Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for September 1918 -West Virginia Miners and Families Hold Massive Labor Day Celebrations


Quote Mother Jones, Fear Not Organize, Rkfd Mrn Str p3, Mar 19, 1918

Hellraisers Journal, Friday October 18, 1918
Mother Jones News for September 1918
-Mother Found in West Virginia’s Fairmont Coal Field

From the Fairmont West Virginian of September 2, 1918:

On September 2nd Mother Jones spoke to 10,000 West Virginia miners and their families of the Fairmont Coal Field who gathered at Traction Park for a massive Labor Day Celebration.

Thousands of Them Attending
Six Big Picnics.

Many Organized Miners Walked
There From Monongah.

Mother Jones, Ft Wy Jr Gz p3, Dec 17, 1917

More than fifteen thousand organized miners of the Fairmont coal district are today celebrating Labor Day at six picnics held in this section of the state. Celebrations are being held at the following points in the Fairmont region: Traction Park, Enterprise, Jamison Mine, Flemington, Reynoldsville and Clarksburg.

Practically all of the United Mine Workers locals in this region are participating in the big celebration at Traction Park, which is expected to be the biggest Labor Day celebration in the state. It is estimated that fully ten thousand miners will attend the celebration at Traction Park today. In addition to the miners there will be many families, because practically all of the miners have made arrangements to attend the celebration with their families, taking with them filled baskets prepared to spend the entire day.

Miners from the Dakota, Rivesville, Robinson and Barnesville shaft mine assembled this morning at 7:30 o’clock, marching all the way from Rivesville to Fairmont, arriving here about 9:30 [a.m.] As they marched up Main street, accompanied by the Ira L. Smith drum corps, each miner carried an American flag, some carrying United Mine Workers flags. The body departed for Traction Park on special cars leaving for Traction Park at 10 o’clock. Reports from Dakota are to the effect that there will be 800 members of that local attend the Traction Park celebration, more than 300, from the Shaft mine, and a proportionate number from the other miners in that section. The mines along the Minnington line and between here and Clarksburg will be represented as well, each local attending in a body and making an effort to have a fine showing. The Monongah local, of about 800 members, the Everson local and other organizations only a short distance from the park will have a full attendance.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for September 1918 -West Virginia Miners and Families Hold Massive Labor Day Celebrations”

WE NEVER FORGET: The Martyrs of the Battle of Virden, October 12, 1898


See that I get a resting place in the same clay that shelters
the miners who gave up their lives on the hills of Virden…
I hope it will be my consolation when I pass away
to feel I sleep under the clay with those brave boys.
-Mother Jones

WNF Virden Oct 12, 1898

The Martyrs of Virden, October 12, 1898

I WNF Virden Martyrs Oct 12, 1898 Continue reading “WE NEVER FORGET: The Martyrs of the Battle of Virden, October 12, 1898”

Hellraisers Journal: “To-day was the saddest in Mount Olive’s history.”


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday October 16, 1898
Mount Olive, Illinois – Funerals Held for Virden Martyrs

From the Springfield Illinois State Journal of October 15, 1898:

Mount Olive Mourns

Schools and Stores Closed on the
Day of Miners’ Funerals.

Virden Martyr ernst Kaemmerer, Keiser Union Miners Cemetery at Mt Olive
Ernst Kaemmerer

Carlinville, Ill., Oct. 14-To-day was the saddest in Mount Olive’s history. Every business house in the town and the public schools were closed by proclamation of Mayor Fuchs. Not a shaft in the district was operated. The funeral services over the remains of Ellis Smith, Joseph Gitterle and Ernest Kamerer, the Mount Olive miners killed at Virden, were held in the opera house at 2 o’clock. Private services had been held earlier by the pastor of each denomination to which the dead miners belonged. The opera house was thronged. Services were conducted by W. D. Ryan, state secretary of the United Mine Workers. Attorney Thomas Williamson delivered the funeral oration. The line of march was taken up, headed by the Mount Olive band, followed by hearses with the three corpses. Two thousand visiting union men from Staunton, Gillespie, Hornsby, Litchfield, Sorrento, Worden and Glean Carbon, city officials, school children bearing flowers, and citizens. It was the largest procession of the kind ever known in Mount Olive and grief manifested was heart-rending.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “To-day was the saddest in Mount Olive’s history.””

Hellraisers Journal: Two More Miners Die Following Battle of Virden: E. F. Long of Mt. Olive & William Harmon of Girard


Quote Mother Jones re Virden Martyrs, Daily Worker, Oct 22, 1925~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hellraisers Journal – Friday October 14, 1898
Springfield, Illinois – Two Miners Breath Their Last

From the Springfield Illinois State Journal of October 14, 1898:

Miners Injured in Virden Battle
Die from Their Wounds.


Virden Massacre, E. F. Long, ab 1898, Keiser Un Mnrs Cem, 1980
Brother E. F. Long

Two of the miners who were shot during the Virden riot Wednesday died yesterday [Thursday October 13th] in St. John’s hospital. The names of the two men who swelled the list of fatalities to a dozen are: Ernest Long, aged 19 years, of Mt. Olive, and William Harmon, aged 49, of Girard.

Earnest Long breathed his last at 12:07 o’clock yesterday afternoon and William Harmon expired at 5:30 o’clock in the evening. Long was shot in the bladder, in the left leg, and twice in the right hip. His comrade, Harmon, was shot through the spine and lungs. Long is survived by his father, four sisters and two brothers. The remains were taken to Blach’s undertaking parlors where they were prepared for burial. Last night the body was taken to Mt. Olive for burial. the deceased was a member of the A. O. U. W., which order will have charge of the funeral service.

Th remains of William Harmon were taken to Foster’s undertaking parlors and prepared for burial. They will be taken to Girard at 6:45 o’clock this morning. A son of the deceased will accompany the remains home. Harmon was 49 years of age and is survived by a wife and five children.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Two More Miners Die Following Battle of Virden: E. F. Long of Mt. Olive & William Harmon of Girard”

Hellraisers Journal: Company Guards Open Fire on Miners at Virden, Illinois; Scene of Carnage Follows Fierce Battle


Its a sad blow to us. Father was
the head of a family of nine of us.
I don’t know what we will do now.
It will break their hearts at home.
-Young Son of Abe Breneman

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday October 13, 1898
Virden, Illinois – Striking Miners Shot Down by Company Guards

From Springfield’s Illinois State Journal of October 13, 1898:

Battle Virden, HdLn, Spgfld IL St Jr p1, Oct 13, 1898

(By J. E. Vaughn, Staff Correspondent.)

Virden. Oct. 12.-(Special.)-Mid-night.-Ten dead, one fatally wounded and twenty-five carrying gunshot injuries of a more or less serous character, is the result of Manager Fred Lukins’ determination to run the Chicago-Virden coal mine in his own way and the counter determination of the striking miners not to permit non-union men to operate the plant.

In battle, fierce and sharp and attended by an unusual number of casualties, the striking miners today came into contact with the men who are supporting the operator and drove them from the town, but at a cost which makes the victory a bitter one. Six of the strikers were killed by the superior weapons of the armed guards, while three of the guards, two on the train that conveyed them to the town, and one within the stockade, lost their lives…..



Virden, Oct. 12-(Special.)-The scenes that attended the removal of the dead miners from the field east of the stockade were pathetic in the extreme as soon as the firing had ceased and while there was still the greatest danger of a resumption of the fire from the stockade, shrieking, bare-headed women, their hair flying in the air, ran from the houses in the vicinity and rushed for the place where the miners had fallen, looking for their husbands and fathers. As they run they shouted curses at the men in the stockade and shook defiant fists at the grim tower from which had come the shower of lead.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Company Guards Open Fire on Miners at Virden, Illinois; Scene of Carnage Follows Fierce Battle”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for September 1908, Found in Kansas and Alabama


EVD Quote re Mother Jones, AtR, Nov 23, 1907


Hellraisers Journal – Sunday October 11, 1908
-Mother Jones News Round-Up for September 1908
In Alabama: “Old Mother Jones..claims every miner as her son…”

Mother Jones, Dnv Pst p2, July 19, 1908

At the beginning of the month of September, we found Mother Jones attending a picnic in Girard, Kansas. By the 20th of September, we found the “Miners’ Angel” in Birmingham, Alabama. She went to Alabama in answer to the call of the miners on strike there, cutting short her visit in Girard, as promised in August.

From the Pittsburg Daily Headlight of
August 19, 1908:

Mother Jones to Assist in the Alabama Strike.

…[Mother Jones] arrived in Girard only a few days ago from a trip through Oklahoma and Texas, where she has been delivering lectures. She expected to remain for some time, but circumstances have come up which compel her to leave for Alabama, where a strike is on among the miners of the coal fields of that state. Strikes are one of her specialties and she has followed strikes in all parts of the United States for years and has spoke in every state in the union except two and her motherly attitude towards the miners makes her a favorite among them….

From The Biloxi Daily Herald of September 23, 1908:


Cullman, Ala. Sept. 20, 1908

To The Biloxi Daily Herald.


I came this morning from Birmingham to “this side,” and am now domiciled at Cullman…

Birmingham will not let socialists speak on the streets. They hurt the feelings of the mighty city chiefs and the great governor, who is interested in working children in his cotton mill.

However, the socialists held a hall meeting that was filled to the doors. Old Mother Jones, who claims every miner as her son, was there, and the fire of her tongue is enough to terrify Birmingham city and Alabama’s state government, and yet her kind old mother heart will bring the mist to men’s eyes as she tells the woes of childhood as she has seen them in the miner’s and cotton-worker’s families. Mother Jones has been to jail again and again for her fiery words, but jails have no terrors for this modern “Joan of Arc,” and she is loved by all who known her…..


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for September 1908, Found in Kansas and Alabama”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for August 1918, Part II: Found Organizing in West Virginia


Mother Jones Quote, 2x4 kaiser union recognition hell freeze over.

Hellraisers Journal, Friday September 20, 1918
Mother Jones News for August 1918, Part II
-Mother Found Organizing in West Virginia

From the Fairmont West Virginian of August 19, 1918:

Talk To Miners About Their Attitude
Toward the Union.

Men Are Urged To Dig Coal
Because Uncle Sam
Needs It.

Mother Jones Fire Eater, St L Str, Small Crpd, Aug 23, 1917

“Mother” Jones is back in West Virginia and will remain here until after Labor Day when she is scheduled to make addresses at both Monongah and Enterprise. She returned to Fairmont Saturday afternoon in order to make a speech at the picnic held at Owings Sunday. “Mother Jones has been away since the scale convention of the miners, going to Illinois where she addressed two important Mooney meetings, out to Colorado for some addresses and back to Chicago for some important conferences with government and labor officials.

“Mother” Jones gets around the country without difficulty even though she is in her eighty-eighth year. She boarded the Baltimore and Ohio sleeper at Chicago at nine o’clock Friday night, changed to the accommodation shortly afternoon Saturday at Benwood and was in Fairmont shortly after five o’clock Saturday afternoon. “Mother” Jones does not carry any excess baggage, getting along with two bags which are smaller than the women folks generally carry.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for August 1918, Part II: Found Organizing in West Virginia”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for August 1918, Part I: Found in West Virginia & at Chicago IWW Trial


Quote Mother Jones, Fear Not Organize, Rkfd Mrn Str p3, Mar 19, 1918

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday September 19, 1918
Mother Jones News for August 1918, Part I
-Mother Found in West Virginia, Chicago, and Denver

From the United Mine Workers Journal of August 1, 1918:

Mother Jones Fire Eater, St L Str, Small Crpd, Aug 23, 1917


Charleston, W. Va.—A local of about 250 members has been organized at the Wyatt mines near Shinnston, by Mother Jones and President William F. [M.] Rogers of the State Federation of Labor.

Local Union 2839, Kaymoor, has invested $300.24 in War Savings Stamps and donated $25 to the Red Cross.

Board Member Ballantyne, Mother Jones and Organizers B. A. Scott and Joe Angelo held meetings last week at Worthington, Rosebud, Watson, Shinnston and Mt. Clair.

The Eccles miners have made a splendid showing in the purchase of War Savings Stamps. The assigned quota was $34,000, but the miners have pledges $42,000.

Miners and citizens of Longacre in voting precinct No. 3, have pledged $19,460 for War Savings Stamps.

The mining camp of Donwood, with a population of 450, and a local union membership of 160, has pledged $10,420.79 to the purchase of War Savings Stamps.

[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for August 1918, Part I: Found in West Virginia & at Chicago IWW Trial”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1908, Part II: Found Visiting the Appeal to Reason


Quote re Battle Scarred Mother Jones, AtR p3, Aug 29, 1908

Hellraisers Journal, Friday September 18, 1908
-Mother Jones News Round-Up for August, 1908, Part II
Found Visiting the Appeal to Reason at Girard, Kansas

From the Appeal to Reason of August 22, 1908:

Two Noted Agitators.

Mother Jones from Cripple Creek Strike by EFL, 1908 edition

The Appeal has the distinction this week of entertaining two of the most distinguished agitators in the Socialist movement. At almost precisely the same hour Mother Jones and Luella Twining entered the Temple of the Revolution. There was genuine delight and surprise all around. The heartiest greetings were exchanged and the visitors made to feel that they were among comrades who know of their work and appreciate them at their full value.

And here let it be said that it is a distinction of no ordinary account to entertain two such crusaders. The work Mother Jones has done for the downtrodden of this nation can never be told. Her three score years have whitened her hair, but not in the least abated her ardor in the cause. She is a born agitator and wherever she goes there is something doing. A grand old warrior she is who will be known better long after she is at rest, for then only will the true story of this warrior in the cause of human freedom be known.

Luella Twining, though much younger in years and in service, has already a wonderful work to her credit. Her service during the Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone struggle is well remembered, and if she had not lived a day after this was completed she would have written her name indelibly into the labor movement. But she has all her years still before her, and is filled with the spirit which seeks to serve without thought of personal reward, and she is certain to add fresh luster to the future chapters of her life work.

Truly it is an honor to have such royal guests and the Appeal and its comrades will leave nothing undone to make them feel that here they are thrice welcome and always at home.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1908, Part II: Found Visiting the Appeal to Reason”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1908, Part I: Found Campaigning in Kansas with Eugene Debs


Quote re Battle Scarred Mother Jones, AtR p3, Aug 29, 1908

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday September 17, 1908
-Mother Jones News Round-Up for August, 1908, Part I
“Our Dear Old Battle-Scarred Mother Jones” Found in Kansas

On Wednesday August 19th, an all-day picnic was held in Pittsburg, Kansas, with Mother Jones and Eugene V. Debs as the principal speakers of the day and evening. The Appeal to Reason of August 29th describes the event:

Mother Jones from Cripple Creek Strike by EFL, 1908 edition

The Pittsburg meeting was a winner. An all-day picnic was arranged. In the afternoon Comrade George D. Brewer, our next representative from Crawford county to Topeka, acted as chairman. George’s speech was enthusiastically received. He started off the program on the right foot, which gave the whole situation an assured success, culminating in a wonderful climax with Debs at night. After Brewer, Comrade Snyder gave one of his characteristic speeches which gripped the audience with intensity. Then followed Phil Callery, who, although speaking but a brief time, lifted the audience into the white heat of enthusiasm. Next came Comrade Miss Caroline A. Lowe with her sweet and convincing message so original and characteristic of herself and filled with a strong appeal, especially to the women. Her address was most loyally received.

Mother Jones was the next speaker. Our dear old battle-scarred Mother Jones, who, although grown gray in the fight, still retains her youth and spirit. She paced the platform, filled with the vigor of youth and in her own original manner, told the story of the robbery of labor and the way to its emancipation. At times she had the audience weeping, and then again by a certain turn she would lift the crowd to the wildest pitch of enthusiasm as she led them to a perception of class consciousness from which they viewed the inevitable triumph of the working class. The meeting closed by a talk from Comrade Wilson, who cinched the day’s program and left the audience ready for the invincible Debs at night. Wilson was more than enthusiastically received, showing the deep confidence and hold he has upon the miners whose cause he has plead for years. His speech had deep effect. Debs opened and closed his meeting amid cheers. The large audience was held spellbound during his long speech for two hours. The whole community has received a baptism of new life.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1908, Part I: Found Campaigning in Kansas with Eugene Debs”