Hellraisers Journal: “Hold Your Nerve” by Eugene Debs & Update on Haywood-Moyer Case from Appeal to Reason


The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism.
I am for Socialism because I am for humanity.
We have been cursed with
the reign of gold long enough.
-Eugene Victor Debs


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday March 24, 1907
Appeal to Reason: Comrade Debs Exhorts Socialists to Stand Strong

HMP, Hold Yr Nerve by EVD, AtR Mar 23, 1907

Socialist Party of America Button

To join the Socialist movement implies a declaration of war. War on the capitalist system and all its profit-fed institutions!

To issue such a declaration requires some measure of moral courage; to make it good requires a vast deal more.

Many a convert joins with enthusiasm to be extinguished a few months later in ignominy.

He lacks the nerve to stand his ground.

Many another joins the movement and grows stronger from the hour the battle begins; the more he is resisted the stauncher he stands; the more he is persecuted the more resolute he becomes, and in the storm of battle all the heroic fibre within him becomes steel and he rises to the stature of a full-grown man who has the strength to stand alone though all the world turn against him.

He has the nerve!

This is the secret of real heroism.

In writing this brief article on the subject of nerve, we have in mind a large number of Socialists and semi-Socialists who are more or less anxious to serve the movement, but who are so easily deflected from their purpose. They happen to hear of an uncomplimentary remark directed against them, and it strikes at the very heart of their allegiance to the cause. They hear of some temporary defeat of the party, or of some friction within the ranks, and they are at once discouraged.

The trouble is with their nerve. It is this that should have their immediate attention. The comrade lacking nerve, or having but a weak support of himself, will be kept in very hot water in the Socialist movement.

As previously stated, the man who joins the Socialist movement declares war against the capitalist system and capitalist society, and war of this kind is not a May festival. Ferdinand Lassalle, the brilliant social revolutionist, once said that the war against capitalism was not a rosewater affair. He was right. It is rather of the storm and tempest order. All kinds of attacks must be expected, and all kinds of wounds will be inflicted. The new comrade of tender sensibilities will soon get used to having his feelings torn and lacerated if he remains in the movement.

Many honest and well-meaning persons have been completely driven out of the movement because they could not stand the metaphorical shot and shell that were crashing about their heads.

Their hearts were right, but they lacked the nerve.

A fatal defect!

No matter what other good qualities a convert to Socialism may have, he must have the nerve to stick, the nerve to stay, if he is to be of any value to the movement. He must make up his mind that all the trials to which mortal man is subject will fall to his lot one after the other, and that if he lacks the nerve the weak spot in him will sooner or later be put to the test and he will go down and out, never to rise again.

But it is this very trial that serves a most beneficent purpose for both the individual and the movement; it eliminates the weak and unfit, and tempers those qualified for the higher service to which they are sure to be called, because they have the nerve and can stand the test.

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Hellraisers Journal: Ida Crouch-Hazlett, Editor of Montana News, Has a Little Talk with Big Bill Haywood

There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Friday March 22, 1907
Caldwell, Idaho – Socialist Editor Reports on Moyer-Haywood Case

From the Socialist Montana News of March 21, 1907:

Side Lights on the Trial

Making Laws to Suit Prosecution-
Gooding and His Body Guard

by Ida Crouch-Hazlett.

HMP, Pettibone Moyer Haywood, AtR, Feb 16, 1907

Caldwell, Idaho, March 13.-Perhaps the chief feature that will make the Moyer-Haywood case historic is the part the government has played in the matter from the beginning. The governor of the state, supposed to be a disinterested party, is a prosecuting complainant. His boast that the men would never leave Idaho alive, before any trial, leaves no room for his recognition as an unprejudiced party. Senator Borah is one of the leading attorneys for the prosecution. Indeed, we have been informed privately that he is the real push behind Gooding, and that Gooding is a mere puppet in his hands. Borah tells Gooding what to do, makes all the plans, but he is skulking behind the governor so far as responsibility is concerned. The legislature is controlled entirely by Borah and Gooding. Its appropriation of $104,000 on this case has already been noted.

This session it has passed two measures altering the criminal code, with emergency clauses, showing that they were passed entirely for this case. One had to do with the selection of a judge according to the attorneys employed in a case. The prosecution at first had sixteen attorneys and the defense four. But the addition of the firm of Groffith Brothers at Caldwell, removed the advantage that the new law would have given, when another twist was made. Another case was the passage of a law making the number of peremptory challenges the prosecution was allowed equal to that of the defense. For forty years the statute has been that the defense should have the right of ten challenges and the prosecution five. That the change should have been made at this time with an emergency clause to equalize it immediately, can admit of but one interpretation for such unseemly haste as this at this time, which is unprecedented in the modification of the criminal code.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Ida Crouch-Hazlett, Editor of Montana News, Has a Little Talk with Big Bill Haywood”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Clarence Darrow Speaks: “Adams’ Prosecution a Fraud and Humbug.”


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Sunday March 17, 1907
From the
Appeal to Reason: Clarence Darrow Speaks

In the this week’s edition of the Appeal, it is reported that the jury in the Steve Adams’ trial, which took place in Wallace, Idaho, could not reach agreement and was, therefore, discharged by Judge Woods. On the same page is published the closing argument of Clarence Darrow, counsel for the defense, which we are pleased to offer below:


Adams’ Prosecution a Fraud and Humbug
A Manifestation of the Inevitable
War of the Classes.

HMP, Steve Adams, Darrow Speaks, text, AtR, Mar 16, 1907


HMP, Clarence Darrow, ab 1907

The merits of the Adams case and motives prompting the prosecution are strikingly set forth in the closing argument of Clarence Darrow, counsel for the defense, in the following clear and forceful presentation. Said Mr. Darrow:

It is the truth that much as I love justice, and much as I hate punishment of any sort, I have neither the time nor ability to defend every poor man charged with a crime. That is not the reason I am here.

Mr. Knight has said, and I do not deny it, that back of this man are the funds of a great organization, the small contributions of thousands of workingmen, and it is true that a great effort is being made to defend him, but it is also true that the state of Idaho never prosecuted a man before as this man is being prosecuted.

The officers of this county have been shoved aside and the greatest lawyer in the state has been employed. More than that, the state of Colorado has been called upon, months of the time of the greatest detective of the west have been given to bring him to the gallows, the state of Washington brought another who used his time without stint. It is a remarkable case, unprecedented in the annals of criminal proceedure.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Clarence Darrow Speaks: “Adams’ Prosecution a Fraud and Humbug.””

Hellraisers Journal: Ida Crouch-Hazlett, Editor of Montana News, Discovers a Socialist Local in Caldwell, Idaho


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Saturday March 16, 1907
Caldwell, Idaho – Editor Crouch-Hazlett on the Scene

The editor of the Montana News is now reporting from the scene of the attempted frame-up of the officials of the Western Federation of Miners, and, to her surprise, she has found an active and effective Local of the Socialist Party in that small western town.

From the Caldwell Socialist of August 18, 1906:

HMP, Waiting by Ryan Walker, Caldwell Socialist of Aug 18, 1906

From the Montana News of March 14, 1907:

Socialist Activity in the Idaho Conspiracy.

[By Ida Crouch-Hazlett]

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Hellraisers Journal: From the Montana News: Ida Crouch-Hazlett in Caldwell, Idaho, Interviews Mrs. Steunenberg

There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Friday March 15, 1907
From the Montana News: Ida Crouch-Hazlett Reports From Caldwell

Interview by Ida Crouch-Hazlett

Ida Crouch-Hazlett, Socialist, Montana News, Aug 3, 1904

Since the kidnapping case has been put off till the close of Steve Adams’ trial, which is simply the preliminary skirmish of the same conflict, I took the time on March 5 to walk out to the Steunenberg residence, and have a talk with the widow of the bull-pen governor. The house stands at the extreme edge of the little country town of Caldwell, it is modest modern cottage with no signs of great wealth about it, but an air of comfort and indications of sufficient means to cover ample middle class wants. Mrs. Steunenberg is a pleasant-faced, portly woman, short in stature of those general characteristics that are ordinarily called “motherly.” She was not averse to giving any information asked for and indeed seemed to think it her duty to satisfy the public curiosity. She is an ardent adherent of the Adventist faith, and seems to reconcile everything with the idea that it is “God’s will.” She says she knows nothing of papers and politics.

A neighbor who sometimes did little chores about the house was at first arrested for the terrible crime. She always strenuously opposed any suspicion being laid upon this man. She showed me the fragments of clothing that were gathered up about the fatal spot. The largest one was not over six inches long. She said she had formed no opinion as to the perpetrators of the deed, that there were those whose business such matters were and she left everything to them.

The depth of the class struggle between the economic forces of society is nowhere more evident than in this calm, placid woman, who has no idea that her husband’s actions in the brutal Idaho war were anything but necessary and fully justified by the circumstances. The father is looked upon as a martyr to public service, and the young children of which there are four, have each full sets of his pictures. The entire forms of bourgeois thought must be shaken from their adamantine strongholds before even a suspicion of justice can find lodgment in the social consciousness.

The very fact that such a heinous, insensate, cowardly crime should have been laid at the doors of men banded together to better and uplift the conditions of the workers, who have nothing to gain by crimes, but everything to lose, that these men should have been followed so relentlessly by the iron hand of all the machinery that the employing class can use shows the desperate straits to which this robber class will go to maintain the prerogatives and retain the slave.

Men who work, awaken. There is no peace or security for you, except as you arise and give battle for the common rights of all human beings.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Montana News: Ida Crouch-Hazlett in Caldwell, Idaho, Interviews Mrs. Steunenberg”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for February 1907: Found in Arizona on Behalf of Moyer and Haywood


HMP, Mother Jones Ready to Die, AtR Feb 23, 1907

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday March 14, 1907
Mother Jones News for February: Found in New Mexico and Arizona

Mother Jones, Mar 11, 1905, AtRMother Jones travelled to Missouri, New Mexico and Arizona during the month of February 1907. She spoke out on behalf of Bill Haywood, Charles Moyer, and George Pettibone of the Western Federation of Miners who are now imprisoned by the state of Idaho on charge of conspiracy to murder Ex-Governor Steunenberg. At one of her speeches in Arizona, it was reported that she gave warning to the ruling class:

If these men are hanged, we will hang some of them.

In our February review, we first found Mother mentioned in the pages of The Fairmont West Virginian of February 2nd. It seems her letter to Mrs. Potter Palmer (previously published by Hellraisers) was still making the rounds of various newspapers. The letter was introduced to this paper via a letter to the editor from Hoult, West Virginia, dated January 31st, and proceeded with this explanation:

Many persons in this part of West Virginia, especially the coal miners, are acquainted with the name as well as face of Mother Jones, the respected and gray haired advocate of labor’s cause, as she made many speeches here during the attempt of the United Mine Workers to organize this region. Therefore probably many will read with interest and perhaps an answering throb of sympathy, the following letter from Mother Jones to Mrs. Potter Palmer, on the occasion of a meeting at Mrs. Palmer’s palatial residence of representatives of capitalists and labor unions to find the ground for unity of interest supposed to exist…

News of Mother Jones appeared in and article in the New York Volkszeitung of February 3, 1907, with the following headline:

Mother Jones Klagtan Schildert die Zustande
im Gruben-Distrikt in West Virginia

The article was sent from Charleston, West Virginia, and written February 2nd. Our German is not perfect, but we believe the headline states: “Mother Jones Describes the condition in the mining district in West Virginia.”

From Missouri’s St. Joseph Observer of February 9, 1907:

“Mother” Jones, the labor leader, is visiting the mining districts of St. Francois and Madison counties this week.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for February 1907: Found in Arizona on Behalf of Moyer and Haywood”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs for the Appeal to Reason: Kidnapping Case Brought Before Congress


Their only crime is
Loyalty to the Working Class.
-Eugene V. Debs


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday March 12, 1907
Girard, Kansas – Eugene V. Debs Fights for Our Idaho Comrades

From the Appeal to Reason of March 9, 1907:


Appeal Succeeds in Placing Facts of the
Moyer-Haywood Case on Record
in Washington.

Staff Correspondent Appeal to Reason.

HMP, Pettibone Moyer Haywood, AtR, Feb 16, 1907

Washington, D. C., March 2.-At the opening of congress this morning, the Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone case was introduced, together with petitions for investigation and the dissenting opinion of Justice McKenna, of the supreme court. Senator Carmack, of Tennessee, presented the case on the floor of the United States senate, with the request that it be admitted to the records, and this was consented to.

The introduction of the conspiracy was a great surprise to most of the senators, but when the statement was made that the demand for an investigation was backed by two millions of organized workers, the unanimous consent which was necessary, and without which it would have failed, was given by the senate, excepting that Heyburn, of Idaho, requested that the decision of the supreme court be included with the dissenting opinion of Justice McKenna, to which no objection was made on our side.

The foundation is now laid for a congressional investigation and both senators and congressmen agree that, in obedience to the demands of organized labor, this will certainly to be authorized by the next session of congress. Senator Carmack has been particularly helpful in this matter and Senator Lafollette, of Wisconsin, has also treated me with great courtesy.

With this impending congressional investigation, which will develop all the facts in the conspiracy and reveal the whole horrible truth to the people, it is now perfectly safe to predict that Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone will soon have been rescued from the clutches of their kidnapers and would-be murderers and walk forth free men without a blemish upon their honor.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs for the Appeal to Reason: Kidnapping Case Brought Before Congress”

Hellraisers Journal: Remembering Brother Maki of Telluride, Chained to Pole, Miners Still Wonder: “Is Colorado in America?”


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Monday March 4, 1907
Telluride, Colorado – The Strike of 1903-1904 Remembered

Yesterday’s Hellraisers Journal featured an article by Comrade Debs from the Appeal to Reason in which was recounted the reign of terror perpetrated upon the members and supporters of the Western Federation of Miners by the Mine Owners, through the powers acting on their behalf, during the bitter strike of three years ago. Today we remember the striking miner who was chained to a telegraph pole on a cold winter day, which incident, along with many like it, left the miners wondering: “Is Colorado in America?”

From the Albuquerque Morning Journal of March 3, 1904:

Striker Chained to a Telegraph Pole
The Thermometer Was Near Zero and
the Western Federation of Miners
Is on Its Ear.

WFM Telluride, Maki chained to pole, Cook Co Hld, Jun 3, 1904

Denver, Colo., March 2.-The headquarters of the Western Federation of Miners in this city was thrown into a fever of excitement late this afternoon by a report of ill-treatment of a striking member of the Miners’ union under arrest on a charge of vagrancy at Telluride, by the civil authorities there. The information came in a telegram from Secretary Forbes of the Telluride union to Secretary Haywood of the Western Federation of Miners, as follows:

See Peabody. One of our men shackled to a telegraph pole. Are we going to stand this any longer? All arrests by civil authorities.

Secretary Haywood immediately replied he had instructed E. E. Richardson, attorney of the Western Federation of Miners to go to Telluride at once and institute legal proceedings in the name of the union for the protection of the strikers under arrest. He also advised the officials of the Telluride union to insist upon their rights and use every means at their command to protect themselves.

He said he would make no appeal to Governor Peabody. Mr. Richardson left for Telluride tonight. The local papers have been unable to get any news of conditions in Telluride tonight because of the rigorous censorship prevailing. However, the following version of the affair today was sent out by Captain Bulkeley Wells who is in charge of the local military.

“Five of the men convicted under a vagrancy charge by the civil authorities yesterday, were put to work this morning by order of the sheriff, filling in an excavation. One of the men, Harry Maki, refused to work and was handcuffed to a telegraph pole by the deputy sheriff in charge. This action on the part of the civil authorities has caused great indignation among the strikers.”

[Note: Many of the miners were convicted as vagrants because they had committed the crime of going out on strike.]

Both Captain Wells and Sheriff Rutan disclaimed any responsibility for the action of the deputy sheriff in his treatment of Maki. As the weather at Telluride just now is very cold, the barometer being in the neighborhood of zero, the officials of the Western Federation of Miners in this city feel certain the chaining of Maki to a telegraph pole was an unnecessary hardship. It is understood that Maki was finally released from his uncomfortable position and returned to prison.

[Drawing of Brother Maki added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Remembering Brother Maki of Telluride, Chained to Pole, Miners Still Wonder: “Is Colorado in America?””

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Calls for Nation-Wide Protests on Behalf of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone


I am as ready to die with you now
as I have been ready to fight
with you in the past.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday February 26, 1907
From the Appeal to Reason: Mother Jones on Idaho Injustice

While Eugene V. Debs continues his campaign to save Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone on the front page of this week’s edition of the Appeal to Reason, a stirring article from Mother Jones appears on page three:



HMP, Mother Jones Ready to Die, AtR Feb 23, 1907

Mother Jones, Mar 11, 1905, AtR

IN the history of the country-I go farther, in the history of the world-there is nothing more criminal and heartless than the kidnaping of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone and walling them in alive without the shadow of a charge against them. Two governors, in league with the money power, are guilty of this crime. We who know these men know them to be innocent and we also know that they are worthy to receive our loyal support and that they shall have it to the end.

This diabolical deed, accomplished at night, upon honest workingmen is enough to set one’s brain in a whirl and stir one’s soul to revolt.

King Ruzvlt entered no word of protest, but indirectly approved and backed up this attack upon organized labor.

When Gooding said: “These men shall never leave Idaho alive” he said more than he intended. That is what he meant, but he has since realized that it was unfortunate for him to blurt it out.

General Miles says he can bring 250 honest citizens into court to swear that the beef trust murdered three thousand American soldiers by feeding them poisoned beef.

The mine owners, with the aid of United States deputy marshals, murdered seven miners in the dead of night on Stanford Mountain, W. Va., February 23, 1903.

These are two typical incidents which show the murderous march of King Capital. Life counts for less than nothing. But let it be noted that it is always the life of labor.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Calls for Nation-Wide Protests on Behalf of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone”

Hellraisers Journal: Kidnaping Anniversary Edition of Appeal to Reason, Edited by Eugene Debs & Consecrated to “Holy Cause of Emancipation.”


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday February 19, 1907
From the Appeal to Reason: Kidnaping Anniversary Edition

This week’s edition of the Appeal to Reason commemorates February 17, 1906, the one-year anniversary of the state-sponsored kidnaping of the valiant leaders of the Western Federation of Miners, under the banner:

Labor Is Forging The Thunderbolt
for the Conspiracy!

Eugene V. Debs is the special editor of the first page of this edition, and raises his voice on behalf of our imprisoned comrades:

HMP, AtR Kidnap Anniversary Edition, Feb 16, 1907

THESE are the three comrades whose kidnaping under the most extraordinary circumstances ever recorded we are celebrating with a special edition of three million copies and with fresh consecration to the holy cause of emancipation for which they have offered up their liberty and jeopardized their lives.

Verily, “it is an ill wind that blows no good,” and “God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform.”

At first glance the kidnaping of our comrades by the chief magistrate of a state sworn to execute the law against kidnapers, and who, if not a perjurer is a felon, and if not a felon a perjurer would seem to be a monstrous crime without a feature to redeem it from execration. But not so. What else, or what less than this would have served to arouse the working class of the whole nation like an alarm blast from the trumpet of an avenging deity?

What else could have lashed the stagnant waters of organized labor into foaming billows, tossing high their spray of life and discontent?

In all the history of labor there is no event to equal it. A year ago the names of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone were known to but a few thousands in the Western states; today they are hailed and honored by millions, who applaud their fidelity and honor their fortitude.

And thus are heroes snatched from the common multitude.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Kidnaping Anniversary Edition of Appeal to Reason, Edited by Eugene Debs & Consecrated to “Holy Cause of Emancipation.””