Hellraisers Journal: Frank Little, IWW Organizer and Executive Board Member, Says: “Be Men. Don’t be a scab.”


Payne County Farmer——————-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday December 14, 1911
From Yale, Oklahoma, Frank Little Exhorts Men Not to Scab on Fellow Workers

From the Payne County Farmer (Yale, Oklahoma) of December 13, 1911:

IWW Archive

The Explanation.

Editor Payne Co. Farmer: In the issue of Dec. 6 there was a letter from Texas, by Mrs. J. B. MacClain. She states that, in that county, the sawmills are idle for the want of men.

The sawmill worker of Texas and Louisiana have been fighting the lumber trust, trying to force them to pay living wages. There has been a strike on in that country for some time. All working men should stay away. Be men. Don’t be a scab.-F. H. Little, organizer of the I. W. W.


[Photograph added.]



Payne County Farmer
(Yale, Oklahoma)
-Dec 13, 1911  


“The Scab” by Jack London

See also:

Tag: Frank Little

Note: Frank Little was in Oklahoma during fall and early winter of 1911. He was ill from his time in the jails of Spokane, Fresno and Kansas City, and stayed with his mother while recuperating. He then engaged in some IWW organizing in Oklahoma. See pages 182-184:

Frank Little and the IWW:
The Blood That Stained an American Family
-by Jane Little Botkin
University of Oklahoma Press, May 25, 2017
Note: This is the definitive biography of Fellow Worker Frank Little. Jane Little Botkin is the great grand niece of Frank and Fred Little. Book is thoroughly and diligently sourced.


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