Hellraisers Journal: Comrade Wins Car from the Review; AWO Raises Funds for IWWs Charged with Murder on Mesabi


Their only crime consisted of opposing
the U. S. Steel trust on the Mesaba Range
in an effort to better the condition of the toilers.
-Local 65, I. W. W., Bisbee, Ariz.


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday December 3, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: News and View

From the “News and Views” section of this month’s Review, we found a few interesting stories: A Comrade in Oklahoma wins a new car by selling subscriptions to the Review.  And Fellow Workers in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Bisbee, Arizona, support the Mesabi Range miners and I. W. W. organizers who are charged with first degree murder-their only crime being loyalty to the working class.

Comrade Clark Wins a Car, ISR Dec 1916

How I Won the Ford.— The best way to get subscribers is to “get them.” I believe it was about the 15th of September that I mailed in my first remittance to the REVIEW for subscribers with the thought of winning the Ford. The victory is a collective one and the car the collective property of myself and Comrade Dorothy Merts, she having secured something over two hundred subscribers on the car. Comrade W. J. Loe was the next highest among many who assisted us. The most effective way to get the subscribers is to talk REVIEW.

On the morning of the 7th of November I mailed the required remittance on subscribers to the REVIEW and a check was immediately forwarded to the Ford Motor Company of this city with instructions to deliver the car to me. You can see that I passed under the wire as a winner in less than sixty days from the first subscribers mailed in to the office.

The highest number of subscribers taken at any one meeting during the time I worked was sixty-eight. The job was so much to my notion of the most effective way to spread the gospel of red revolt that I am in to win another car.

You may say to the readers of the REVIEW in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Texas and New Mexico that I am ready to fill dates on a subscription basis for the REVIEW. If they want the work, write me at address below and I will state terms and conditions.

If any comrade wants to win a car he should impress on those solicited the advantages to the movement in getting work done in the most effective manner, and at the same time the cheapest way. There is a saving in railroad expenses in the use of a car and one is able to reach remote places with the message, and at the same time the REVIEW visits each subscriber for twelve months.

I appreciate the offer made by the INTERNATIONAL and thank all who assisted me in the work of winning.— Stanley J. Clark, Hadley Inn, Oklahoma City, Okla.

Record Ford Winner.— Stanley J. Clark, of Oklahoma, holds the speed record for winning the 1917 five-passenger Ford touring car for sending in 600 REVIEW subscriptions. We think it was just seven weeks after he sent in his first subscriptions that we mailed him a check for the Ford automobile. Comrade Clark writes that he feels sure he can win ANOTHER car. Why don’t you help the REVIEW along and win a Ford this winter? For 600 yearly REVIEW subs. we send a car free. All you have to do is to pay freight.

Tresca Scarlett Schmidt Defense Button, ISR Dec 1916

Miners Defense Button.—Show your support of and solidarity with the Mesaba Range miners by ordering one or more of these red buttons. Price, 15c apiece; 2 for 25c; 5 for 55c. In quantities, 10c postpaid. Address Forrest Edwards, A. W. O. [Agricultural Workers Organization] Box 1776, Minneapolis, Minn. The proceeds from the sale of these buttons go into the defense fund for the benefit of those who are charged with first degree murder on account of their activities in the recent strike.


Whereas, Mrs. Malitza Masonvitch, Philip Masonvitch, Gavilo Orlanditch, Jovo Chernogortchevitch, strikers, and Carlo Tresca, Sam Scarlett and Joseph Schmidt, organizers, are held in Duluth, Minn., on the charge of murder.

Whereas, Their only crime consisted of opposing the U. S. Steel trust on the Mesaba Range in an effort to better the condition of the toilers.

Resolved, That we protest against their unjust imprisonment and demand a fair and impartial trial that they may regain their freedom to which they are justly entitled.

And, That copies of this protest be sent to the President of the United States, the U. S. Commissioner of Labor, the Governor of Minnesota, the Sheriff of St. Louis county, the International Socialist Review, the Industrial Worker and Solidarity.— Local 65, I. W. W. [Industrial Workers of the World], Bisbee, Ariz.


[Stories above rearranged by subject.]


The International Socialist Review, Volume 17
-ed by Algie Martin Simons, Charles H. Kerr
Charles H. Kerr & Company,
July 1916-June 1917
ISR Dec 1916
News and Views

Comrade Clark Wins a Car, ISR Dec 1916
Tresca Scarlett Schmidt Defense Button, ISR Dec 1916
(See link above at News and Views.)

See also:

Tag: Minnesota Iron Miners Strike of 1916

The Rebel Girl: an autobiography, my first life (1906-1926)
-by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
International Publishers, 1973
Note: on page 213, EGF states that after she visited the AWO HQ in Minneapolis, the AWO then sent “several large sums directly” to the the organizers up on the Range.
