Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 30, 1900
Mother Jones News Round-Up for October 1900, Part V
Found Declaring Victory in Grand March on Panther Creek
From the Philadelphia Times of October 18, 1900:
———-(Written for Th Times by “Mother” Jones.)
Hazleton, October 17.
Our victory in closing the mines in Panther Creek, which have been working steadily for years and which have never ceased to operate during a strike, shows that the United Miners to-day are more powerful than ever and perfectly able to continue the struggle for mouths. The only possible solution of the strike is for the mine operators to make the small concessions asked.
There is no reason in the world why they should not do so, because coal is bringing higher prices to-day than ever before. Railroad rails are cheaper than they have been in years, making the profits of the operators double what they have been. Yet the mine workers have received no increase in pay nor benefit from this increased prosperity whatsoever. This means that the hard coal [anthracite] trust is getting richer every day while the workers are getting poorer. How the operators can refuse the concessions I cannot see.
Mary Jones.
[Photograph added.]