story of the robbery of labor and the way to its emancipation. At times she had the audience weeping, and then again by a certain turn she would lift the crowd to the wildest pitch of enthusiasm as she led them to a perception of class consciousness from which they viewed the inevitable triumph of the working class. The meeting closed by a talk from Comrade Wilson, who cinched the day’s program and left the audience ready for the invincible Debs at night. Wilson was more than enthusiastically received, showing the deep confidence and hold he has upon the miners whose cause he has plead for years. His speech had deep effect. Debs opened and closed his meeting amid cheers. The large audience was held spellbound during his long speech for two hours. The whole community has received a baptism of new life.

[Photograph added.]

From the Appeal to Reason of August 1, 1908:

Mother Speaks at Convention

The Late Convention Shows the Old-Time
Vigor and Aggressiveness

Miss Luella Twining, who attended the Sixteenth annual convention of the Western Federation of Miners at Denver, reports to the Appeal no discouragement is observable because of the severe trials through which the organization has passed during the Colorado war. Addresses were made by Moyer, Haywood, [Thomas] Lewis and Mother Jones that breathed the militant and aggressive spirit. The late meeting brought about much better feeling between the Western Federation and the United Mine Workers, and it is evident the two organizations will hereafter co-operate. News of the acquittal of Steve Adams was received with demonstrations of joy. Reports from Douglas Island, Alaska, show a bitter fight in progress there. Stockades are built around the mines, and citizens cannot appear on the public highways without being molested by the militia, sent to break the strike. A system of peonage prevails there.


Mother Coming to Kansas

AtR, Tri State Ed Kansas, Aug 1, 1908

Mother Jones Coming.

I learn that Mother Jones is coming to Kansas soon, and places wanting dates will please write at once. A comrade writes from Texas: “We all love Mother Jones in Texas.” Mother just drops in on a fellow, so have your dates ready for her when she comes.


From the Muskogee Times-Democrat of August 12, 1908:


The most remarkable thing about “Mother” Jones, who entertained a crowd of men, women and boys at the corner of Okmulgee and Second street last evening, is her wonderful vitality. How she does, it is hard to tell, but it is nevertheless true that during the past 12 days she has spoken in 11 different cities in Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas and in addition to riding in numerous trains has traveled 300 miles in buggies and walked quite a distance. She has never disappointed an audience and in answer to an inquiry she said that she expected to die either walking or talking. “Mother” Jones, who has ceased to be either a novelty or an attraction east of the Mississippi, came to Muskogee at the solicitation of the local Socialists and it was under their auspices that she delivered her open air address. She delivered the usual Socialistic address, denouncing capital and wealth and calling on the laboring class to unite under the banner of Socialism for it was only in this way that the producing class would get a fair portion of what it produces.

All the labor leaders except those preaching Socialism she denounced and placed them in the same class with the trust barons.

Time after time during the course of her address she was interrupted by some one propounding a ridiculous question, but she was always able to give an answer that apparently satisfied the crowd.


From the Appeal to Reason of August 15, 1908:

Kansas Edition

Mother Jones in Kansas.

Our Dear Old Mother Jones will be in Kansas for a while. We are going to make her stay right here in Girard for some time and rest up if that is possible, and in the meanwhile you can write for a date and I will put you on the list for one some time between now and the election. Mother would like dates mostly in the Third district. Some good picnics would be fine.

From the The Pittsburg Daily Headlight of August 18, 1908:


An All Day Picnic at the Park-
Debs Will Speak at Night-
Mother Jones in Afternoon.

The Socialists of Southeastern Kansas will hold a big all day picnic at Lincoln park in this city tomorrow.

It is expected that hundreds of visitors will be present from throughout Crawford and Cherokee counties to attend the picnic and hear the prominent speakers who will expound Socialism on this occasion.

And they will be prominent too, the most prominent of the party, Eugene V. Debbs [Debs], the Socialist candidate for president of the United States will be the speaker tomorrow night.

Tomorrow afternoon the picnic will be addressed by “Mother” Jones, the noted labor speaker, Miss Caroline A. Lowe of Kansas City, Benj. F. Wilson of Girard, Socialist candidate for congress, Geo. D. Brewer of Girard, candidate for the legislature, J. E. Snyder, secretary of the Socialist state party and candidate for state senator and A. O. Mattingly of Pittsburg, candidate for representative.

There will be no speakers in the forenoon but a big basket dinner will be held at noon and all are invited to join in the picnic.


From the The Pittsburg Daily Headlight of August 19, 1908:


Other Prominent Socialist Speakers at
the Picnic In Lincoln Park Today.

In spite of the inclement weather of the morning Socialists have been coming in on every train today, the bulk of them coming from Cherokee and Crawford counties, to attend the annual Socialist picnic held today in Lincoln Park.

Nothing was done at Lincoln Park, the meeting place this morning, but most of the delegates found their way out to the park before noon to be ready for the basket dinner. The crowd here was not as large as it probably would have been under different weather conditions. A goodly number of speeches were booked for this afternoon and judging from the number and character of the speakers Socialist doctrines will have a through airing this afternoon. There are few people who could listen to the afternoon’s program without knowing more about socialism than they ever knew before.

George W. Davis, state Socialist organizer of Oklahoma, had something to say about the progress of the party in the baby state.

C. A. Mattingly of Pittsburg, and George D. Brewer of Girard, the party nominees for representative in the United States, will do all of the speaking tonight.

Musical features were furnsnsned this afternoon by Mrs. Emma Johns Call, of Girard, pianist, and Miss Gladys Davis of Trenton, Mo., violinist.



Mother Jones to Assist in the Alabama Strike.

“Mother” Jones, one of the principal speaker at the Socialist picnic, is one of the most original and unique labor talkers in the United States.

She gained the name of “Mother” years ago in the Pennsylvania coal fields because of the motherly interest she took in the conditions of the laboring class and more especially the miners.

She arrived in Girard only a few days ago from a trip through Oklahoma and Texas, where she has been delivering lectures. She expected to remain for some time, but circumstances have come up which compel her to leave for Alabama, where a strike is on among the miners of the coal fields of that state. Strikes are one of her specialties and she has followed strikes in all parts of the United States for years and has spoke in every state in the union except two and her motherly attitude towards the miners makes her a favorite among them.

She first became prominent in her chosen work about thirty-two years ago but was in the work several years before that. She is a native of Ireland and the brogue is noticeable in all of her talks.

The theme of her talk this afternoon was along the lines of the condition of the working classes, especially the miners. She is a forcible speaker, and her talks are closely listened to, and this afternoon many miners irrespective of party listened to her discourse.


From the The Pittsburg Daily Headlight of August 20, 1908:


Presidential Candidate Called Bryan
Traitor to Working Class-
And Also Scored Taft.

Eugene V. Debs, the great champion of Socialism and the Socialist party’s nominee for the office of president of the United States, last night addressed the district Socialist meeting in progress at Lincoln park.

Debs kept his audience spell bound for two hours and there were many in the large audience who were not Socialists…..

From the Appeal to Reason of August 22, 1908:

Tri-State Edition, Kansas

Mother Jones in Girard.

Mother Jones has been with us for several days, but seems determined to go to Alabama where the striking miners are being persecuted like wild beasts and their jobs taken by convict labor contractors. And, while we are on the subject, let me say that this is in a good democratic state. Queer, isn’t it? Mother is much in need of a long rest, but when “her boys” are in trouble you can’t stop her.

They sent for me and I am going.


Note: emphasis to Mother Jones added throughout.



Appeal to Reason
(Girard, Kansas)
-Aug 29 1908
-Aug 1, 1908
-Aug 15, 1908
-Aug 22, 1908

Muskogee Times-Democrat
(Muskogee, Oklahoma)
-Aug 12, 1908

The Pittsburg Daily Headlight
(Pittsburg, Kansas)
-Aug 18, 1908
-Aug 19, 1908
-Aug 20, 1908

Mother Jones from Cripple Creek Strike by EFL

See also:

The Autobiography of Mother Jones
-ed by Mary Field Parton
Charles H. Kerr & Company, 1925
Chapter IV-Wayland’s Appeal to Reason [Girard, Kansas]


Death of Mother Jones – Gene Autry

“Mother Jones was ready to help them,
She never let them down…”