Hellraisers Journal, Monday August 3, 1908
Denver, Colorado – Miss Luella Twining Reports on Convention
From the Appeal to Reason of August 1, 1908:
The Late Convention Shows the Old-Time
Vigor and Aggressiveness.
Miss Luella Twining, who attended the Sixteenth annual convention of the Western Federation of Miners at Denver, reports to the Appeal that no discouragement is observable because of severe trials through which the organization has passed during the Colorado war. Addresses were made by Moyer, Haywood, Lewis and Mother Jones that breathed the militant and aggressive spirit. The late meeting brought about much better feeling between the Western Federation and the United Mine Workers, and it is evident the two organizations will hereafter co-operate. News of the acquittal of Steve Adams was received with demonstrations of joy. Reports from Douglas Island, Alaska, show a bitter fight in progress there. Stockades are built around the mines, and citizens cannot appear on the public highways without being molested by the militia, sent to break the strike. A system of peonage prevails there.
Steve Adams’ Wife in Denver.
[Comrade Twining writes:]
I was fortunate enough to meet Anna Adams, who has endured so much at the hands of the military, and has stood so nobly by her husband during his persecution and distress at the hands of the miners. She said that Steve was in good spirits and they hoped to live unmolested now on their ranch in Oregon. She expressed great thanks to the people in the east who have assisted them. She is an attractive, bright little woman, and her appearance bears no indications of the deportation in conflict with the military which is a part of her experience. If all women had her mettle the working people would not be in their present pitiful condition.
George Pettibone Is Dying.
George Pettibone, who is slowly dying, sent word for me to come to see him. I found him exceedingly emaciated and very weak. The operators have murdered him as surely as though they had hung him. He spoke with great difficulty, but gasped, “Tell the boys in the east George Pettibone thanks them for the work they have done for me and my family.”-Luella Twining.
Appeal to Reason
(Girard, Kansas)
-Aug 1, 1908
Quote Mother Jones, Palaces and Jails, AtR, Feb 29, 1908
Luella Twining
See also:
Tag: Luella Twining
Tag: Steve Adams
Tag: Annie Adams
Tag: George Pettibone
July 13-29, 1908 -Denver
Official Proceedings of the 16th Annual Convention
of the Western Federation of Miners
(search this source with all names mentioned above)
Report of President Moyer
Re: Speech of T. L. Lewis, President UMWA
Telegram from Grand Junction, Colorado,
dated July 15, 1908 from Attorney O. N. Hilton
announcing acquittal of Steve Adams.
Speech of Mother Jones
Sadly, we find only a short summary:
Editor John M. O’Neill introduced Mother Jones, who at length addressed the convention. In her brilliant and eloquent address, Mother Jones urged upon the delegates the necessity of unity amongst the workers.
Haywood’s Speech
(Again, we find only a short summary.)
Tag: Haywood-Moyer-Pettibone Case
Henrietta Haywood by Twining, AtR, Dec 15, 1906
Are They Going to Hang My Papa?
Lyrics by Owen Spendthrift, 1907
Performed by John Larsen and Michelle Groves