Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1908, Part I: Found Campaigning in Kansas with Eugene Debs


Quote re Battle Scarred Mother Jones, AtR p3, Aug 29, 1908

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday September 17, 1908
-Mother Jones News Round-Up for August, 1908, Part I
“Our Dear Old Battle-Scarred Mother Jones” Found in Kansas

On Wednesday August 19th, an all-day picnic was held in Pittsburg, Kansas, with Mother Jones and Eugene V. Debs as the principal speakers of the day and evening. The Appeal to Reason of August 29th describes the event:

Mother Jones from Cripple Creek Strike by EFL, 1908 edition

The Pittsburg meeting was a winner. An all-day picnic was arranged. In the afternoon Comrade George D. Brewer, our next representative from Crawford county to Topeka, acted as chairman. George’s speech was enthusiastically received. He started off the program on the right foot, which gave the whole situation an assured success, culminating in a wonderful climax with Debs at night. After Brewer, Comrade Snyder gave one of his characteristic speeches which gripped the audience with intensity. Then followed Phil Callery, who, although speaking but a brief time, lifted the audience into the white heat of enthusiasm. Next came Comrade Miss Caroline A. Lowe with her sweet and convincing message so original and characteristic of herself and filled with a strong appeal, especially to the women. Her address was most loyally received.

Mother Jones was the next speaker. Our dear old battle-scarred Mother Jones, who, although grown gray in the fight, still retains her youth and spirit. She paced the platform, filled with the vigor of youth and in her own original manner, told the story of the robbery of labor and the way to its emancipation. At times she had the audience weeping, and then again by a certain turn she would lift the crowd to the wildest pitch of enthusiasm as she led them to a perception of class consciousness from which they viewed the inevitable triumph of the working class. The meeting closed by a talk from Comrade Wilson, who cinched the day’s program and left the audience ready for the invincible Debs at night. Wilson was more than enthusiastically received, showing the deep confidence and hold he has upon the miners whose cause he has plead for years. His speech had deep effect. Debs opened and closed his meeting amid cheers. The large audience was held spellbound during his long speech for two hours. The whole community has received a baptism of new life.

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Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: 2,225 Coal Miners Killed on the Job in 1916, 988 in Pennsylvania


“Dagos are cheaper than props.”
-Mother Jone quoting a Mine Manager


Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday September 19, 1917
Pennsylvania Leads Nation for Coal Mine Fatalities in 1916

From the Appeal to Reason of September 15, 1917:

Coal Mine Fatalities, 1916

Cherry (IL) Mine Disaster of 1909, McClures Mag Mar 1910
Waiting for word.

The number of persons killed in and about coal mines during the calendar year 1916 was 2,225, as compared with 2,269 in 1915, 2,454 in 1914 and 2,785 in 1913. Pennsylvania led with 988, of which 433 were in bituminous mines. Fatalities in West Virginia numbered 372, in Illinois 128, and in Alabama 119, Alaska, California, Idaho, Nevada and South Dakota had no fatalities.

Those killed underground from falls of rock, coal, etc., numbered 961; from mine cars and locomotives 390; from exploding or burning gas, 170, and from explosives, 148. Those killed on the surface numbered 150, and in shafts 49.

The number killed per 1,000 employed was 3.22 in 1914 and 3.09 in 1915. The 1916 figures were not available when this report was published.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: 2,225 Coal Miners Killed on the Job in 1916, 988 in Pennsylvania”

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn on Tour on Behalf of Mesabi Defendants


Your welfare ain’t on that rich man’s mind.
-Hazel Dickens


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday October 3, 1916
Miss Flynn to Hold Meetings in Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas

IWW Metal Mine Workers IU No. 490, Hibbing MN, June 19, 1916

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn is currently on tour on behalf of Mesabi I. W. W. defendants who are charged with first degree murder-we refer our readers to the recent article by Eugene Debs in the International Socialist Review.

Before leaving northern Minnesota, Miss Flynn spoke with Joe Ettor at a meeting in Virginia, Minnesota, where she said:

Tresca, Scarlett, Smith and the others are in jail for your sake, remember them.

She also spoke to the Ministerial association at the Duluth Y. M. C. A. where she declared:

A very large majority of the workers on the iron range are foreigners, and they have no friends except among their kinsmen and fellow-workers. If the American-born people would only co-operate, and enlighten the lives of these poor unfortunates, all these disturbances and misfortunes would be done away with.

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