Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “800 Per Cent and the Akron Strike” by Leslie H. Marcy, Part I


Quote BBH One Fist, ISR p458, Feb 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday April 16, 1913
Akron, Ohio – 20,000 Workers on Strike Against Rubber Barons

From the International Socialist Review of April 1913:

800 Per Cent and the Akron Strike

By Leslie H. Marcy

[Part I of IV]

Akron Rubber Plant, ISR p711, Apr 1913

THE Rubber Aristocrats are having “tire trouble” in Akron, Ohio. Their mammoth 75-acre, 25,000-man-power, profit-making machines-known as the Goodrich-Diamond, Goodyear, Firestone and Buckeye rubber factories, have been badly punctured by a strike of 20,000 wage slaves.

The workers who have slaved for years laid down the bosses’ tools, rolled up their greasy working rags and walked out unorganized, on February 10, as a protest against tyrannical working conditions and repeated cuts in wages.

They are standing shoulder to shoulder and their arms are folded. There is no fire under the boilers; nor smoke issuing from the hundreds of industrial spires; the belts are on loose pulleys and even the wheels refuse to run.

The Rubber Barons refused to arbitrate with the state officials and threatened to move their plants from the city. Meanwhile the strike was rapidly being organized by militant members of the Socialist party working with the Industrial Workers of the World. The Socialist headquarters became the home of the strike committees while larger halls were secured for mass meetings, where thousands of workers hear the message of Revolutionary Socialism and Industrial Unionism. Comrades Frank Midney, “Red” Bessemer, George Spangler and fellow-workers George Speed, William Trautman, Jack Whyte and several more “live ones” are on the job speaking daily, organizing committees and strengthening the picket lines.

The home of Comrade Frank and Margaret Prevey was thrown open to the strikers and became a busy center of strike activity-sending out appeals for support, press notices and planing the work of taking care of those who were in need. Here was a hive that hummed twenty hours out of the twenty-four. Of course the Capitalist hirelings suddenly discovered that this was “an Agitators’ meeting place,” and made dire threats.

But the Rubber Barons in their palaces out on West Hill were also busy moulding public opinion through press and pulpit against this “foreign devil” called a strike. Were not collections dwindling on Sundays and business becoming “bad” during the week, and is not idleness the devil’s workshop?

Akron Women ag Goodrich, ISR p712, Apr 1913

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Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for April 1909, Part I: Found Speaking in Dayton, Ohio


Mother Jones Quote, Child Labor Man of Six Snuff Sniffer———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday May 9, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for April 1909, Part I:
-Found in Dayton, Ohio, Speaking to Socialists

From The Dayton Herald of April 19, 1909:


Mother Jones, Dnv Pst p2, July 19, 1908

It is doubtful if the Auditorium ever held a more interested audience than that which filled it to the doors Sunday afternoon to hear “Mother” Jones’ address. Miss Gertrude Rodgers presided and in her introductory remarks said the Socialists were the only party which today recognized the equality of the sexes politically and economically and was pledged to lift womankind in the world’s affairs.

“Mother” Jones’ appearance on the stage at the conclusion of Miss Rodgers’ introductory remarks, called for a long continued welcome that clearly indicated the pleasure of those who came to hear her.

[Mother Jones stated:]

The unrest of today threatens the peace, not only of this nation, but of the world and upon the working class fails the problem of establishing peace that shall be world-wide and permanent.

[She further said:]

Were Lincoln alive today, and in power, he would, as in 1863, order the doors of prisons now holding the Mexican political prisoners thrown open and set them free, as he did the chattel slave.

“Mother” Jones jabbed working class voters for being responsible for present conditions, saying that in last November they had gone to the polls and instead of voting for their own interests, had endorsed the “ruining class” candidate.


The child labor question received scathing arraignment. She declared the present industrial machine had entered the sacred precincts of the home reached down into the cradle and caught the babe, had torn its hands and arms from its body, caused it to have shrunken forms and sunken lifeless eyes, in order that profits might flow to those who controlled the machinery of production. Then she denounced society for its indifference to these daily occurrences, and pointed out that in the near future it would dearly pay for these atrocious wrongs.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for April 1909, Part I: Found Speaking in Dayton, Ohio”