Hellraisers Journal: From Miners Magazine: Mother Jones Visits Striking Michigan Copper Miners, Received with Open Arms


Quote Mother Jones, Stick Together, MI Mnrs Bltn p1, Aug 14, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday August 15, 1913
Mother Jones in Michigan’s Copper Country, Encourages Striking Miners and Families

From the Miners Magazine of August 14, 1913:

…..“Mother” Jones, that dauntless and fearless heroine who kept alive the courage of the strikers of West Virginia and who was held a prisoner by the military authorities for several months, entered the state of Michigan last week to cheer the strikers on to victory. 

Though “Mother” Jones has passed the four-score mile-post, yet her heart still beats as strongly for the rights of man as when the fire of youth flashed from her eye, and ere the strike has become a matter of history the mine operators of Michigan will know that a woman with Spartan courage can keep alive within the breast of revolting slaves the glorious flame of freedom’s purest inspiration.

The battle in Michigan must be won.

Fifty thousand men, women and children are involved in the strike and the sinews of war are needed to care for the men, women and children who have rebelled against industrial slavery.

The fight in Michigan is not only the fight of every member of the Western Federation of miners but it is the fight of every man and woman who stands beneath the folds of labor’s flag……

[Emphasis added.]

From the Miner’s Bulletin of August 14, 1913:


The nation was founded as the result of a strike. Lincoln brought us all on a strike against black slavery; we are out on a strike against wage slavery and feudal bonds.

Sweep away all differences of nationality. You are all Americans.

We are going to quit developing muscle and develop a brain for the working class.

Stick together! Wake up! The hour is here! The dawn has come!

[Emphasis added.]



Miners Magazine
(Denver, Colorado)
-Aug 14, 1913

Miner’s Bulletin
“Published by authority of
Western Federation of Miners.”
“To Tell the Truth Regarding
the Strike of Copper Miners.”
Tyomies Printing, Hancock, Michigan
-Aug 14, 1913
Copy in possession of Janet Raye.

See also:

Hellraisers Journal – Friday August 8, 1913
Copper Country, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan – Mother Jones Arrives

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday August 9, 1913
Michigan’s Copper Country – “Fiery” Mother Jones and the Cannons on the Scene

Aug 5, 1913, Escanaba Morning Press
-U. S. Labor Sec. WB Wilson Sends Palmer to Michigan Copper Country

Tag: Michigan Copper Country Strike of 1913-1914
