Hellraisers Journal – Thursday November 11, 1909
Spokane, Washington – “Call to Action…Free Speech Fight Is On”
From the Spokane Industrial Worker of November 10, 1909:

The free speech fight is on in Spokane. Over 100 men are in jail. More are going every hour. Some are sentenced to 30 days, others to 30 days and $100 fine and costs.
Five I. W. W. men are charged with criminal conspiracy. They are Wilson, Thompson, Foote, Filigno and Cousins. Five women are awaiting trial. Foote was taken out of the lawyer’s office, the others from the I. W. W. hall. Our office has been raided and ransacked by Chief Sullivan and his gang, and this paper is now being made up in secret.
This fight is serious. It must be won. Remember, “an injury to one is an injury to all.” We must never give up. We have just begun to fight. The men in jail have refused to work on the rock pile. They are starving rather than eat the dry bread flung to them. These men are brave, loyal supporters of a great cause. They are heroes in the battle of labor.
Can you afford to be a coward?
Don’t be a quitter. Don’t “sympathize” with free speech.
Go to jail for it!
Sympathy won’t stop the police from striking our women.
Sympathy won’t stop the police putting old men and young boys in the sweat-box.
Sympathy won’t choke the lies down the throats of the miserable capitalist press, now doing its worst to alienate public feeling.
Sympathy won’t pile up expenses on the city government till the taxpayers cry “quits.”
Sympathy won’t prevent our five fellow workers from being railroaded to the penitentiary for five years.
Sympathy won’t win this fight.
Only going to jail by the hundreds will do that.
If you have a family, if you are too far away to come at once-dig up money.
You locals that owe the “Industrial Worker” for bundles, it is your imperative duty to pay up now. Then if there is still coin in the treasury send that for a contribution.
Remember that printers’ bills go on just the same. Order more bundles of this edition and help advertise Spokane, where the constitution is dead.
The “Boosters’ Club” will be “de-light-ed.”
Send donations to help defend the so-called “conspirators.” Now is the opportune time.
It’s now or never, boys!
Get busy! Hurry up!
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