Hellraisers Journal – Monday January 23, 1911
Columbus, Ohio – Mother Jones Speaks at Miners’ Convention
From the Washington Sunday Star of January 22, 1911:
“Mother Jones” Makes Address Calling
Supreme Court Judges Real Anarchists.
COLUMBUS, Ohio, January 21.-Control of the United Mine Workers’ convention came to a severe test in the contest for the seating of delegates from nine locals of district No. 2 of central Pennsylvania. Charges of falsehoods were made freely by each side and the convention finally adjourned to continue the fight Monday.
Expected contests over the seating of President Francis Feehan of the Pittsburg district did not materialize and he was seated without final objection.
“Mother” Jones spoke before the convention. She classes members of the United States Supreme Court and Gov. Harmon of Ohio among “the real anarchists of the country.”
[Photograph and emphasis added.]