Hellraisers Journal: Socialists Throughout the World Are Saddened to Learn of the Deaths of Paul and Laura Marx LaFargue


Right to Be Lazy, 1883


Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 11, 1911
Socialists Throughout the Grieve Deaths of Paul and Laura LaFargue

From The Coming Nation of December 9, 1911:

Death of the LaFargues

also at Marx org
Paul LaFargue

That Paul LaFargue, the keen thinker, Jovial writer and cheerful companion, and his wife, Laura Marx LaFargue, the genial hostess, and co-worker of her husband have committed suicide is the startling news that has brought sorrow to hosts of Socialists throughout the world.

Those who had enjoyed the hospitality of their home at Draveil, near Paris, who knew their remarkable personalities and especially their apparently unfailing good humor and optimism the news seems incredible.

The reason given is that for years he had been suffering from a mysterious incurable disease that baffled the skill of even the greatest physicians of Paris to diagnose. Sixty-eight years of age, it seems that he, with his wife, looked upon the world and decided that for them the time had come to leave it and they acted upon that decision bravely and frankly.

see also alternate photo
Laura Marx LaFargue

For almost half a century Paul LaFargue has been known as a revolutionist. From the time when in 1866 he was expelled from the French University for having taken part in an anti-military demonstration, this expulsion sent him to England where he met Karl Marx, whose daughter Laura he married.

The story of his life has been the story of the revolutionary movement of Europe. Exiled from France, for activity in the Commune he returned to become a member of the Chamber of Deputies. With Jules Guesde he built up the strongest and the most intelligently revolutionary wing of the French Socialist party.

His writings have been translated into almost every language, and their sharp, biting wit, keen analytic power, shot through with that gentle humor so much needed and so seldom found in Socialist writings will go on for many years fighting the cause to which he and his wife gave so many years.

[Photographs added.]



Quote, A Disastrous Dogma, LaFargue Lazy, 1883

The Coming Nation
(Girard, Kansas)
 -Dec 9, 1911, page 12


Paul LaFargue

Laura LaFargue

See also:

Paul LaFargue

Laura Marx Lafargue

The Right to Be Lazy and Other Studies
-by Paul LaFargue
CH Kerr, 1907

Paul LaFargue Internet Archive


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