Hellraisers Journal: Socialist Party of Colorado Nominates Idaho Prisoner, William D. Haywood, for Governor


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Sunday July 8, 1906
Denver, Colorado – Socialist Party Nominates State Ticket

From The Topeka Daily Capital of July 7, 1906:

Haywood, Darrow Collection


If Elected and Release From Caldwell Jail
Is Refused, Would March to Idaho in Force.

Denver, July 6.-It has just transpired that the Socialist party of Colorado held a convention in this city on the Forth of July and nominated a full state ticket, headed by William D. Haywood, secretary-treasure for the Western Federation of Miners, now in prison in Idaho, for Governor…

In nominating Haywood, John Martin of Denver, said:

I do not rise to name a well groomed business man, or a professional politician seeking graft. Nor do I name a labor leader who is dined and wined at civic federation banquets. But I rise to name a man who, in executive ability, is the peer of the best, and whose personal integrity is without stain. A man whose hands have been calloused by honest labor and whose every heart throb is in sympathy with those who toil. A man who has never been praised by the capitalist press as “the greatest labor leader” in the world, but who, as a labor leader has never betrayed his trust nor sold out a strike. A man who, because of his loyalty to the working class, has been struck down by a brutal soldier on the streets of our city, and who, for that same loyalty, was kidnapped by the command of the powers of capitalism and contrary to all legal forms and observances was carried to a distant state and thrown into a felon’s cell, where for months he and his faithful comrades have waited, demanding in vain the speedy trial guaranteed to every citizen by our constitution and laws, William D. Haywood, the prisoner in the Caldwell Jail [*].

Mr. Martin declared that the working classes of Colorado would rally to Haywood, and that he would be elected. Concluding he said:

And if they refuse to release him we may feel impelled to march to Idaho and take our chief executive by force if necessary, out of the teeth of the dogs of capitalism, and carry him in triumph to our state house.

[Photograph added.]

* Note: Haywood, Moyer, and Pettibone are now confined in the Ada County Jail.


The Topeka Daily Capital
(Topeka, Kansas)
-July 7, 1906

Big Bill Haywood, Darrow Collection
