Hellraisers Journal – Sunday September 28, 1902 “The Anthracite Coal Strike” by Comrade William Mailly, Part II
From the International Socialist Review of August 1902:
The Anthracite Coal Strike.
[-by William Mailly] ———-
[Part II of II]
Socialist Spirit, July 1902 Comrade Mailly, now in field of great anthracite coal strike.
This somewhat lengthy and yet incomplete explanation of the strike situation has been necessary in order that outsiders can understand why the Socialist agitators received such a warm welcome in the strike region. We came with a new message to the strikers and they heard us gladly. Thrown into the position of fighting simply to save the union that had protected them for two years, harassed and antagonized by the business men whom they had formerly believed their friends, deserted and deceived by the politicians who had always proclaimed themselves their champions, misrepresented and discouraged by the papers they had always supported, they were ready to listen to those who came and spoke the truth. In my experience I have never seen men who listened so eagerly and with such unfeigned enthusiasm to the Socialist presentation of the situation as did these strikers.
But the way had been prepared for us. “Mother” Jones had not been through the region for nothing. Everywhere she had left a trail of Socialist books and papers behind her. Few of the officials but had subscribed for a paper, and many of the miners received one she had subscribed for for them. And “Mother” Jones’ name is a talisman that opens the hearts of the anthracite miners to any Socialist that comes to educate and not abuse.
Then National Secretary Greenbaum’s “strike bulletins,” following upon his messages of friendship to the miners’ conventions, had also familiarized the name of the Socialist Party. These bulletins were much appreciated and made a good impression.
It did not take long, therefore, for the Socialist agitators to secure a hearing. Nothing could more emphasize the different effect produced by the Socialist Labor Party [SLP] tactics and those of the Socialist Party [of America, SPA] than the treatment accorded our representatives. Wherever I went in the region I heard stories of how the S. L. P. agitators had made themselves obnoxious by their attacks upon the union and their efforts to disorganize the men. It sometimes became necessary to explain the difference in the parties to enquirers who classed all Socialists as “union wreckers.”
I think the members of the Socialist Party are justified in believing that the presence of their representatives in the field was beneficial to the strike and the miners’ union. We preached the necessity of Solidarity and explained the industrial situation so that the miners could not help but become imbued with an increased faith in themselves. They were not slow to acknowledge this, and to show their approval of what we said. It became a very easy matter to get up a meeting for a Socialist speaker and, in some cases, men were known to walk several miles to hear us. The Socialists presented the case with a force and clearness that went home and made, I am sure, a lasting impression, especially as the situation provided all the necessary features for Socialist arguments of unlimited length.
There was no antagonism to the Socialists exhibited by any of the officials. On the contrary, there was an evident desire to allow us to be heard, and local officials gave us much assistance. Personally I received a letter from President Mitchell introducing me to the locals, which, as representative of the “Worker,” was of great help to me. I did not have to use the letter to get up meetings. Just as soon as it was learned I was a Socialist and “all right,” meetings were arranged for me. There was no danger of not having anything to do.
Wherever Vail, Spargo, Geiger and Collins had spoken, the same encomiums of their work were heard. We had a clear field, for none of the capitalist party politicians were in sight, and the miners were in the mood for the truth. Collins couldn’t begin to organize locals fast enough, and he’ll probably never do harder or better work again. Fortunately, we had comrades at Carbondale and Wilkesbarre, who took advantage of every opportunity presented.
Two things are to be regretted. First, that more agitators could not be kept in the field, and second, that more literature and better facilities for handling it could not be provided. I was never more impressed with the necessity of a well-formed, efficiently conducted Socialist organization. The national and State officials of the party did their utmost, but their hands were tied for lack of funds. I am of the opinion that half a dozen good Socialist agitators, speaking different languages, following each other through the region, would do more toward winning the strike than all the money the Socialist Party can give to a strike relief fund. The demand for literature cannot begin to be filled. The miners are reading and discussing what they read as never before. Such an opportunity to reach a large number of workingmen so receptive and hungry for knowledge will seldom be presented again. As it is, we can feel that not only have we done our utmost to propagate Socialism, but we have also inculcated into the hearts and minds of thousands of workingmen the true spirit of the class struggle and some conception of the prevailing industrial phenomena.
A final word about the strike itself. That the conditions around the mines justify organization goes without saying. Nevertheless, I believe these conditions might have been endured a while longer if tyranny had not been exercised to such an extent. To be continually insulted and reviled when seeking redress, to be cursed by the boss and subjected to his open contempt, to be ignored by the employer when seeking recognition—this was more than the miners could stand forever. The union has offered them the only medium of expression for their grievances, the only form of protection from the domineering of under bosses and the larger tyranny of the operators they have ever had. The strike is the harvest of years of arbitrary and selfish corporate misrule.
Whatever the outcome may be, the fact that the fight is one to preserve the right to organize should be of encouragement to all Socialists. There is one thing also of which I am morally certain: that, even if the strike be lost, the union will not wholly be destroyed. It has the elements of permanency in it, for men like those to be found in the anthracite region are not conquered by one defeat. The union is there to stay, no matter how this strike may result or who the officers may be. The seed of Solidarity is too deeply planted to be uprooted and destroyed so easily as the mine owners wish. And if the Socialists have only succeeded in planting that seed a little deeper, this alone should recompense us for any money or energy expended during the strike.
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday August 21, 1902
Mother Jones News Round-Up for July 1902, Part V Judge Jackson Proves Himself a Coward, Afraid to Sentence Mother Jones
From the Duluth Labor World of July 26, 1902:
Judge Jackson, of United States Circuit Court, Passes Sentence -Fears to Sentence “Mother” Jones -President Mitchell Says Decision “Imperils the Rights of All Americans in the Courts.”
Judge Jackson, of the United States Circuit Court, at Parkersburg, W. Va., has held “Mother” Jones and seven other organizers and officials of the United Mine workers guilty of contempt of court in violating his injunction of June 19, prohibiting them from “making inflammatory speeches,” and has imposed a sentence of from thirty to ninety days upon all, with the exception of “Mother” Jones.
The injunction in question, which Judge Jackson issued, is directed at the right of free speech. It is a deadlier blow at American liberty and the rights of the masses of the people than has been struck for a long time. It is an outrage which cannot but make the blood of every working man boil with indignation.
Trade unionists know President John Mitchell, of the United Mine workers. They know him by reputation all over the land. They know that he has compelled even those on the capitalistic side to acknowledge that he is cool-headed, conservative, brainy and far-seeing. He is not given to loud talk or extravagant assertions. Yet President Mitchell says of the Jackson decision:
“It imperils the rights of all Americans in the courts.”
It takes something of more than ordinary significance to draw from President Mitchell such an accusation against one of the highest tribunals of justice in the United States. Even now the statement is dignified, and quiet, but for that very reason it carries all the more force with thinking men.
“The rights of all Americans in the courts” is imperiled by what? Trades unions? Strikes? Organized, labor? Boycotts? Oh, no! By the action of a man chosen to meet out justice from the bench of the United States Circuit court, which is next to the Supreme court itself the highest court of justice in the country.
In the case of “Mother” Jones, the judge suspended contempt. In doing so he said that she had been found guilty of contempt, “but as she was posing as a martyr, he would not send her to jail or allow her to force her way into jail.” No more insulting message to organized labor could have been given out than that comment on the case of “Mother” Jones, coming after his action on her case. If she were guilty, she deserved punishment just as much as the others. But, because, forsooth, she is well known among organized labor circles, and her imprisonment would call attention to the monstrous injustice of this ermined anarchist, he sneeringly remarks that he will not allow her to “pose as a martyr,” and turns her loose.
You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Thursday September 12, 1907
Mother Jones News for August, Part I: Arrives on Mesabi Range
During the month of August 1907, we found Mother Jones in Arizona continuing her work on behalf of the Western Federation of Miners. After a brief visit to Denver to congratulate William D. Haywood on his recent acquittal, Mother turned up briefly in Chicago and from there she traveled to Minnesota’s Mesabi Range to support the W. F. of M. and the ongoing strike of the iron-ore miners of that region.
Today we present Part I of our Mother Jones News round-up for the month of August 1907. We will continue tomorrow with Part II.
From The Clifton Copper Era of August 1, 1907:
Mother Jones in Clifton.
The well known labor champion. Mother Jones, arrived in Clifton last Sunday evening and commenced on Monday with a series of open air meetings, which will be continued throughout the week. She is a white-haired lady of seventy years and has spent the most of her life in the interest of the laboring classes. She is the best feminine speaker that has ever appeared in Clifton and outside of a few strong remarks about companies her talks so far have been very mild, and not what was expected of her.
In some of her talks she drifted back into ancient history among the laboring classes and brought it out to the present time. The main object of her visit here is to give advice to the Mexican laborers, some of whom have taken part in the recent strike at the A. C. smelter. She is a rugged old lady and her voice is exceedingly well suited for the position which she occupies. She has had vast experiences with the laboring classes, having taken active part in almost every strike that has occurred in the United States.
Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday May 1, 1907
From the Appeal to Reason: Thoughts on May Day and The Red Flag
William D. Haywood writes to the Appeal from the Ada County Jail:
May Day of all the year is the most momentous to the workers of the world. In every civilized country the first of May is recognized as International Labor Day. On this day thought-waves are carrying around the globe messages of love and encouragement. “The world is my country man is my brother,” expresses the sublime sentiment of a world-wide fraternity in every land where men and women are straining under the galling chains of oppression. This noble thought quickens the soul and kindles the spark of hope in the breast of the heavy laden.
Brave hearts of every clime are beating in unison and millions of feet are keeping step in the onward, upward march to industrial liberty.
This era of evolution is blotting out racial and national hatreds, the toilers are awakened and conscious of the truth that sufferings now endured are but the labor pains that foretell the new democracy to be born.
You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Thursday January 10, 1907
Mother Jones Found Featured in Socialist and Labor Press
As to the actual whereabouts of Mother Jones during the month of December 1906, we could find very little. However, we were able to find her featured in an article in the Appeal to Reason and as the author of an article in the Duluth Labor World. The article in the Appeal details the campaign, last fall, of William Dettrey in Pennsylvania where he ran as the Socialist candidate for the U. S. House of Representatives from Luzerne County. The article notes the hard work done by Mother Jones during that campaign and the lack of interest shown by the two most famous union leaders in the American labor movement.
I have been on the firing line
of the industrial battle for years,
and when democratic bullets shot workingmen,
their blood watered the highways just the same
as when republican bullets shot them.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Thursday November 8, 1906
Mother Jones Found Campaigning in Pennsylvania During October
From The Worker of October 6, 1906:
Comrades the country over will be pleased to learn that Mother Jones is soon to be once more in the field [having recovered from a recent illness] and from now till election will divide her time between the 18th Illinois (Speaker Cannon’s) and the 11th Pennsylvania Congressional Districts, in which National board members of the United Mine Workers of America are candidates for Congress on the Socialist ticket, namely: John Walker and William Dettry.
[Photograph added.]
Mother Jones, Grandmother of Agitation:
Contributions to the National Agitation Fund are reported:
…Mother Jones, gathered a field, $180…
Note: the other contributors donated between $10 and 50 cents, with the exception of the International Union of Brewery Workmen of America which donated $500.
You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Thursday October 11, 1906
Mother Jones Found in Oklahoma & Indian Territories During September
From the Tulsa Daily World of September 2, 1906:
Socialist Agitator Will Make Addresses
in Indian Territory.
Durant, I. T., Sept 1.-Mother Jones, of Philadelphia, who is well known from Maine to California, as a socialist agitator of great prominence, was greeted at Shuler Park last night by a large and enthusiastic audience, many of the people coming from a distance. The speaker was introduced by R. M. Coon. Mother Jones in her address principally talked upon the labor struggles which her party declares is in existence. She is a fluent talker and is very emphatic in her denunciations. Her remarks were at all times heartily applauded. She will leave today for Madill, where she will address a socialist meeting tonight.
You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Thursday September 20, 1906
Mother Jones Found in Arkansas and Texas During July
From the Little Rock Arkansas Democrat of July 3, 1906:
“Mother” Jones, one of the most prominent and most widely known of the Socialist contenders, will deliver an address at Old Concordia Thursday night. It will be her first visit to Little Rock, and she is sure to attract a large audience.
From The Arkansas Democrat of July 6, 1906:
Well-Known Leader of Socialist Propaganda
Delivered Lecture at Old Concordia-
Aggregations of Wealth and
All Political Parties Condemned.
“Mother Jones” talked to a large audience last night at Old Concordia Hall on Socialism. She touched on all parts of the question, telling some of her experiences in the capital and labor fights for the last thirteen years, in which she has nearly always been more or less concerned. She has been jailed several times, on account of her activity in exhorting employes to stand up for their rights, and her encouragement of strikes, etc. Mrs. Jones had many a rap for the political party in power in the national government, paid her respects to Bryan, told of the greed and soullessness of Rockefeller and his “crew,” the steady gain in socialism everywhere, its beautiful points and the necessity of concerted action for the final overthrow of existing government and the establishment of the peaceful Socialistic rule, when “honor and work will be equally divided among the people.” “As it is the lower class has all the work and the honor, while the others have neither,” the speaker declared.
The working class and the employing class have nothing in common.
There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found
among millions of working people and the few, who
make up the employing class, have
all the good things of life
Monday August 6, 1906
From The Worker: Debs on Leaving the A. F. of L.
Over the past few days we have been offering the response made by Eugene V. Debs to questions posed by the New York Worker regarding the debate on the relation of the Socialist Party of America to the trades unions. Today’s installment concludes the series.
The Worker introduces what it calls a symposium:
The question of the relation of the Socialist Party to the trade unions having again attracted attention within our ranks, The Worker has inaugurated a symposium to which representative comrades are being invited to contribute, setting forth various points view.