Hellraisers Journal: Colorado Officials Plot More Deportations Including Mother Jones; W. F. M. President Charles Moyer Arrested for “Desecration” of the American Flag


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday March 28, 1904
Colorado Governor Peabody Plots Further Deportations from Strike Zones

Mother Jones, Drawing, SDH p4, Mar 9, 1901

From the strike zones of Colorado comes news of further actions being taken against strike leaders by Governor Peabody. In Trinidad, where the United Mine Workers are conducting a strike against the coal operators, the military is planning to deport Mother Jones and other leaders from the strike zone.

In the strike zones of Telluride and Cripple Creek, posters and flyers (see below) printed by the Western Federation of Miners and authorized by Charles Moyer, President, and Big Bill Haywood, Secretary-Treasurer, were distributed. As a result, Moyer has been taken into custody for “desecration” of the flag.

WFM Flag Poster CO America, BBH Moyer, Flag 1 n 2, Wiki n World Today p973, Aug 1904

From The New York Times of March 27, 1904:

“Mother” Jones and Mine Agitators
Among Those to Go.

Charged with Desecrating the American Flag
-Italian Paper Seized by Militia and Censorship Established.

Special to the New York Times.

DENVER. March 26.-Gov. Peabody and Attorney General Miller held a conference this afternoon at the Capitol, at which a programme of deportation was decided upon for Trinidad. After the meeting the Governor wired Major Hill to prepare to deport all non-resident labor leaders from the district.

A special train will be secured and the leaders referred to will be taken outside the State and left there. The names on the deportation slate include those of Mother Jones of Pennsylvania, W. R. Fairley of Alabama, William Wardjon of Iowa, Chris Evans of Indiana, and Edward [Charles] Demolli of Utah.

The local companies assert that if the miner agitators are taken out of the district two-thirds of the strikers will return to work. The fact that they are non-residents will prevent them from securing injunctions or habeas corpus writs, the privilege granted a citizens of the State.

At Trinidad to-day the office of the Anarchistic weekly paper, Il Trovotore Italiano [Il Lavoratore Italiano], was seized by a squad of soldiers and this week’s issue, which was ready for distribution, was confiscated. It is charge that the paper had incited strikers to violence. Major Hill has established a press censorship.

[Note: Il Lavoratore Italiano is an Italian-language newspaper published since 1902 in Trinidad, Colorado, which serves as the official organ of the United Mines Workers’ District 15.]


OURAY, Col, March 26.-Charles Moyer, President of the Western Federation of Miners, was arrested here to-day on charge of desecrating the American flag, and started overland for Telluride.

President Moyer was arrested on warrant which charge that he used pictures of the flag with inscriptions painted between the bars as poster.


[Emphasis added.]



Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM,
Ab Chp 13, 1925

The New York Times
(New York, New York)
-Mar 27, 1904

Italian Militants and Migrants and
the Language of Solidarity in
the Early Twentieth-Century Western Coalfields
-by Stephen Brier and Ferdinando Fasce
(search: lavoratore)
(search: demolli)
CUNY, 2011


Mother Jones, Drawing, SDH p4, Mar 9, 1901

Flag Poster I

WFM Flag Poster CO America, BBH Moyer, Flag 1, Wiki

Flag Poster II
World Today, Volume 7, July 1904-Jan 1905
Chicago, 1905
-August 1904-p973
-(search: flag Colorado)-p1000

WFM Flag Poster CO America, BBH Moyer, Flag 2, World Today p973, Aug 1904

See also:

Mar 28, 1904, Buffalo Enquirer
-Colorado Deportations, Mother Jones, Moyer Arrest re Flag Desecration

The Spokane Press
(Spokane, Washington)
-Apr 19, 1904
-Dr. Gladden on Colorado Mine War and So-Called Flag Desecration

A Report on Labor Disturbances in the State of Colorado
United States. Bureau of Labor
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1905 
(search: “is colorado in america”)-p229

The Cripple Creek Strike
A History of Industrial Wars in Colorado, 1903-4-5
Being a Complete and Concise History of the Efforts
of Organized Capital to Crush Unionism
-by Emma F. Langdon
Great Western Publishing Company, 1905
(search: moyer habeas corpus case)-p296

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday March 20, 1904
Near Trinidad, Colorado – Chris Evans, U. M. W Official Assaulted, Seriously Injured; Letter Received Threatening Mother Jones and U. M. W. A. Officials

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday March 26, 1904
Telluride, Colorado – Union Men Dragged from Homes and Deported

Tag: Colorado Coalfield Strike of 1903-1904

Tag: Telluride Strike of 1903-1904

Tag: Charles Demolli

Bill Haywood’s Book;
the Autobiography of William D. Haywood
New York, International Publishers, 1929
“Chapter IX: In the Crucibles of Colorado” p139-154
“One night I had paper laid out…..”


Union Miner – Tom Breiding