Hellraisers Journal: Miss Gurley Flynn, Dressed as Miner, Visits Mine with P. W. Flynn, President of Butte Miners’ Union


Quote EGF, My Aim in Life, Spk Rv p7, July 8, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday July 26, 1909
Butte, Montana – Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Visits Mine with P. W. Flynn

The following is a photograph of Miss Flynn and P. W. Flynn (on her left), President of the Butte Miners’ Union, Local No. 1 of the Western Federation of Miners. The photograph was taken June 16th during a visit to one of Butte’s many mining operations. Sadly, the others in the photograph remain unidentified to this date.

EGF, Butte Mine w PW Flynn, June 16, 1909, Rebel Girl p98

Miss Flynn describes the visit:

President Flynn and a committee…escorted me down into a mine. We donned miners’ caps and overalls to make the trip. The mine was so deep that the earth was actually hot. They also took me through a smelter, where a friendly worker ran an iron bar an inch or two into the molten copper and then cooled and hardened it [and gave it to her as a souvenir].

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Miss Gurley Flynn, Dressed as Miner, Visits Mine with P. W. Flynn, President of Butte Miners’ Union”

Hellraisers Journal: “Treason and Sedition” of Editor Stewart Leads to Suppression in Idaho of the Mullen Mirror


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege, Ab Chp III———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday July 16, 1899
“Treasonous and Seditious” Speech Sends Editor Stewart to Wardner Bullpen

From the Duluth Labor World of July 15, 1899:

Free Speech Mullen Mirror Editor Stewart, LW p1, July 15, 1899


Writing of the imprisonment of Editor Stewart of the Mullen (Idaho) Mirror and the suppression of his paper on the charge of treason and sedition, J. J. Noll says in the People’s Paper:

His criticism was an honest objection, honestly expressed, to Gen. Merriam’s shutting men up in box cars and cattle pens, and imposing such indignities and sufferings on them that four of them died outright and a number are on the verge of the grave. Is this governor and this general made of such stuff that one may not voice an objection to their methods of treating human beings. Can it be that a uniform and a majority vote converts ordinary mortals into gods?

Here is some of the treason and sedition uttered by Editor Stewart:

The “authorities” are declaring that they are handling the affair at Wardner as expeditiously as possible. That may be true. They say that the men are being examined as fast as they can be reached. That may be true. But what compensation will be made to the hundreds of men who have been falsely imprisoned in box cars and a vile filthy barn for from five days to four weeks, herded like sheep in a pen; taken from their work in the mines and mills with no chance to change their wet, heavy mine and mill garments for dry ones? How will the state compensates these men arrested at the bayonet point, while in the peaceful pursuit of their daily toil, given no chance to show whether or not there was any reason why they should be arrested at all? What excuse or compensation will the state make to those men who are released after being subjected for weeks to indignities, insults and abuses such as are said to be accorded political prisoners in Russian Siberia.

* * *

But why were they imprisoned at all? and why treated as convicts before they were given a hearing? The governor may be a hero in the dollar blinded eyes of the Spokane Review, and in “American official life” heroes are scarce, but heroes of the Review stripe are easily procurable for money—and the Standard Oil company has lots of money. Steunenburg has acted the paltroon in the matter from the start. He sent a fool to spy out the situation and bind the state to the oil company and hasn’t the courage to break the fetters that bind him.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Treason and Sedition” of Editor Stewart Leads to Suppression in Idaho of the Mullen Mirror”

Hellraisers Journal: Witness at Corcoran Trial Will Not Make Positive Identification Despite Threat Made by Mine Owners


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege, Ab Chp III———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday July 15, 1899
Wallace, Idaho – Trial of Paul Corcoran, Secretary Burke Miners’ Union

From The San Francisco Call of July 12, 1899:

Cannot Positively Identify Corcoran.


It Is the Attempt of One of the
Owners of the Standard Mine
to Compel the Witness to
Stick to His First Story.

Special Dispatch to The Call.

Paul Corcoran, Sec Burke ID Miners WFM, Hutton p186, pubd 1900

WALLACE, Idaho, July 11.—In the trial of Paul Corcoran for the killing of James Cheyne the prosecution this morning called John Clark as a witness. Clark testified that he had been recording secretary of the Burke union, but had not attended the two meetings prior to the day of the riot. On that day he was at Mace, where the Standard mine is located, and when the train bearing the men from Burke came along he boarded it and went to Wardner. He went up into the town of Wardner and did not witness the lawless acts perpetrated on that day, but returned to Burke on the train which bore the returning rioters.

Witness said that when the train was nearing Wallace on the return trip he believed he saw the defendant sitting on top of a boxcar. At the time the witness testified before the Coroners jury he swore positively to the identity of the defendant, but since that time he had come to believe that he might be mistaken, and could not now identify Corcoran as being the man he saw on the car, although he had been acquainted with the defendant for more than three years.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Witness at Corcoran Trial Will Not Make Positive Identification Despite Threat Made by Mine Owners”

Hellraisers Journal: The Northwest Tour of IWW Organizer Elizabeth Gurley Flynn-From Chicago, to Butte, to Spokane


Quote EGF, Life and Liberty, Btt Inter Mt p1, June 14, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday July 4, 1909
The Northwest Tour of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn for June 1909

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of June 3, 1909:


My husband, J. A. Jones, has written to me from Cobalt [Ontario] saying he owes $2.50 to the Industrial Worker, but that he is “broke” and asking me to forward the amount to you. Enclosed please find money order for same.

The Industrial Worker is a splendid paper, the only revolutionary sheet in this country, and deserves unqualified success. The May Day issue was fine, went like hot cakes here in Chicago, was well liked by all who read it. I am expecting to be out in the Northwest in about a month’s time if the plans for my trip go through all right, when I will have the pleasure of meeting you and all the fellow workers of that part of the country who are the hope of the Industrial Unionists every where, at present.

[Emphasis added.]

From The Spokane Press of October 7, 1908
-Gurley Flynn and Jack Jones Arrive in Chicago:

EGFand JA Jones Beat Freights to Chg IWWC, Spk Prs p2, Oct 7, 1908

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Northwest Tour of IWW Organizer Elizabeth Gurley Flynn-From Chicago, to Butte, to Spokane”

Hellraisers Journal: Four Part Series from San Francisco Examiner: E. H. Hamilton on Tyranny in Idaho, Parts III & IV


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege, Ab Chp III———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday June 30, 1899
Edward H. Hamilton Reports from the Coeur d’Alene Country, Parts III & IV of IV

From the San Francisco Examiner of June 28 & 29, 1899:

ID Bullpen, EHH No Free Speech, Tyranny Runs Riot, SF Exmr p1, June 28, 29, 1899

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Four Part Series from San Francisco Examiner: E. H. Hamilton on Tyranny in Idaho, Parts III & IV”

Hellraisers Journal: Four Part Series from San Francisco Examiner: Edward H. Hamilton on Tyranny in Idaho, Part II


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege, Ab Chp III———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday June 29, 1899
Edward H. Hamilton Reports from the Coeur d’Alene Country, Part II of IV

From the San Francisco Examiner of June 27, 1899:

Note: Sadly, it was thought necessary by The Examiner to specify that the soldiers committing acts of terror against the miners in the bullpen are “Blacks” or “Negro troopers,” but whenever white soldiers and/or deputized company gunthugs commit acts of terror against strikers, the race of those perpetrators of despotism is never mentioned.

ID Bullpen, Edward H Hamilton, SF Exmr p1, June 27, 1899


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Four Part Series from San Francisco Examiner: Edward H. Hamilton on Tyranny in Idaho, Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks on Life and Liberty at Butte Miners’ Day Celebration


Quote EGF, Life and Liberty, Btt Inter Mt p1, June 14, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday June 18, 1909
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn at Butte Miners’ Day Celebration

From The Butte Inter Mountain of June 14, 1909:

EGF, Miners Un BD, Btt Inter Mt p1, June 14, 1909
EGF Speaks, Miners Un BD, Btt Inter Mt p1, June 14, 1909

The Butte Miners’ union has never had a more auspicious birthday than was today, its thirty-first. Thirty thousand people thronged the streets along the line of march and cheered the 2,000 miners and the 1,500 other union members who turned out in tribute to the parent union body of them all, so far as this city is concerned.

Flag day, too, secured its recognition, both from those who joined in the parade and those who watched it. The American flag was borne at the head of every union body. Nearly every individual member wore a tiny flag fast to the lapel of his coat, and it was to be noticed that the official badges of many of the organizations have in them the national colors, and particularly is this true of the Miners,’ union badge.

The parade was one of the longest that has ever taken place here, requiring an hour and five minutes to pass a given point. It started from the corner of Main and Copper streets at 10 o’clock, 30 minutes later than had been intended, but that is a remarkably small delay and speaks well for the able manner in which the bodies which swung into line were handled.

The line was led by a squad of 20 policemen, commanded by Sergeant Brinton. Following them cam President Flynn of the Miners’ union, grand marshal of the day, and his two aides, Robert Crane and John Harrington, all mounted. Immediately behind them marched the Boston & Montana band, once again under the leadership of Sam Treloar.

Next in line were 40 men, members of the Laundry Workers’ union, and behind them 26 carriages, all filled with women members of the Laundry Workers and members of the Woman’s Protective union.

The Clerks’ union turned out 500 strong and brought up the rear of the first division of the parade, which was in charge of John Connelly and Angus McLeod.

The second division in charge of Michael O’Brien and Eli Koskeli, was head by Butte City band, which was followed by the Mill & Smeltermen’s union , of whom there were 80 in line. Engineers’ union No. 83 came next, and nearly as strong in numbers. The Workingmen’s union, the Bartenders’ union and the Bricklayers’ union were also in this division, and the county and city officials in five carriages brought up the rear.

Then came the third division of the parade, the Miners’ union exclusively, headed by the Montana State band, and in charge of Joseph Shannon, Joseph Little, James R. Robinson and Tim Driscoll.

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, the orator of the day, occupied a carriage immediately following the band.

The miners marched four abreast and each one of his left breast wore the official badge of the union. There were just 1,000 men in the first section of the division. The second section was headed by a fife and drum corps, and first in line behind that came a four-horse carryall for old and disabled miners, who are always given a place of honor in the parade.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks on Life and Liberty at Butte Miners’ Day Celebration”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Monster Mass Meeting Held in Tombstone on Behalf of Mexican Patriots


Quote Mother Jones Save Our Mexican Comrades, AtR p3, Feb 20, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday June 14, 1909
Tombstone, Arizona – Citizens Protest Conviction of Mexican Revolutionaries

From the Appeal to Reason of June 12, 1909:

Monster Mass Meeting in Tombstone, Ariz.,
Petitions Taft for Pardon for Mexican Patriots.

Mex Rev, Villareal Magon Rivera, Barbarous MX p307, 3rd ed 1910

Had it not been for the corporation influences in Arizona it is very unlikely that Magon, Villarreal and Rivera would have been convicted of the charge of conspiring to violate the neutrality laws of the United States. The organized miners and the unprejudiced farmers and stockmen were quite certain that the neutrality laws had not been violated by anybody-not even by Mexican peons who occasionally crossed the line into the United States for the purpose of buying arms and ammunition with which to prosecute the revolution against Dictator Diaz-and clearly not by the leaders of the junta of the Mexican liberal party, who admittedly were in Canada when the conspiracy was alleged to have been made. With the exception of mine managers, superintendents, shift bosses and corporation hirelings, including Pinkerton and Furlong detectives, virtually every persons in Arizona was in sympathy more or less pronounced with the cause for which Magon and his associates stood.

In Tombstone at the beginning of the trial there was some division of public sentiment, though the majority of those who expressed themselves were convinced of the innocence of the prisoners. As the trial progressed and the weakness of the prosecution became manifest expressions of sympathy for the Mexican prisoners were more frequent. The last day of the trial virtually every person in Tombstone declared the Magon, Villarreal and Rivera were innocent and that the jury ought not to have to leave the box to make up a verdict of acquittal. There were no bets made the last day, as there were no takers. The detectives, Mexican consuls, spies, thugs and gunmen employed by the United States government in its prosecution of the defendants kept together and stayed close around their headquarters; these were the only fellows who desired the conviction of the Mexicans.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Monster Mass Meeting Held in Tombstone on Behalf of Mexican Patriots”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for May 1909: Found in Peoria, Illinois & Girard, Kansas


Quote Mother Jones, Ladies Women, NYT p3, May 23, 1914———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 13, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for May 1909:
-Found Arriving in Girard, Kansas, at End of May

Mother Jones w edit crpd ag, Dnv Rck Mt Ns p2, Feb 28, 1909

Throughout the month of May, we found Mother Jones within the pages of the Appeal to Reason where she was announced as a featured speaker, along with Eugene Debs, at the Kansas Socialist Women’s Conference scheduled for June 4th and 5th. The May 29th edition of the Appeal reported that:

Mother Jones reached Girard yesterday and says that unless she is obliged to return to Washington before the day set for our conference she will gladly assist.

Mother was also found May 19th speaking at the Switchmen’s convention held in Peoria, Illinois.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for May 1909: Found in Peoria, Illinois & Girard, Kansas”