Hellraisers Journal: “May Day and the Revolution” by Eugene Victor Debs


Quote EVD, SPA Campaign Opens, Riverview Park, Chicago, June 16, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday May 1, 1914
“May Day and the Revolution” by Eugene V. Debs

From The Goltry News (Oklahoma) of May 1, 1914:

May Day and the Revolution

(By Eugene V. Debs.)

EVD Life Size Photo by Jas Soler, ISR p1044, May 1910

We are again about to celebrate the annual holiday of the International Socialist Movement. The thrill of May Day is even now in our veins and our hearts beat faster as we contemplate the glad tiding of this day to the workers of the world. 

May Day is above all days in the year the day of the working class; the day of rejoicing and fraternal greeting; the day of high hope and lofty aspiration; the day of national and international celebration.

Not yet have we of the United Stales risen to the heights of this grand occasion and given to May Day its revolutionary significance as have our comrades in European and other nations; not yet have we grasped the full and splendid meaning of this day to our class and to humanity, but this year I trust our celebration may be worthy of the day and that this jubilee of the working class may resound from coast to coast with the glad tidings of the coming revolution.

May Day was not granted as a boon to the workers by their patronizing masters to tranquilize their discontent, but was chosen and set apart by themselves as the day upon which to arouse themselves from their lethargy, lift up their weary bodies from the earth, clasp hands with their fellow workers, and solemnly vow to break their fetters and emancipate themselves from slavery. 

May Day is henceforth emancipation day for the working class. On this day the revolution breathes the breath of life into the nostrils of the workers and the awaking pulsing workers recruit with eager, passionate spirit the swelling ranks of the revolutionary movement.

Each and every industrial center and each agricultural district should this year join the May Day celebration and make its observance so general and fill it with such ardor and enthusiasm as to compel attention to the program of the day and the significance of the event. The very thought that labor’s holiday has been internationally proclaimed and will be celebrated by the workers of every nation on the face of the earth; the very contemplation of the fine spirit of the day and the eager greeting of comrades to comrade and nation to nation, voiced in every tongue known to man and borne to us on every tide and every breeze, is of itself enough to thrill us in every fiber and set every drop in our veins tingling with the fervor of international solidarity.

On this day of the downtrodden masses the inspiring message that Socialism brings to them must be heard around the world. The electrifying shibboleth of Marx must be echoed and re-echoed everywhere:

“Workers of the world unite: you have nothing to lose but your chains. You have a world to gain.”

Unity and solidarity must be the watchword of the day. Industrial and political organization of the workers, all the workers, regardless of race, sex or creed, must be urged with all the force and persuasiveness at our command. Without organization the struggle is vain and the cause lost. The commonwealth of the workers that is to be must be organized primarily in the industries where they are employed and the time to do that is now, and May Day is the day to emphasize its supreme necessity.

The political power of the workers must also be developed through the Socialist Party, the only party organized and controlled by themselves; the only party which represents their interests, expresses their aspirations, and fights their battles in the war for emancipation.

May Day, pregnant with new and bounding life and rapture of resurrection, is the glorious harbinger of the social revolution, the gleaming promise of industrial freedom and social justice to all the WORKERS of the WORLD.

May Day Red Special International, Goltry OK Ns p2, May 1, 1914

[Photograph of Debs and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Fifteen Years Since 1886, Chicago Tribune Reports May Day Strikes for Eight-Hour Day in Many Cities


Quote Albert Parsons, Chicago, Nov 11, Alarm p1, Nov 19, 1887—————

Hellraisers Journal Thursday May 2, 1901
Fifteen Years Since May Day 1886, Nation’s Workers Strike for Eight-Hour Day

Albert and Lucy Parsons, Leaders in Chicago during
1886 Nationwide May Day Strike for  Eight-Hour Day:

Albert n Lucy Parsons, Essex Co Hld p1, Nov 18, 1887, Rck Isl Dly Arg p2, Mar 10, 1887

From The Chicago Daily Tribune of May 2, 1901:

May Day Marked by Walkout of
Union Men of Varied Crafts.

Building Trades Most Affected, the Employes
Demanding Increases in Pay.


May day strikes of union workers in all parts of the country were numerous, yesterday, although there was no general walkout in any line of skilled labor. In nearly all cases the points at issue were local differences respecting hours or wages. The eight-hour and Saturday half holiday movements showed gains in strength, many unions insisting that the shorter day be granted at once. The one strike most menacing is that of the machinists at Buffalo, N. Y., where a 9-hour day with no decrease in pay was demanded. It is claimed that this fight will be taken up by the local organizations throughout the United States, Canada. and Mexico, and that a general walkout is likely on May 20.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Fifteen Years Since 1886, Chicago Tribune Reports May Day Strikes for Eight-Hour Day in Many Cities”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Liberator: “May Day in Ft. Leavenworth,” Socialist, IWW, & Anarchist Prisoners Celebrate


Quote EVD re Unity for May Day 1919, fr SPA Progam———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 8, 1919
May Day Celebrated at Ft. Leavenworth by Reds of All Stripes

From The Liberator of June 1919:

May Day in Ft. Leavenworth

By a Socialist C. O.

May Day in USA by M Becker, Liberator p28, June 1919

WHILE Cleveland was having its fatal May Day demonstration and while other free American cities were engaged in bloody rioting and fighting between citizens and police, with soldiers pitching in on both sides and shavetail ex-officers going into “action” for the first time, the militant Socialists imprisoned in Fort Leavenworth were observing the international revolutionary Labor Day under U. S. military sanction.

The open air red flag parade was witnessed by a crowd of soldiers who offered no opposition but viewed it with apparent approbation. The one day stoppage of prison work by the celebrants met with the approval in advance of the prison authorities who made special arrangements to permit the rebel group to assemble and observe the day. Civilians and Q. M. sergeants and children on their way to school looked with amazement on the unprecedented prison scene as it unfolded itself behind the double lines of barbed wire surrounding the stockade-annex of the Disciplinary Barracks.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Liberator: “May Day in Ft. Leavenworth,” Socialist, IWW, & Anarchist Prisoners Celebrate”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Butte Daily Bulletin: From Paris to Cleveland, May Day Parades and Meetings Attacked


Quote EVD re Unity for May Day 1919, fr SPA Progam———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday May 5, 1919
Butte, Montana – The Bulletin on “Bomb Plot” Frame-Up and May Day “Riots”

The following reports and opinion pieces are from The Butte Daily Bulletin, published May 1st, May 2nd and May 3rd, and covering the dramatic events surrounding May Day 1919.

From The Butte Daily Bulletin of May 1 1919:

May Day Bomb Plot, Btt Dly Bltn p1, May 1, 1919

Packages Sent to Several Government Officials
and Citizens Throughout U. S.
Contained Explosives.

(Special United Press Wire.)

Washington May 1.-What is believed by the officials to be a wide spread attempt on the lives of members of Wilson’s cabinet has just been discovered. Seventeen packages being held in the postoffice at New York were found to contain explosives. it is not known how many have already passed through the mail.

The packages were addressed to officials throughout the United States among whom were; Postmaster-General Burleson, Secretary of Labor Wilson, Attorney-General Palmer, and Commissioner-General Palmer, and Commissioner-General of Immigration Caminetti. There were also packages addressed to John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, New York Commissioner Howe, Mayor Hylan of New York, Governor Sproul of Pennsylvania, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, District Attorney Fickert of California and his assistant, Edward Cunha. The bombs were similar to the ones received by Mayor “Ole” Hanson of Seattle and former Senator Hardwick of Georgia. The packages all bear the label of Gimble Bros., a New York department store, but the officials of the store declare they are imitations.

Fear is expressed that some of the packages may have had sufficient postage to insure their delivery through the mails and may be enroute to their intended victims. It is noted that virtually all the prominent men to whom the packages were addressed are concerned one way or another with the immigration problems. A warning has been issued by the postoffice department to all postoffice inspectors and superintendents in charge of the railway mail service to watch for any bombs that may still be in transit. If has not been ascertained, the officials state, whether any bombs have been sent to the Americans who are attending the peace conference.

Friends of Edward Cunha delivered the package to him at his sick bed, thinking that it was a present for him. The package was only partly opened when their suspicions were aroused and the package was not opened until later. When the contents were disclosed they were found to contain sulphuric acid and explosives similar to that received by Mayor Hanson. Ficket’s package was left unopened.


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Hellraisers Journal: In Celebration of May Day 1918: a Drawing by the Great Walter Crane and a Poem by Big Bill Haywood


You, O, Men and Women and Children of Labor,
You can end forever the wrongs your class has endured,
You have but to think within yourselves,
You have but to act within your class,
You must organize as you work together.
Think, Organize, Act Together.
Industrial Freedom will come to all.
-Big Bill Haywood


Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday May 1, 1918
For May Day: Workers May Pole with Message from Bill Haywood

Workers May Pole for 1894 by Walter Crane:

May Day 1894, Workers May Pole by Walter Crane, Cartoons for Cause, 1907



Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: In Celebration of May Day 1918: a Drawing by the Great Walter Crane and a Poem by Big Bill Haywood”