An article (see below) in the Everett Northwest Worker of August 23rd challenges the usual portrayal of recent rebellion in southeastern Oklahoma as being merely a riot caused by “slackers” bent on evading the draft. The rebellion was swiftly crushed and and the rebels rounded up.
From the San Bernardino News of August 14, 1917:
Here is the first actual photograph received of the “draft rebellion” in southeast Oklahoma, where hundreds of Indians, negroes and white tenant farmers took to the hills and wilds in an effort to evade army service. Picture shows eight draft rioters just brought in from the scene of a battle near Holdenville. Note carefully the types of men among the prisoners-the men who are leading this organized effort to defy the military army of Uncle Sam. Note, too, the ready rifles in hands of the possemen.
Their only crime consisted of opposing
the U. S. Steel trust on the Mesaba Range
in an effort to better the condition of the toilers.
-Local 65, I. W. W., Bisbee, Ariz.
Hellraisers Journal, Sunday December 3, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: News and View
From the “News and Views” section of this month’s Review, we found a few interesting stories: A Comrade in Oklahoma wins a new car by selling subscriptions to the Review. And Fellow Workers in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Bisbee, Arizona, support the Mesabi Range miners and I. W. W. organizers who are charged with first degree murder-their only crime being loyalty to the working class.
How I Won the Ford.— The best way to get subscribers is to “get them.” I believe it was about the 15th of September that I mailed in my first remittance to the REVIEW for subscribers with the thought of winning the Ford. The victory is a collective one and the car the collective property of myself and Comrade Dorothy Merts, she having secured something over two hundred subscribers on the car. Comrade W. J. Loe was the next highest among many who assisted us. The most effective way to get the subscribers is to talk REVIEW.
You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Thursday September 20, 1906
Mother Jones Found in Arkansas and Texas During July
From the Little Rock Arkansas Democrat of July 3, 1906:
“Mother” Jones, one of the most prominent and most widely known of the Socialist contenders, will deliver an address at Old Concordia Thursday night. It will be her first visit to Little Rock, and she is sure to attract a large audience.
From The Arkansas Democrat of July 6, 1906:
Well-Known Leader of Socialist Propaganda
Delivered Lecture at Old Concordia-
Aggregations of Wealth and
All Political Parties Condemned.
“Mother Jones” talked to a large audience last night at Old Concordia Hall on Socialism. She touched on all parts of the question, telling some of her experiences in the capital and labor fights for the last thirteen years, in which she has nearly always been more or less concerned. She has been jailed several times, on account of her activity in exhorting employes to stand up for their rights, and her encouragement of strikes, etc. Mrs. Jones had many a rap for the political party in power in the national government, paid her respects to Bryan, told of the greed and soullessness of Rockefeller and his “crew,” the steady gain in socialism everywhere, its beautiful points and the necessity of concerted action for the final overthrow of existing government and the establishment of the peaceful Socialistic rule, when “honor and work will be equally divided among the people.” “As it is the lower class has all the work and the honor, while the others have neither,” the speaker declared.
You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Thursday September 13, 1906
Mother Jones in Oklahoma and Indian Territories During August 1906
Today we take a look at the whereabouts and doings of Mother Jones for the month of August 1906. After recovering from a serious illness in Huntington, Arkansas, Mother spent the month of August stumping for the Socialist Party of America in the Oklahoma and Indian Territories. She was a featured speaker at the Socialist Party Convention, held jointly for both Territories in Oklahoma City.
From The Worker of August 4, 1906:
Party News.
Mother Jones is improving in health but it will be several weeks before she can leave the house of State Secretary Dan Hogan, Huntington, Ark.