Hellraisers Journal: “Probe in Mingo by Senate Now Certain” -Sam Montgomery in Washington, D. C. Insists on Inquiry


Quote Fred Mooney, Mingo Co Gunthugs, UMWJ p15, Dec 1, 1920—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday June 28, 1921
Washington, District of Columbia – Senate Committee to Investigate Mingo

From the Martinsburg Journal of June 25, 1921:

Senate Investigation of Mingo Now Certain, Martinsburg Jr p1, June 25, 1921

Washington, June 24.—Tho Senate is to investigate the situation in the coal fields of Mingo county, and to probe the causes leading up to the shooting which broke out in that community several weeks ago. The senate resolution directing the investigation to be made by a special committee of the senate was adopted by the senate Wednesday afternoon by a viva voce vote, and without opposition. Senator King immediately moved a reconsideration of the vote and the motion to reconsider went over. But the resolution was adopted by such a substantial vote that there would seem to be no more chance for its defeat on reconsideration.

Sam B. Montgomery, former state labor commissioner of West Virginia has been here for several days insisting upon the investigation being made by the senate. Senator Hiram W. Johnson, of California, was the author of the resolution which was adopted, and he also insisted upon its passage.

Thinks It Will Help.

Mr. Montgomery, in the last two days, has called upon the president, the attorney general and George Christian, secretary to the president and impressed on each of them the views of organized labor in West Virginia, to the effect that the investigation should be made.

In the opinion of Mr. Montgomery, the investigation by the senate will end all the trouble and prevent farther shooting in Mingo county. He pointed to the good results which followed the senate’s investigation of conditions on Cabin creek, and predicted that good will follow this investigation also, both for the operators and the miners.

While the motion for reconsideration is pending, the final adoption of the resolution will be delayed, and until its adoption the personnel of the investigating committee will not be announced. But it is the intention of the senate to have the committee appointed and the investigation started at the earliest possible moment.


[Emphasis added.]



Quote Fred Mooney, UMWJ p15, Dec 1, 1920

Martinsburg Journal
(Martinsburg, West Virginia)
-June 25, 1921

See also:

West Virginia Coal Fields: Hearings before the Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. Senate, 67th. Congress, first session pursuant to S. Res. 80
Senator William S Kenyon of Iowa, Chair
-Chairman and Members of Investigating Committee
Parts I & II

Tag: Mingo County Coal Miners Strike of 1920-1922

Civil War in West Virginia
-by Winthrop David Lane
B. W. Huebsch, Incorporated, 1921


Fire in the Hole – Hazel Dickens