Hellraisers Journal: W. F. of M. Convention Demands Investigation Into Murder of Organizer Alex Obremski


He knew he was taking his life in his hands
in going to Trinidad, but as he was ordered there
he would not shirk his duty.
-Henry Morris of Pueblo on murder of
WFM Organizer Alex Obremski


Hellraisers Journal, Saturday June 29, 1907
Denver, Colorado – W. F. of M. Convention Wants Investigation

From the Albuquerque Evening Citizen of June 15, 1907:

Murdered Western Federation Organizer
May Have Been Victim of Conspiracy.


WFM button

Denver, Colo., June 15.-The Western Federation of Miners’ convention today received a communication from a member in Las Animas county, suggesting an investigation of the killing of Alexander Obrenski [Obremski], a Federation organizer, by Juan Eskinas [Espinosa], at Rugby, Colo., about one month ago [May 18th].

The killing was alleged, at the time, to have occurred in a barroom row, but the writer of the communication suggested that it was the result of a conspiracy to injure the Federation.

Strong Statement.

He makes the statement that the row was not participated in by the organizer, but that the belligerents managed to gather around Obrenski, and before he could get away a shot was fired, and he fell to the floor, [..and..?] The fighters melted into obscurity immediately.

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Hellraisers Journal: From the Socialist Montana News: Clarence Darrow Opens for the Defense in the Haywood Trial

Who comes to speak for
the skin and the bone?
-Billy Bragg

Hellraisers Journal, Friday June 28, 1907
Boise, Idaho – Clarence Darrow Opens for the Defense

From the Montana News of June 27, 1907:

Darrow’s Statement

Address to the Jury Outlining
Plans of Defense
—Orchard Spends Sunday Auto
Riding in Boise

Special to the Montana News—

Boise, June 24.

HMP, Darrow Opens June 24th, LA Herald, June 25, 1907

At the call of the defense attorneys the Federation men who are to appear as witnesses have come pouring into Boise the last few days. It seems good to see them here—all the old stand-bys that have so valiantly fought the struggles of the western labor for the last ten years. D. C Copely, formerly of the executive board, now a mine owner in Nevada; A. H. Floaten, candidate for governor of Colorado on the socialist ticket; Deportee from Telluride, a merchant who has been through the fiercest of the fight for his convictions; J. C. Barnes, who was up in a tree in Telluride, while the militia were hunting him underneath; John M . O’Neill, W. F. Davis, M. E. White, one after another. The very backbone of the Federation, fine, able, brainy men, more than a match for any capitalist prostitute that can be marshalled against them.

And they are here with the goods, the truth, the eternal fight against the injustice of employers, and the reasons for that fight. As one of them said:

We are here to go to the river, our cause is right and we’ll stay with it.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Socialist Montana News: Clarence Darrow Opens for the Defense in the Haywood Trial”

Hellraisers Journal: Western Federation of Miners Hands “Lemon” to Industrial Workers of the World


Wealth to Producer, WFM Motto, Miners Mag Jan 1, 1914


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday June 23, 1907
Denver, Colorado – Report from W. F. of M. Convention

From the Duluth Labor World of June 22, 1907:

TO I. W. OF W.
Revolutionary Organization of
Industrial Workers Are Repudiated.
Annual Convention of Western Federation
Takes Decisive Action.

WFM button

DENVER, Col., June 20.—”To hell with Moyer and Haywood—they are merely individuals.”

“To hell with Eugene V. Debs—we are revolutionists.” These inflammatory utterances made on the floor during the second annual convention of the Industrial Workers of the World in secret session in Chicago last September, were probably largely responsible for the split that has since occurred in the ranks of that organization.

This was brought out in the afternoon session of the federation convention yesterday afternoon. The disclosures were made in a communication read from Charles O. Sherman, former president of the Industrial Workers of the World. There were some quickly hushed hisses and some applause following the conclusion of the reading of the lengthy document.

The Western Federation of Miners, is known as the “mining department” of the Industrial Workers of the World. The latter association is divided into two factions—the “revolutionists” and the advocates of an economic industrial organization. The federation members are mostly from the latter class and practically left the Industrial Workers last December when they refused to pay a per capita to that body.

Since then there has been much dissension between the two organizations and many attempts on the part of the Workers to have the federation return to the fold. The question is to be settled at the convention now in session in Denver.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Western Federation of Miners Hands “Lemon” to Industrial Workers of the World”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Montana News: Orchard Weeps Under Cross-Examination by Edmund Richardson

There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Friday June 21, 1907
Boise, Idaho – Orchard Breaks Down Under Cross-Examination

Ida Crouch-Hazlett, editor of the Socialist Montana News, is on the scene in Boise covering the Haywood murder trial, and gives the following account of the cross-examination of the prosecution’s star witness, Harry Orchard, by Edmund Richardson, Attorney for the Defense:

Orchard Weeps

Breaks Down on Witness Stand-
McParland’s Methods Exposed
Under Richardson’s Fire

HMP, Richardson Crosses Orchard, Richmond IN, June 18, 1907

Boise, June 15.

The attitude of the Boise press towards this trial is a disgrace to the name of human freedom. The way the defense has riddled Orchard and shown his utter incompetency and reliability as a witness is potent to all observers. Even the judge looks disgusted at the revelations of this abandoned wretch, as he reluctantly makes admission after admission on the cross-examination to crimes be had not mentioned before. It is common comment that no jury could convict a man on such contaminated evidence. Yet the local papers, notably the “Statesman” [Idaho Daily Statesman of Boise] comes out with flaring articles about Richardson’s “blundering” ways, and his utter failure with the witness, how the friends of the defense are disgusted, and how the socialist reporters throw down their pencils in despair over his stupid efforts. It is needless to say that this is all fiction, pure and simple. Richardson’s work has been magnificent. He has held the strong, aggressive from the very beginning. Orchard has had to put forth a terrible defensive against him in order to bear up at all, and the tactics of the famous attorney have laid bare the very soul of the cringing and cowering murderer.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Montana News: Orchard Weeps Under Cross-Examination by Edmund Richardson”

Hellraisers Journal: Butte Metal Miners Form New Union & Issue Demands; Spontaneous Walk-Out at Elm Orlu Mine


“Dagos are cheaper than props.”
-Mother Jone quoting a Mine Manager


Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday June 20, 1917
Butte, Montana – Metal Miners Organize and Strike

From the Phoenix Arizona Republican of June 17, 1917:


(Republican A. P. Leased Wire)

Butte Copper Mine, Drawing, ISR, Aug 1914

BUTTE, Mont., June 16.-Sixteen hundred miners it was announced today, are members of the Metal Mine Workers’ Union which is about a week old. The union’s speakers, at an open air meeting attended by more than 3000 miners, appealed to the miners to continue to keep away from the mines. The union’s officials said more than 3000 miners are on strike for an increase in wages and improved working conditions.

No disturbances were reported to the police today, but several arrests were made for distributing without a license, circulars issued by the union attacking the local newspapers and urging all miners to join the union.

The mining companies reported all the mines working but with reduced forces.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Butte Metal Miners Form New Union & Issue Demands; Spontaneous Walk-Out at Elm Orlu Mine”

Hellraisers Journal: Photographs: The Haywood Family in Boise; Mrs. Pettibone and Mrs. Moyer


If they hang Moyer and Haywood,
they’ve got to hang me.
-Eugene Victor Debs


Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday June 19, 1907
Boise, Idaho – Family and Wives of Haywood, Moyer and Pettibone

From The Minneapolis Tribune of June 17, 1907:

HMP, Haywood Family at Boise, Mpls Tb, June 17, 1907

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Photographs: The Haywood Family in Boise; Mrs. Pettibone and Mrs. Moyer”

Hellraisers Journal: Eldest Daughter of Bill Haywood Grows From Girl to Woman; Cares for Sister, Comforts Invalid Mother

There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Monday June 17, 1907
Boise, Idaho – Vernie Haywood, Daughter of Big Bill Haywood

The following photograph, although sadly miss-named, is the best that we have found of Vernie Haywood, the eldest daughter of William D. Haywood. Vernie was born in Nevada in November of 1890. She turned 16 last November. Henrietta is Haywood’s youngest daughter who was born in Silver City, Idaho, on June 28, 1897. She will soon celebrate her 10th birthday.

From The Seattle Star of May 20, 1907:

HMP, Vernie Haywood, Stt Str, May 20, 1907


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eldest Daughter of Bill Haywood Grows From Girl to Woman; Cares for Sister, Comforts Invalid Mother”

Hellraisers Journal: The Boise Trial of Big Bill Haywood Illustrated by C. N. Landon


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Sunday June 16, 1907
Boise, Idaho – The Great Trial from the Pen of C. N. Landon

C. N. Landon is our favorite illustrator, by far, on the scene, in Boise, at the trial of Big Bill Haywood. Today we offer several of his artistic representations which we were pleased to find in the Spokane Press, the Seattle Star and the Albuquerque Evening Citizen during the month of May.

May 13, 1907 – Miners Gather in Boise:

HMP, Miners in Boise, Spk Prs, May 13, 1907

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Boise Trial of Big Bill Haywood Illustrated by C. N. Landon”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Montana News: Haywood Family in Court as “Murderous Villain” Describes His Evil Deeds


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Saturday June 15, 1907
Boise, Idaho – Haywood Family Attend Murder Trial

In this week’s edition (June 13th) of the Socialist Montana News, Ida Crouch-Hazlett describes the family members of Big Bill Haywood who sit in regular attendance at the trial of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Western Federation of Miners, charged with conspiring to murder the ex-governor of Idaho. Harry Orchard has been on the stand telling his tale of murder and mayhem and accusing the leaders of the W. F. of M. of directing him in his trail of villainy (see below).

The Haywood Family in Court:

HMP, Haywood's Mother in Crt, NY Binghamton Prs, June 21, 1907

Mrs. Steve Adams and Mrs. Pettibone attend court together-two handsome women, handsomely dressed. Mrs. Moyer’s sister is usually with them, a charming and dainty young girl. Mrs. Moyer has not yet appeared in court. Haywood’s mother, Mrs Caruthers, has arrived from Salt Lake with her daughter, a very pretty young girl of about twenty. The mother is a handsome women who carries herself well, and has a sweet expression on her face. They do not seem unduly agitated over the situation. They are upheld by the idea that it is all simply the part of a play in a great conspiracy.

The Haywood family are in court every day. Mrs. Haywood’s father, Mr. Miner, is here from Nevada, also Mr. McKinon, one of the Federation boys, who married her sister Winnie.

HMP, Haywood's Family in Crt, NY Binghamton Prs, June 21, 1907

[Photographs added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Montana News: Haywood Family in Court as “Murderous Villain” Describes His Evil Deeds”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for May 1907: Found in Texas and Arizona


Martin Irons sleeps and in
God’s good time his name will be revived,
the contumely will be effaced
and his memory will shine resplendent
in the galaxy of agitators, pioneers and warriors
who died to make man free.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Thursday June 13, 1907
Mother Jones News for May: Visits Grave of Martin Irons

Mother Jones, Mar 11, 1905, AtR

During the month of May 1907, Mother Jones was found active as a speaker for the Socialist Party in Texas, and, in Arizona, she was found in Bisbee, assisting the Western Federations of Miners. While in Texas, Mother paid a visit to the grave of Martin Irons. An account of that visit can be found below, along with a tribute to the Pioneer Labor Hero, Martin Irons.

From The Dallas Morning News of May 1, 1907:

Chicago Woman, Speaker on Socialistic
Topics, Is Here.

“Mother” Jones of Chicago, a lecturer whose advocacy of Socialism has made her well known throughout the United States, will speak tonight at 8 o’clock in the Woodman Hall at the corner of Corinth and Wall Streets, near the cotton mills. Tomorrow night she will speak in the City Hall auditorium, and both addresses will constitute part of the campaign for municipal positions of the local Socialist candidates.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for May 1907: Found in Texas and Arizona”