Hellraisers Journal: United States v Haggerty et al., Judge Jackson Rules Against United Mine Workers of America, Part I


Quote Mother Jones, Injunction Shroud, Bff Exp p7, Apr 24, 1909—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday July 28, 1902
Parkersburg, West Virginia – Judge Jackson re “Organizers” and “Agitators”

From The Pittsburg Press of July 24, 1902:


Judge John Jay Jackson, Cnc Pst p1, July 24, 1902Parkersburg, W. Va., July 24.-There was the most intense interest in the crowded room of the United States District Court this morning when Judge Jackson began reading his lengthy decision declaring “Mother” Mary Jones, the angel of the miners, and seven other organizers of the United Mine Workers and four Hungarians to be guilty of contempt of disregarding his injunction of June 19, against holding a meeting or creating a demonstration at or near the Pinnickinnick mine of the Clarksburg Fuel Co., or near the residence of miners at work. Judge Jackson, after concluding his decision, sentenced the defendants as follows:

Thomas Haggerty, 90 days in jail; Wm. Morgan, Bernard Rice, Peter Wilson, Wm. Blakeley, George Bacon, Thomas Laskavish, 60 days each. “Mother” Jones’ sentence was passed till afternoon. It is said she will receive a stiff fine and will not be jailed. Albert Repake, Joseph and George Roeski and Steve Teonike, Hungarians, passed until the afternoon session……

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Ruling of Judge Jackson, July 24, 1902:

v. HAGGERTY et al.
(Circuit Court, N. D. West Virginia. July 24, 1902.)

[Part I of II]


The power of a court of equity may be invoked to restrain and inhibit by injunction a combination which is formed to induce employes who are not dissatisfied with the terms of their employment to strike for the purpose of inflicting injury and damage upon the employers.

2. SAME.

While employes have the right to quit their employment whenever they desire, unless contractual relations exist between them and their employers which should control such right, the action of third persons, having no interest in the contracts between workmen and their employers, in conspiring to control the action of the workmen and to induce them to strike by means of threats, intimidation, or a resort to any other modes usually employed in such cases, is an illegal and malicious interference with the employer’s business, which a court of equity may properly enjoin where it is necessary to prevent irreparable injury.


Defendants, who were alleged to be unlawfully interfering with the business of a coal company and its employes by attempting to incite the latter to strike, were enjoined from assembling together, in camp or otherwise, at or near the mines of the company, or at or so near the residences of its employes, as to disturb, alarm, or intimidate such employes, so as to prevent them from working in the mines, or to prevent or interfere with them in passing to or from their work at the mines, or in otherwise interfering with them as the employes of the company.

After being served with the injunction, defendants assembled and held an open-air meeting within 1,000 feet from the opening of the mine, and within 300 to 400 feet from the residences of the miners, and in plain view of both. It was also near where the miners were obliged to pass in going to and from their work, and 150 feet from the company’s property. At such meeting violent speeches were made by defendants, in which they stated that the injunction did not amount to anything, and would not stop them; that, if they were arrested, others would take their places; and they criticised the court for granting an injunction, stating that the judge was a tool of the company, and no attention should be paid to his order, but that the miners should be made to lay down their tools and come out. It was shown that such meeting disturbed the miners, who were afraid of violence, and that the works would be blown up; that they had no disagreement with their employer, and a large majority of them did not desire to strike, but many said they would quit work unless they could be protected.

Held, that such action by defendants was a violation of the injunction, and a contempt of court.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: United States v Haggerty et al., Judge Jackson Rules Against United Mine Workers of America, Part I”

Hellraisers Journal: Williamson, Mingo County, West Virginia: Sid Hatfield and Fifteen Co-Defendants Found “Not Guilty”


Quote Fred Mooney, Mingo Co Gunthugs, UMWJ p15, Dec 1, 1920———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday March 22, 1921
Williamson, W. V. – Matewan Defendants Found Not Guilty

From The Pittsburg Press of March 21, 1921:

BNR HdLn, Sid Hatfield et al Not Guilty, Ptt Prs p1, Mar 21, 1921



By S. D. Weyer,
International News Service Staff Correspondent

Sid Hatfield by Robert Minor, Lbtr p11, Aug 1920

Courthouse, Williamson, W. Va., March 21.-Sid Hatfield and his 15 co-defendants in the trigger trial were found not guilty by the jury at 11:21 o’clock this morning.

Three minutes later judge Bailey told the defendants to go back to the county jail, where they will give bond for their appearance in court for the indictments of murdering six other detectives. Bailey arranged to allow the 16 men to go back to Matewan on the noon train.

J. J. Coniff, chief counsel for the defense, made this statement to the International News Service staff correspondent immediately after the verdict was read by the clerk of courts:

I think the result is what the public generally anticipated. It means, in my opinion that the private guard system in West Virginia has been on trial and been condemned, and the legislature now in session should take notice of this fact.

The 16 defendants received the verdict without any show of emotion, except that Sid Hatfield, chief of police of Matewan, smiled his perpetual smile.

After Judge Robert D. Bailey had told them to “go back to jail,” they crowded around Coniff and grasped his hand.

Then, accompanied by two “double gun” deputy sheriffs, they filed out of the court room, where they have sat daily since Jan. 26, and walked through lines of men and women congratulating them, across the court house lawn to the jail.


[Drawing of Sid Hatfield by Robert Minor and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Williamson, Mingo County, West Virginia: Sid Hatfield and Fifteen Co-Defendants Found “Not Guilty””

Hellraisers Journal: Williamson, Mingo County, West Virginia: “Sid Hatfield and Tom Felts Size Each Other Up in Court”


Quote Sid Hatfield, re Gunthugs n Right to Organize, Altoona Tb Lbr Ns p10, Sept 3, 1920————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday February 8, 1921
Williamson, West Virginia – Hatfield and Felts Size Each Other Up in Court

From the Baltimore Sun of February 6, 1921:

Sid Hatfield And Tom Felts Size
Each Other Up In Court

Principal In Mingo Trial Engages In Duel Of Eyes With
Head Of Detective Agency, As Process Of Securing
Jury Slowly Drags Along.


(By a Staff Correspondent of The Sun.)

Sid Hatfield, ed Labor News, Altoona Tb PA p10, Sept 3, 1920Williamson, W. Va., Feb. 5.-This has been a day of speculation and rumors and of desperate struggle on the part of everyone, except Sid Hatfield and the 20 others on trial for the Matewan murders, to be reasonably cheerful and comfortable. Court adjourned before noon today without having added to the jury panel and left all of those in attendance upon the case with nothing to do except talk and wander about muddy streets in a dismal rain, with bare, scarred, cut-over hills rising at one’s elbows, it seemed, to press down the gloom.

Out of all that came to the front stories from quarters favorable to the defense that the prosecution is deliberately trying to prevent a jury being selected in this county. The theory is that there is little hope of any Mingo county jury convicting Hatfield and the others, while there may be some hope that a jury from another county will do so, if the West Virginia Legislature passes the bill permitting juries to be drawn in murder cases from other counties. Also the theory is that the desire of the prosecution to get the case before a jury where there would be more chance to convict is based upon more than the usual ardor of the prosecution for success, or even that ardor plus the anxiety of the Williamson coal operators for conviction.

Added to all of that is the blood feud created by the killing of Albert and Lee Felts in the Matewan battle. They were brothers of Tom Felts, manager of the Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency. Tom Felts, known in these parts as “the man-hunter extraordinary,” a suave gracious-mannered man, and next to John J. Coniff, chief counsel for the defense, the most impressive and distinguished looking man connected with the case, is on the spot, surrounded by a large number of trusted operatives. He is supposed to be paying part of the large force of lawyers assisting Prosecuting Attorney Bronson, and he wants blood for the blood of his brothers.

Melodrama in life is had when he appears in court. Sid Hatfield occupies his consciousness, and he occupies that of Hatfield. After he had directed attention of the court to Hatfield’s possession of guns in court, and thereby led not merely to disarming the mountain fighter, but to the frisking of everyone entering the courtroom, including reporters, who do not know which end of a pistol goes off, the absorption of the two men in each other, when Felts is in court, became more pronounced. Each concentrated upon the other, is moved by an almost boyish craving to emphasize by physical proximity lack of fear.

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