Hellraisers Journal: From The Butte Daily Bulletin: From Paris to Cleveland, May Day Parades and Meetings Attacked


Quote EVD re Unity for May Day 1919, fr SPA Progam———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday May 5, 1919
Butte, Montana – The Bulletin on “Bomb Plot” Frame-Up and May Day “Riots”

The following reports and opinion pieces are from The Butte Daily Bulletin, published May 1st, May 2nd and May 3rd, and covering the dramatic events surrounding May Day 1919.

From The Butte Daily Bulletin of May 1 1919:

May Day Bomb Plot, Btt Dly Bltn p1, May 1, 1919

Packages Sent to Several Government Officials
and Citizens Throughout U. S.
Contained Explosives.

(Special United Press Wire.)

Washington May 1.-What is believed by the officials to be a wide spread attempt on the lives of members of Wilson’s cabinet has just been discovered. Seventeen packages being held in the postoffice at New York were found to contain explosives. it is not known how many have already passed through the mail.

The packages were addressed to officials throughout the United States among whom were; Postmaster-General Burleson, Secretary of Labor Wilson, Attorney-General Palmer, and Commissioner-General Palmer, and Commissioner-General of Immigration Caminetti. There were also packages addressed to John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, New York Commissioner Howe, Mayor Hylan of New York, Governor Sproul of Pennsylvania, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, District Attorney Fickert of California and his assistant, Edward Cunha. The bombs were similar to the ones received by Mayor “Ole” Hanson of Seattle and former Senator Hardwick of Georgia. The packages all bear the label of Gimble Bros., a New York department store, but the officials of the store declare they are imitations.

Fear is expressed that some of the packages may have had sufficient postage to insure their delivery through the mails and may be enroute to their intended victims. It is noted that virtually all the prominent men to whom the packages were addressed are concerned one way or another with the immigration problems. A warning has been issued by the postoffice department to all postoffice inspectors and superintendents in charge of the railway mail service to watch for any bombs that may still be in transit. If has not been ascertained, the officials state, whether any bombs have been sent to the Americans who are attending the peace conference.

Friends of Edward Cunha delivered the package to him at his sick bed, thinking that it was a present for him. The package was only partly opened when their suspicions were aroused and the package was not opened until later. When the contents were disclosed they were found to contain sulphuric acid and explosives similar to that received by Mayor Hanson. Ficket’s package was left unopened.




Once more the stool-pigeons of the ruthless industrial autocracy that holds this nation in a grip of iron are working overtime.

Another bomb plot has been “discovered.”

Timed to coincide with the meetings held to celebrate international labor day and to protest against the persecution of the workers, the press wires are carrying the “history” of the “bomb outrages.”

Seventeen bombs in the New York City postoffice, held for lack of sufficient postage!

Scare-heads in all the issues of the courtesan press!

Wide-spread plot to blow into eternity most of the prominent citizens of the country!

Be not alarmed, fellow citizens!

The bombs were SUPPOSED to be “discovered.”

No one is alarmed except the prominent citizens who were not informed that their names were to be used!

No one will be injured except those who are supposed to suffer-the workers!

The hysteria generated by this shameless frame-up will be used to break up parades and meetings!

Hundreds of men and women, whose only crime is that they are members of the workings class, will be clubbed and beaten and thrown into the filthy jails of the ruling class!

Hundreds will be added to the hundreds already in the bastiles!

The story will be hashed and rehashed-it will be served up at the breakfast tables of America for weeks to come!


No one will suffer but the workers!

Those enterprising publicity agents of a brutal capitalism- Messrs., Hanson of Seattle and Fickert of San Francisco, will reap their full harvest of publicity!

True! The bombs they are said to receive did not explode!

They were fashioned more carefully than the bomb that Fickert, the ‘Frisco chamber of commerce and their gang of hired murders planted on preparedness day to get Tom Mooney!

Seventeen packages of destruction in the New York postoffice without sufficient postage to carry them to their destinations!

Ye Gods! these anarchists are a careless crew!

Perhaps, being short of funds after purchasing explosives

that do not explode, they trusted to the well known generosity of Postmaster General Burleson!

Surely the secret service that can track the most agile alien agitator to his lair, should have just as little trouble in finding the perpetrators of this dastardly outrage as they had in “discovering” the “bombs!”

But Let this burn into your memory!

The real criminals will never be brought to justice, for the very good reason had the crime has been committed against the working class movement of the United States!


The terrible irony of it!

All of the violence, all of the beatings and deportations, all of the wanton murders, such as took place at Ludlow, Colo., and Paint Creek, W. Va., all of the clubbings and thuggery, have been visited upon the workers by the exploiting class.

Yet, they accuse the workers of attempts on human life!


The workers are going to take your power from you, masters!

They will take it, not by bombs, with something far more dangerous!

They will take it with the power of knowledge and consciousness of a noble duty to be performed, the forces that have taken power from tyrants through all the ages!

Your “bomb plots” are for the unthinking, but on this glorious May day, the working class of all the world are thinking!

Think what it means, masters, the workers are thinking at last!

Thinking, not of bombs, but of a world where poverty and unemployment no longer exist except as memories!

Thinking of a world where there are no masters and no slaves!

Thinking of the international brotherhood of the workers!

Hire your tools to send your bombs, if you will!

Amuse yourselves today , masters!

Tomorrow you go to work!




(Special United Press Wire.)

Cleveland, May 1.-Several people were shot and more than a hundred arrested, and scores are in the hospitals following the breaking up of a May Day parade here today. C. E. Ruthenberg, former socialist candidate for mayor, was among those arrested. The trouble started when one of the many parades reached a down town corner. Part of the procession had passed the corner, then came a delegation carrying red flags and were shouting. About a dozen soldiers dashed into the street and hurled themselves at the paraders. The police followed and hundreds of fights were soon raging. Men, clubbed over the head, dropped onto the street. Soldiers in tanks and army trucks dashed up and down the street clearing it of the remnants of the procession…..

From The Butte Daily Bulletin of May 2, 1919:

re May Day Riots, Btt Dly Bltn p1, May 2, 1919


(Special United Press Wire.)

Paris, May 2.-The prefect of police announced this afternoon that one gendarme was killed and 428 persons were wounded in yesterday’s May day riots. Of the wounded, three are gravely hurt, twelve others are in the hospitals, seventy-five temporarily incapacitated. Deputy Jouhaux, prominent labor leader, is among those wounded. Private G. Harrison of the American air service, who was wounded in the back by a stray bullet, is reported to be resting easy…..


(Special United Press Wire.)

New York, May 2.-It is expected that the mayor will receive a delegation of sailors today protesting against the action of the police in riding down soldiers and sailors near Madison Square garden last night. The mounted policemen charged the soldiers and sailors when the latter congregated in the street, apparently intending to march to the garden where the Mooney protest meeting was being held. A number of men were knocked down. It is claimed that some who had nothing to do with the trouble were clubbed.


(Special United Press Wire.)

Boston, May 2.-More than 100 persons were arraigned in court this morning as a result of the May day riots yesterday, in which four people were shot and hundreds were injured in street fighting. Among the persons shot were two policemen, who will recover.


(Special United Press Wire.)

Cleveland, May 2.-Fifty-five people were arrested and booked for hearing in police court, as a result of yesterday’s rioting. The results of the rioting were one killed and more than 200 injured, including 17 policemen.



(Special United Press Wire.)

Cleveland, May 2.-The second death resulting from yesterday’s May day riots occurred when Joseph Ivani, 31, succumbed to wounds.


Cleveland, May 2.-Municipal judges imposed maximum workhouse sentences on 55 of 134 persons arrested in connection with the May day riots. Seven were charged with carrying concealed weapons and shooting. The more serious offenses are held for the grand jury.


From The Butte Daily Bulletin of May 3, 1919:


Led by Louis Kukle, Speaker for the U. S. Victory Loan, and Shouting “We are Empy’s Men and Are Here to Smash the Call’s Plant,” One Hundred Marauders Terrorize Women and Children and Leave a Trail of Blood in Their Wake. Many Men Are Beaten Black and Blue.

(Special to the Bulletin.)

New York, May 2.–One hundred thugs in uniforms of soldiers, sailors and, marines, led by Louis Kukle, a speaker for the United States Victory Loan organization at 1183 Broadway, stormed the Call’s new building at 112 Fourth avenue yesterday afternoon. Into the midst of a peaceful housewarming party broke the brutal marauders, shouting: “We are Empy’s men and we are here to smash the Call’s plant.” The assault then began.

re May Day Raid, NY Call p1, May 2, 1919

Leave Trail of Blood.

Women and children were wantonly terrorized, while men were mauled up with clubs, bannisters and table legs. Scores of persons who were forced to run the gauntlet of the unformed hoodlums on the stairway, to the street, were knocked to the pavement, had their clothing ripped off and were beaten black and blue. Not until several minutes after the raiders and victims had departed, leaving a trail of blood in the building, did the police appear. It is said the raiding party was organized by Barney Dreyfus, formerly of the Forty-eighth Canadian regiment and Louis Lippman, speaker for the Government Loan organization of the Second Federal Reserve district, in addition to Kukle. Kukle afterwards unwittingly confessed to the Call that he was the ring leader, and gloatingly described the atrocities committed by the raiders. While boasting over the telephone of the exploits, his confession was overheard and taken down by a stenographer and other witnesses. He says in part:

I was the ring-leader and we certainly kicked hell out of the men in the Call building. If anything had happened and anyone was killed, I suppose I would be held for inciting to riot. It would be my bit for Buy Empy’s magazine. “Treat ’em rough” is very good and it had a certain amount of effect on the boys. The police seem to be in sympathy with us.

He named four army and navy officers who were in the party.

Men and Girls Assaulted.

The attack on the Call followed a raid on the Rand school, by the same gang, led by a bugler. Soldiers climbed up the fire escapes and in the windows, but were persuaded to withdraw. The pack then stormed the Russian People’s house and assaulted two men and girls, destroyed, property and left after the main attempt, to disrupt the May day rally of the Amalgamated Clothing workers at Madison Square Garden.

In the afternoon, the hoodlums with increased forces, tried to storm the Mooney demonstration, held by the different unions of the city in the garden. That night 1,500 police and 500 provost guards kept the marauders from entering a hall where 15,000 workers voted unanimously for three five-day general strikes to free Tom Mooney and Warren K. Billings, to take place July 4, on Labor day and Nov. 19.

Many Prominent Speakers.

Rena Mooney, Israel Weinberg, Dudley Field Malone, Dr. Juda Magnes and Anton Johannsen were the principal speakers. Walter Cook, New York state secretary of the socialist party, was beaten unconscious by a soldier and two sailors at Brook avenue and 149th street. He was taken to the Lincoln hospital after the attack, upon leaving the police station, where he had been taken after he was arrested at the meeting of the union bakers. After the raid the sailors escaped, but the soldier was arrested and identified by Cook, but was released by the policemen.


[Photograph of New York Call, page 1, May 2, 1919, added.]



Quote EVD re Unity for May Day 1919, fr SPA Program

The Butte Daily Bulletin
(Butte, Montana)
-May 1, 1919
-May 2, 1919
-May 3, 1919

The New York Call
(New York, New York)
-May 2, 1919

See also:

1919 May Day Speech
by Eugene V. Debs

The Butte Daily Bulletin

New York Call

New York Call, May1-3, 1919
May 1, 1919
May 2, 1919
May 3, 1919

May Day
A Short History of the International Workers’ Holiday 1886-1986

-by Philip S. Foner
(search: 1919)


Which Side Are You On? Remix – Rebel Diaz

Lyrics by Florence Reece