Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason: Rescue Mother Jones and Her Comrades Held in West Virginia’s Military Bull-Pen!


Quote WB Hilton re Mother Jones Courage, ed Wlg Maj p10, Mar 6, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday March 30, 1913
“To the Rescue of Mother Jones and Her Comrades!”

From the Appeal to Reason of March 29, 1913:

War in West Virginia

WV Militia v Miners n Mother Jones, Missoulian p6, Feb 21, 1913

Keep both eyes on West Virginia!

The war that is on there is of the most vital concern to the whole working class of this republic.

West Virginia at this hour presents the most critical situation and the most important battle-ground on American soil.

The result there means a great victory or a crushing defeat for the working class and all it stands for in the tremendous struggle that is shaking this nation from one end to the other.

The plutocracy are making a desperate stand in West Virginia. They have sworn the slaves there shall not be unionized and that West Virginia shall remain as in the past a running ulcer of scabism to menace and pollute the whole surrounding country.

It is highly significant, however, that the plutocracy is no longer in complete control in West Virginia. The civil authority is in conflict with the military power, attempting to check its brutal sway.

It is of immediate and vital importance that Mother Jones and the comrades who are in the military bull-pen with her shall be rescued, and to this end the APPEAL pledges itself, with all there is behind it, to go the limit.

Mother Jones and her comrades, leaders of the striking miners, whose battle has been fought with brave red blood, spilled freely on many a field, were not tried in a court of law, but in a military tribunal.


The pirates who own West Virginia and control it as their own private preserves, with the workers as their “n—— and slaves,” take no chances with juries. They declare martial law and make short work of those who tamper with their slaves as the slave owners of Virginia with John Brown and his liberators fifty years ago.


Let this be the fighting shibboleth of the aroused working class of the United States!

The military court has not yet rendered its verdict, but we must be prepared for it when it comes and if Mother Jones is railroaded by a bunch of military hirelings there will be something doing very speedily in this country.

The United Mine Workers have just sent a dozen organizers into West Virginia and voted four hundred thousand dollars to back up the fight.

The Socialist party should also send a dozen Socialist organizers there and back up the fight with all the resources at its command.

If the brigands who have West Virginian by the throat insist upon war they shall have it to a finish!

[Photograph and emphasis added.]



Quote WB Hilton re Mother Jones Courage, ed Wlg Maj p10, Mar 6, 1913

Appeal to Reason
(Girard, Kansas)
-Mar 29, 1913, page 1


WV Militia v Miners n Mother Jones, Missoulian p6, Feb 21, 1913

See also:

Tag: West Virginia Court Martial of Mother Jones + 48 of 1913

Tag: Paint Creek-Cabin Creek Strike of 1912-1913


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