Hellraisers Journal: New York City Trembles at Great Strike of 4000 Humble Street Cleaners-by Big Bill Haywood, Part II


Quote BBH One Fist, ISR p458, Feb 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday January 6, 1912
The New York City Street Cleaners Strike of November 1911, Part II

From the International Socialist Review of January 1912:



[Part II of II.]

ISR p391, Jan 1912

The city officials made every effort to break the strike, and although they resorted to the brutal tactics the employing and ruling classes are accustomed to use everywhere in like cases, they met with little success.

Detective agencies were enlisted and were paid $5 for each man they secured, the strikebreaker receiving for his services $3 per day. It requires at least three scabs to do the work of one husky garbage driver, in addition to the number of police required for guard duty. The change was an expensive experiment on the part of the city authorities.

There were many bitter popular demonstrations against the strikebreakers. One man was knocked senseless by a brick thrown from a near-by roof, and was then run over by a wagon that broke both of his legs. He died shortly after being taken to the hospital. A child was run over and killed by one of the mayor’s scabs. Some policemen were injured, but this is not worthy of particular mention, as they are all still alive. Many arrests were made and strikers were cruelly beaten.

 One of the chief lessons to be learned is the inefficiency of scab labor. This is obvious on every hand. While no particular skill is required in the collection of garbage and sweeping of streets, it requires a certain physical standard that is not reached by the casually employed, who do the work slowly, gingerly, spilling at least a third on the street in their clumsy efforts. This same inefficiency prevails in every shop strike, but there the bosses are able to furtively conceal their helplessness behind closed doors. The spirit of many a strike has been broken by apparent success which perhaps is as much of a failure as New York’s strike-breaking department.

ISR p393, Jan 1912

The importance of the least considered, even the scavenger in the machinery of modern living is another lesson to be learned. If this strike had occurred in the summer season the sweltering heat enveloping the piles of filth on the streets would have borne this home with deadly emphasis.

But the piles of garbage in the streets of America’s greatest city grew higher and higher. Abominable enough in other parts of town, the stench in east side streets was almost unendurable. So bad did the situation become that the Merchants’ Association issued an appeal to “good citizens” to come out and take the strikers’ places.

So frightened did the city officials become that they allowed the piles of garbage to be set afire, though this could not fail to do great damage to the streets and endanger lives and dwellings from flying sparks. Gaynor and Edwards declared they would never take the strikers back, but would turn over the street cleaning to· private contractors. Such is the deal handed to the workers under capitalist “municipal operation.”

The Socialist Party was quick to take a hand in the fight and held a big mass meeting in Cooper Union at which the treatment accorded the strikers was denounced.

The teamsters’ and truck drivers’ unions also pledged their “moral support,” but they didn’t give the strikers the kind of support they needed most. A general walk-out of all the teamsters in the city-“a stoppage of everything on wheels,” as one speaker put it-would have ended the fear of pestilence and won the garbage collectors’ strike for them in about one day. But that though “threatened,” never came.

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: New York City Trembles at Great Strike of 4000 Humble Street Cleaners-by Big Bill Haywood, Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Comrade: Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood, Socialists Propaganda with Aid of Lecture Wagon


Quote EVD, Own the Sun Meter On Every Sunbeam, AtR p4, Nov 3, 1900—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday January 2, 1902
Guy H. and Theodocia Lockwood Travel in Wagon, Lecture for Socialism

From The Comrade of January 1902:

The Comrade p89, Jan 1902

How to reach the vast population scattered in the towns and small cities-is certainly a problem worthy of any socialist consideration. To be sure, the Socialist  movement in the United States has not as yet assumed that proportion in the large, industrial centers to make propaganda in the country a matter of pressing necessity. But the movement, although small, must from the very start take cognizance of all kinds of conditions and lay the foundations accordingly.

It is in this light that recognition must be given to Guy H. Lockwood and wife, who are at the head of a movement to build and equip automobile lecture wagons, designed to travel from town to town in the service of the socialist movement. To spread Socialism is, of course, the aim. The Lockwoods are convinced that much propaganda can be carried on among the farmers, provided socialism is presented to them in an “acceptable” form. The automobile, it is claimed, is the cheapest and most attractive means to accomplish the work.

Guy H. Lockwood is very enthusiastic over his scheme. He feels quite sure that it will be a success, and his experience during the past few years ought to count for much. Since 1897 he has been travelling in a wagon drawn by a pair of horses and preaching Socialism under great diversity of circumstances.

The “van method” of reaching the masses is not by any means original with the Lockwoods. In California the socialists have tried it with much success. Previous to his going East, Job Harriman, Vice-Presidential candidate of the S. D. P. in 1900, was in full charge of a well-equipped wagon mission, and his splendid work as speaker and organizer was a great factor in giving the socialists of the Golden State a handsome increase of votes in 1898.

The Comrade p89, Jan 1902

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Comrade: Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood, Socialists Propaganda with Aid of Lecture Wagon”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for November 1911, Part II: Found Touring California and Speaking on Behalf of McNamara Brothers


Fresno Tb p1, Nov 22, 1911—————-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday December 16, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for November 1911, Part II
Found in California Speaking on Behalf of McNamara Brothers

From The Sacramento Bee of November 14, 1911:

Sac Bee p3, Nov 14, 1911

“MOTHER” Jones, known throughout the country as a forceful speaker on Socialistic and Labor questions is coming to Sacramento. She will be he principal speaker at the “Capital and Labor” drama that is to be staged in the Clunie Theater to-morrow night. It is announced in local labor circles that Mother Jones is to speak in defense of the McNamara Brothers, now on trial in Los Angeles for the alleged dynamiting of the Los Angeles Times.

The drama “Capital and Labor” that is to be played at the Clunie Theater to-morrow night is in the nature of a benefit for the strikers in the local shops. It will be under the personal direction of Paul Gerson who will be supported by William A. Lowery member of the Blacksmith’s Local of San Francisco, who will appear in the role of the black smith in the play.

The receipts from the play, it is understood, will go into an emergency fund. From this fund relief will be given those unskilled laborers who were not organized at the time the strike was called and who hence are not entitled to strike benefits.

The company which is to stage the play is made up of professional talent and a good production is expected.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for November 1911, Part II: Found Touring California and Speaking on Behalf of McNamara Brothers”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for November 1911, Part I: Found Involved in Conflict between Madero and Ricardo Flores Magón


Quote Mother Jones Save Our Mexican Comrades, AtR p3, Feb 20, 1909—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday December 15, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for November 1911, Part I
Found Involved in Conflict Between Madero and Magón

From the Appeal to Reason of November 4, 1911:

Mother Jones crpd ed, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910

Mexico.-The history of the Mexican revolution is too well known to need discussion here. Following the successful overthrow of Diaz there have appeared two tendencies of the working class movement in our sister republic. One of these, lead by [Ricardo Flores] Magon, is semi-anarchistic, while the other is socialistic. The Socialists have established a labor paper at the city of Mexico and both the Western Federation of Miners and the United Mine Workers have gone into the republic to organize the miners. Mother Jones is now there for that purpose, as is also Charles Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners. Madero has promised his protection. It is too early to make predictions as to the result.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

From Regeneración of November 4, 1911
-Page 4, English Section:

…..Our readers must pardon us for piling up, week after week, the evidence of Madero’s complete subjection to the money power, and we ourselves feel that every mind open to conviction must have become persuaded long ago of the truthfulness of the charges we have been making for the last eight months. Unfortunately such women as “Mother Jones” apparently can be still won over by a handshake from Wall Street’s president-elect, and communications from men who are intriguing day and night for Madero are still played up in Socialist publications. For the most part, however, the Socialist press has dropped the Mexican revolution like a hot potato, it will have to take it up again, and, it is to be hoped, from an amended standpoint…..


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for November 1911, Part I: Found Involved in Conflict between Madero and Ricardo Flores Magón”

Hellraisers Journal: McNamaras Sentenced; Darrow Criticized; Harriman Defeated in Election for Mayor of Los Angeles


Quote EVD re Dynamiting, Ipl Ns p8, Dec 4, 1911———————-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday December 7, 1911
Los Angeles, California – McNamaras Sentenced; Darrow Stung by Criticism
-Socialist Candidate for Mayor, Job Harriman, Defeated

From The San Francisco Call of December 6, 1911:

SF Call p1, Dec 6, 1911


SF Call p1, Dec 6, 1911

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: McNamaras Sentenced; Darrow Criticized; Harriman Defeated in Election for Mayor of Los Angeles”

Hellraisers Journal: From Terre Haute, Indiana: Debs Reacts to Confession of McNamara Brothers in Los Angeles


Quote EVD, Socialists n IU, Chg Sept 18, ISR p258, Nov 1910


Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday December 5, 1911
Terre Haute, Indiana – Eugene Debs Reacts to Confession of McNamara Brothers

From The Indianapolis News of December 4, 1911:


Socialist Candidate for Mayor of LA
Job Harriman, Socialist Candidate
for Mayor of Los Angeles

Socialist Leader Says
the McNamaras Do Not
Belong to His Party.

(Special to
The Indianapolis News.)

TERRE HAUTE, Ind., December 4.-Eugene V. Debs repudiates the assertion that the McNamaras are Socialists. Said he:

“The brothers are Democrats and Catholics, and that church is fighting the Socialist Party. We Socialists took the ground that they were to be regarded as innocent until proven guilty. We have nothing to apologize for; we never condoned dynamiting, but always condemned it. We simply tried to see that the brothers got a square deal, and especially because they had been kidnapped.

If the confessions had been held until after Tuesday [election day] the men would have been hanged. The mercy extended to them is the price paid for political effect in the election that day in Los Angeles.”

[Paragraph break and photograph added.]


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Terre Haute, Indiana: Debs Reacts to Confession of McNamara Brothers in Los Angeles”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for August 1911, Part I: Found Defended at Convention of Western Federation of Miners


Quote John ONeill in Defense of Mother Jones, WFMC p335, Aug 2, 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday October 26, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for August 1911, Part I
John O’Neill, Editor of Miner’s Magazine, Speaks in Defense of Mother Jones

From Proceedings of W. F. M. Convention, Butte, August 2, 1911: 

[Excerpt from Address of John O’Neill
-Editor of Miners Magazine]

Mother Jones crpd ed, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910

We [the W. F. M. executive board and the John O’Neill] have been arraigned by the Wallace committee because the editor deemed that he was justified to train the editorial guns of the Magazine on the dishonesty, immorality and drunkenness of J. Mahlon Barnes, the national secretary of the Socialist party. For some time the editor has known that the office of the Socialist party at Chicago could not be classed as a place fit for the inmates of a Sunday school, and in editorials of a general character, attempted to arouse the membership of the Socialist party to the fact that “something was rotten in Denmark,” and suggested that there should be a house–cleaning. Editorials of a general character are not feared by criminals, and it is only when an editor becomes specific and points out the crime and the criminal that there is heard a howl of indignation from men and women who realize that lightning is striking close to where they live. The editor who informs the people of a city that the community is infested with criminals, does not arouse the antipathy of the criminals, but when an editor brands John Jones as a burglar, Sam Brown as a foot–pad, and Jim Smith as a porch climber, such an editor, by striking close, is making it tropical for criminals. To say that the Socialist party needed fumigation officially or to declare that the Western Federation of Miners has a number of Pinkertons in its member ship, would arouse but little excitement; but when an editor points the finger of accusation at the culprits and names the crimes of which they are guilty, their masks of righteousness are pulled on and some people exclaim, “The editor has a personal grudge.”

The editor has no personal grudge against the secretary of the Socialist party, but when the report of an investigating committee which white–washed Barnes reveals the fact that twelve empty whiskey bottles were found in the office of Barnes, when the report of that committee shows that a stenographer of the gentler sex is found at hotels until long after midnight taking dictation from male members of the national committee of the Socialist party, and that when that report discloses that Barnes did not hold in his possession one single shred of positive evidence that he had liquidated the financial obligation that existed between himself and “Mother” Jones until he was forced to pay the obligation through a threat of an action in court, and when a quintet of conspirators who voted for themselves to serve on a committee, give angelic virtues to a “booze–fighter,” a blackmailer, and “ free–lover, ” the editor of the Miners’ Magazine concluded that it was time that members of the Western Federation of Miners who are socialists and pay per capita tax, should know something of the official conduct of the leading official of the Socialist party of America.

Had the report of the investigating committee which white–washed Barnes, cast no reflection on the honor of that silvery–haired woman who has been crowned the “Queen of the Miners,” the editor of the Miners’ Magazine might have refrained from using his pen to hold up to the arclight some of the frailties that affect the Socialist party officially, but when Barnes and his white-washing committee herald through a document published in the official bulletin of the Socialist party, that “Mother” Jones is a black–mailer, then no power on earth can restrain the editor of the Miners’ Magazine from denouncing such an infamy and defending the woman who has given the best years of her life to lift laboring humanity to a higher plane of civilization. That report of the investigating committee branded “Mother” Jones as a  black mailer,” and gave credentials of honor and integrity to the libel on manhood who had used his ingenuity in an attempt to bilk her out of the sum of $200.

I cannot forget that when the storm raged in Colorado, that when the members of the Western Federation of Miners in Cripple Creek and Telluride were torn from their homes, that when the wails of wives and the cries of children could be heard as they saw husbands and fathers brutally slugged by the hired thugs of the mine owners and driven at the point of the bayonet to bull–pens and freight trains, that “Mother” Jones, the woman blackmailed by Barnes and a subsidized committee, sent $500.00 to the Western Federation of Miners to help feed the women and children whose protectors were driven beyond the borders of the state by the brutal power of armed Hessians farmed out to a Mine Owners’ Association.

Will the committee of Wallace Miners’ Union and Globe Miners’ Union, tell me that the editor of the Miners’ Magazine shall remain mute and silent in the defense of a woman who has faced the injunctions of courts, been thrown into bull–pens and pest houses, and who never flinched or faltered before the rifles of State militia or federal troops in her loyalty to the cause of unionism? Shall the Wallace committee and Globe Miners’ Union tell me that I shall not wield my pen or raise my voice in resenting the aspersions cast upon the tried and true woman, who, for thirty years, has stood beneath the folds of labor’s flag to give the best that was in her to combat the machinations of corporate despotism and to lead men on labor’s battlefield closer to the goal of economic liberty? The editor is not an ingrate. Within his memory is treasured the history of the struggles and sacrifices of the dauntless woman, who even now in her 78th year, as her eyes are growing dim and her step faltering, is still fighting the cause of suffering humanity, and the editor refuses to shackle his pen or imprison his tongue and permit this woman to be maligned by a “booze fighter,” blackmailer and “free lover,” who has been Loramerized by a quintet of white–washers who voted for themselves to serve on an investigating committee .

[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for August 1911, Part I: Found Defended at Convention of Western Federation of Miners”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for July 1911, Found at Greensburg, Pennsylvania; Miners Meet to Call Off Strike


Quote Mother Jones, Greensburg PA Cmas 1910, Steel 2, p83—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday October 25, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for July 1911
Found at Greensburg, Pennsylvania, Where Miners Meet to Call Off Strike

From Pennsylvania’s Latrobe Bulletin of July 3, 1911:

The Calling Off of the Strike Is
Declared To Be In Sight

Greensburg the Scene of Special Convention.
Ten Delegates Are Present From the Local Union

Mother Jones crpd ed, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910

Behind closed doors, with Francis Feehan presiding, with Mother Jones, Van Bitner and others prominently identified with the strike present, the convention of miners is now on in full swing in Tonkay’s hall, at Greensburg

The Greensburg Tribune claims to have received authentic information from Indianapolis to the effect that the executive board decided that the strike should end.

Mother Jones, who is at the convention, was in attendance at the International board meeting, last week, and it is said that she made a plea for the strikers…..

[Photograph added.]

From the Pittsburgh Gazette Times of July 6, 1911:

Greensburg Westmoreland PA Miners Give up Strike in Irwin Field, Ptt Gz Pst p1, July 6, 1911

The long and bitter labor struggle of the coal miners in the Irwin-Greensburg field for recognition of the union was brought to a close yesterday. Locals of the United Mine Workers of America met and adopted a resolution to return to work. This action was taken under instructions from the international executive board of the United Mine Workers, which held a special meeting last Monday that resulted in the decision to call a meeting of the locals and order the return to work.

It is believed the miners welcomed the instructions from their executive board. They had been idle for 16 months, during which time many hardships were endured. When notice was served that the payment of strike benefits would cease next week, the men realized that their cause was lost and the struggle hopeless…..

The abrupt ending of the long strike resulted in a divided sentiment among union miners. When it became known yesterday that the locals had concurred in the action of their international executive board, the following circular was sent out to the various locals, signed by Robert Gibbons, Abe Kephart and Andrew Puskar of the miners’ organization of District No. 5:

The miners throughout the Irwin-Greensburg fields today held local meetings at which in every case a vote was taken to call off the strike which has lasted for 16 months. This was compulsory for these poor, misguided brothers, as the International Executive Board in session at Indianapolis headquarters last week voted to discontinue paying strike benefits to them and directed Francis Feehan to call their leaders and arrange to have the strike terminated without recognition or concessions whatever.

Meeting of Leaders.

A meeting of these leaders was held in Greensburg on Monday. International Board Members A. R. Watkins of Ohio, George Dagger of Western Pennsylvania, and Thomas Haggerty of Central Pennsylvania had been delegated to represent the International Union. Mother Jones told the International Board at Indianapolis that it had been a lost cause since last summer. But it was continued until there had been the loss of 18 lives and the useless expenditure of a $1,000,000 of the miners’ money, besides large donations from many of our people and others in sympathy……

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for July 1911, Found at Greensburg, Pennsylvania; Miners Meet to Call Off Strike”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for August 1901, Part I: Found Working Among the Miners of West Virginia, Organizing for U.M.W.A.


Quote Dorothy Adams re Mother Jones asleep moonlight, Tammany Tx p10, Aug 12, 1901—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday October 7, 1901
Mother Jones News Round-Up for August 1901, Part I
Found Organizing for United Mine Workers in West Virginia

From the Columbus Evening Dispatch of August 2, 1901:

Sent to West Virginia to Unionize Mine Workers.

Mother Jones, Drawing, SDH p4, Mar 9, 1901

According to information received at the local mine workers’ headquarters, an effort will be made to more thoroughly organize the miners of West Virginia during the next few months. It is understood that the national organization has sent a number of organizers into the field and will soon send more.

Those said to be working among the miners at the resent time are Thomas Burke, Edward Cahill, John H. Walker and “Mother Jones.” of organizing fame.

Heretofore the organization has had a great deal of difficulty in getting the men into line, but owing to the consolidation of a majority of the companies of the state, it is now thought that the men will agree to join the union.

[Photograph added.]


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for August 1901, Part I: Found Working Among the Miners of West Virginia, Organizing for U.M.W.A.”

Hellraisers Journal: West Virginia’s Mine Guard System: “The Hired Thugs of the Capitalists and Coal Operators”-Part II


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday October 2, 1911
West Virginia’s Mine Guard System, Brutal Thugs Hired by Coal Operators-Part II

From The Labor Argus of September 28, 1911:

HdLn re West Virginia Gunthugs, Lbr Arg p1, Sept 28, 1911

If there is a place on earth where every right of citizenship is ruthlessly tramped beneath the feet of the brutal tyrants, armed thugs and political traitors it is the nonunion and guard ridden coal fields of West Virginia. Since the introduction of the Baldwin detective agency into the New River and Cabin Creek coal fields, crime has increased instead of being suppressed. More crimes have been committed in Thurmond, Fayette Co. since the Baldwin Feltz detective agency have made it their headquarters than were ever know before, and all of these crimes are traceable to the detectives themselves. This Baldwin Detective Agency is nothing more than a legalized band of Molly-McGuires, commissioned by the Governor of the State and allowed to brutalize, rob and murder the unprotected citizen.

The murder of six or seven miners at Standford City [Stanaford Coal Camp], on Piney, in 1902 [February 25, 1903] by a posse of coal operators and thugs lead by United States deputy marshals was one of the most revolting and cold blooded murders of innocent working men that was ever committed. These poor miners were guilty of no crime; their only offence was they had dared to strike against conditions. The posse lead by deputy marshalls, went to Stanford City in the night arriving just before day light. The first, warning the miners had of their presence came when they were awaken from their sleep by the bullits fired through their thin board houses, by the cowardly posse, bent on murder. Men were shot down like dogs as they ran from the houses in their night clothes; several being killed outright and many more wounded.

An active union miner named Harless [Joe Hiser?] realized that it was death to leave shelter during the firing and remained in the house until after day light, but when he attempted to leave he was shot dead from ambush. Was anything done about this wholesale murder of the innocent? No, it was done in the name of the law. The authorities took the words of the men who did the murdering. But that was just, a beginning of the tyrannical rule of the outlaws.

[There follows a long “partial list of men who have been slugged, beat, robbed and murdered” by coal-company gunthugs.]

These are not all the crimes directly traceable to the detectives, as some will never be known and space will not permit us to enumerate them all. When these guards spot a man they wish to assault, they always try to pick a quarrel, or get into a controversy of some kind. An old trick of theirs is to slip an old pistol into their victims pocket, and arrest them for carrying concealed weapons, beat them up and take them before one of the fixed Justice’s and have the poor victim sent to jail for six months and fined all the money on his person.

All the crimes we have listed have been committed; we can name the guards guilty of the assaults and murders in many cases, but what have our authorities done to protect the life and liberties of these working men? Nothing. Not a man has been brought to account for any of these crimes.

The strong arm of the law is paralyzed and palsied when it comes to protecting the rights and lives of the working class, but let the property of the masters be endangered and you can see how quick the powerful arm of the law will be put into action.

Are conditions any worse than those pictured here in Russia or barborous Mexico? The coal baron rules West Virginia and our officials are but puppets to jump and do the bidding of their masters.

How much longer, Oh! patient and long suffering people are you going to submit to these damnable conditions? Have you and yours not suffered enough already? Then go to the polls next year and vote these conditions out of existence by voting the Socialist ticket. Elect the Socialist to office in Kanawha county in 1912 and it will be moving day with the guards.


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: West Virginia’s Mine Guard System: “The Hired Thugs of the Capitalists and Coal Operators”-Part II”