Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for April 1909, Part I: Found Speaking in Dayton, Ohio


Mother Jones Quote, Child Labor Man of Six Snuff Sniffer———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday May 9, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for April 1909, Part I:
-Found in Dayton, Ohio, Speaking to Socialists

From The Dayton Herald of April 19, 1909:


Mother Jones, Dnv Pst p2, July 19, 1908

It is doubtful if the Auditorium ever held a more interested audience than that which filled it to the doors Sunday afternoon to hear “Mother” Jones’ address. Miss Gertrude Rodgers presided and in her introductory remarks said the Socialists were the only party which today recognized the equality of the sexes politically and economically and was pledged to lift womankind in the world’s affairs.

“Mother” Jones’ appearance on the stage at the conclusion of Miss Rodgers’ introductory remarks, called for a long continued welcome that clearly indicated the pleasure of those who came to hear her.

[Mother Jones stated:]

The unrest of today threatens the peace, not only of this nation, but of the world and upon the working class fails the problem of establishing peace that shall be world-wide and permanent.

[She further said:]

Were Lincoln alive today, and in power, he would, as in 1863, order the doors of prisons now holding the Mexican political prisoners thrown open and set them free, as he did the chattel slave.

“Mother” Jones jabbed working class voters for being responsible for present conditions, saying that in last November they had gone to the polls and instead of voting for their own interests, had endorsed the “ruining class” candidate.


The child labor question received scathing arraignment. She declared the present industrial machine had entered the sacred precincts of the home reached down into the cradle and caught the babe, had torn its hands and arms from its body, caused it to have shrunken forms and sunken lifeless eyes, in order that profits might flow to those who controlled the machinery of production. Then she denounced society for its indifference to these daily occurrences, and pointed out that in the near future it would dearly pay for these atrocious wrongs.

The speaker predicted that inside of 15 years this would be a bankrupt nation if special privileges were not and the power to exploit the people curbed.

The action of Speculator Patten in raising the price of wheat and forcing up the price of bread and other flour products, thus causing untold hardships to the toiling millions, was mercilessly condemned, and the makers of laws denounced for failure to enact laws that would prevent such crimes in the future.

After the address Mr. Midney made the announcement that on Sunday, April 25, he would deliver a lecture on “What Life Means to You,” at the Auditorium.

Local Socialists were bitter in their denunciation of a report circulated Saturday that “Mother” Jones would not speak here. They tendered her an informal reception at party headquarters, South Main, after the meeting.

The German and Socialist singing societies with the orchestra added selections to the meeting.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]



From The Dayton Herald of April 10, 1909:


The usual Sunday afternoon meeting of the Socialists will be held at the Auditorium. Frank Midney will speak upon “Organic Law and Socialism.”

This series of Sunday meetings is drawing to a close and the Socialists of this city are proud of their achievement in conducting the lectures. The Auditorium has been crowded Sunday after Sunday by interested audiences. The lectures will probably be continued until warm weather sets in.

“Mother” Jones, the idol of the miners will speak at the Auditorium on Sunday, April 18, and a record-breaking crowd is predicted for that day.

The usual concert will begin at 2:30, the speaking at 3.


From The Dayton Herald of April 15, 1909:

“Will Be in Dayton Next Sunday”

Ad, Mother Jones to Speak, Dytn OH Hld p2, Apr 15, 1909

She is “as gentle as a cooing dove, and as fierce as a lioness.”


The Socialists of this city expect to hold one of the largest meetings in the history of their organization at the Auditorium, Fourth-st, Sunday afternoon, when “Mother Jones” is billed to speak.

The German Singing society will render a song entitled “Little Mother.”

The English Singing society will also sing, besides the usual concert by the orchestra.

Mother Jones will arrive from the southwest, where she has been working in the interest of the Mexican Political Refugees.

Mother Jones has passed the allotted three score and ten, but carries with her the virility and enthusiasm of youth.

The most sluggish respond to her magnetic presence.

She is a typical agitator. There is not a more unique personality in the Socialist movement. She is at once as gentle as a cooing dove, and as fierce as a lioness. She is a grand combination of sweetness and gentility, strength and determination.

Mother Jones is in her element working for the Mexican patriots and when they are rescued they will have reason to remember no one more grateful than this warrior of the social revolution.

A reception will be tendered Mother Jones at the Socialist headquarters on S. Main-st., Sunday evening.


From the Canton Evening Repository of April 17, 1909:

Mother Jones’ Work.

Columbus, April 17.-(A. P.-) “Mother” Jones, the labor agitator, who is here to address the socialists, said today that she has collected $4,000 to be devoted to efforts for the release of the four Mexicans now in jail in Arizona. She says these men are languishing in prison “for freedom of speech” and because they tried to put labor on a better basis.


Note: Emphasis added throughout.




Mother Jones Quote, Child Labor Man of Six Snuff Sniffer, Abio Chp 14

The Dayton Herald
(Dayton, Herald)
-Apr 19, 1909
-Apr 10, 1909
-Apr 15, 1909

The Evening Repository
(Canton, Ohio)
-Apr 17, 1909, page 4

Mother Jones, Dnv Pst p2, July 19, 1908
Ad, Mother Jones to Speak, Dytn OH Hld p2, Apr 15, 1909

See also:

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones
for March 1909, Part I: Found Speaking in Denver

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones
for March 1909, Part II: Found in Southeast Kansas


The Spirit Of Mother Jones – Andy Irvine