Hellraisers Journal – Monday January 15, 1912
Mother Jones News Round-Up for December 1911, Part I
Found in Berkeley, California; Learns of Confession of McNamara Brothers
From the Richmond (California) Daily Independent of December 1, 1911:
Mother Jones, the mother of the working men, will speak at the Building Trades Temple on Fourth and Macdonald avenue, Friday evening at 8:15. Her subject will be “McNamara Defense.” The public is cordially invited to attend.
[Photograph added.]
From the Richmond Daily Independent of December 2,1911:
At First Held Ridiculous Here. But Mother Jones
Meeting at Trades Hall Is Postponed–Many
See Political Move in Los Angeles Election.
———-The blood-red extra of the Oakland Tribune last evening set the Richmond world ablaze. Its headlines, in letters inches long, read “J. B. McNamara Pleads Guilty,” “Admits Slaying Haggerty,” and “Brother Admit Dynamiting.” The Trib had little else save that it claimed that J. B. McNamara would be given life imprisonment and that his brother, J. J. McNamara under agreement with state, would receive fifteen years.
The union labor forces of Richmond and the sympathizers with the McNamaras found themselves in queer position with the appearance of the evening papers. Mother Jones was announced to address the Richmond people at the Building Trades Council hall on Fourth street on the matter of aiding in the defense of the accused men.
Quite a body of people assembled to listen to the famous woman, but after a short wait, it was announced by the officials of the council that Mother Jones would not be present, as she was waiting in Berkeley for later and more reliable information from the southern city. There was nothing else to be done but postpone the meeting, and it was done. At a later date, should tho conditions at Los Angeles be different than reported last night, Mother Jones may appear here…..
From The Los Angeles Record of December 8, 1911:
There will be a mass meeting at 10:30 a. m. Saturday of the Metal Trades and Railroad System Federation at Labor Temple auditorium. The meeting will be addressed by Mother Jones. Ladles are invited to attend.
From The San Francisco Call of December 9, 1911:
—————LOS ANGELES, Dec. 8.—Mother Jones, the aged woman who has played a prominent part in many big strikes, notably that of the coal miners in Colorado several years ago, arrived here today.
She had been raising money for the McNamara defense fund, but quit when she learned they had confessed. She is here, she says, to make an investigation of the affair.
“The McNamara case,” she said, “is but one of the incidents of the conflict between capital and labor. The saddest part is that life had to go out. I am opposed to violence in any form, but you must destroy the brutal system now in force.”
From The Los Angeles Record of December 9, 1911:
Mother Jones will address a meeting at Labor Temple at 2 p m Sunday. Women are especially invited to attend.
From The Los Angeles Record of December 13, 1911:
A mass meeting of the metal trades and railroad strikers was held in social hall of the Labor Temple Wednesday, a large crowd attending.
“Mother” Jones was the principal speaker. She urged the men to adhere to the principles of organization.
Addresses were also delivered by Roy Horn, vice president of the blacksmiths; J. J. Souchons, vice president of the carmen, and C. F. Grow, business agent of the machinists. E. H. Misner was chairman.
From The Los Angeles Record of December 20, 1911:
To provide Christmas cheer for the wives and children of union men out of employment—and there are meany of them in Los Angeles at the present time—the central labor council has designated Saturday, Dec. 23, as labor’s tag day.
Tags will be sold on the streets, and in the stores and business houses by an army of volunteer workers, among whom are Mother Jones, the miners’ friend; Florence Stone and a company of pretty girls from the Burbank theater; and the women and children of the various socialist organizations and the Woman’s Union Label league…..
Note: emphasis added throughout.
Quote Mother Jones re California Class War, Fresno Tb p1, Nov 22, 1911
Richmond Daily Independent
(Richmond, California)
-Dec 1, 1911, p3
-Dec 2, 1911, p1
The Los Angeles Record
(Los Angeles, California)
-Dec 8, 1911, p2
-Dec 9, 1911, p1
-Dec 13, 1911, p1
-Dec 20, 1911, p1
The San Francisco Call
(San Francisco, California)
-Dec 9, 1911, p10
Mother Jones, Small, LA Rec p4, Dec 21, 1911
See also:
Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for November 1911
Part I: Found Involved in Conflict between Madero and Ricardo Flores Magón
Part II: Found Touring California and Speaking on Behalf of McNamara Brothers
Part III: Found in Fresno Speaking on Behalf of McNamara Brothers
Tag: McNamara Brothers
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday December 7, 1911
Los Angeles, California – McNamaras Sentenced; Darrow Stung by Criticism
-Socialist Candidate for Mayor, Job Harriman, Defeated
Tag: Illinois Central and Harriman Lines Strike of 1911 to 1915
I Am A Union Woman – Deborah Holland