[Old Glory, Our Flag]
-with all its faults, I dearly love,
and under it I stand for international brotherhood,
government ownership and universal equality.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Thursday October 10, 1907
Mother Jones News Round-Up for September, Found in Utah
From The Inter-Mountain Republican of September 2, 1907:
Interesting Program Planned For
Labor Day at Park City.
—–Republican Special Service.
Park City, Sept. 1.-The Park City Miners’ union, which is in charge of the celebration of Labor day, has completed the arrangements for the event and provided amusement for young and old. The festivities will begin at 9 o’clock in the morning with a parade, in which the union will figure prominently. The fire department and school children, with the Park City military band, will lead the procession.
Prominent in the program will be an address by “Mother” Jones, who is known by all as an earnest worker in the cause of the laboring man. A stand has been erected on the Marsac ground for speakers . Various sports will follow the program….
[Photograph added.]
From The Salt Lake Tribune of September 3, 1907:
—–Special to The Tribune.
PARK CITY. Sept. 2.-Labor day in Park City was fittingly celebrated. At 9:30 a. m. the parade formed on Main street, at the Miners’ Union hall.
The parade was headed by the Park City fire department, followed by Harry Weist as flag-bearer. Then came the Military band and tho city officers. The members of the Miners’ union, small boys and girls, and, lastly, the “Hoot, Hoot” band.
The line of march was north on Main street to Heber avenue, then south on Park avenue to First street, then north on Main street to the band stand, where in a short address Mr. Langford introduced the speaker of the day, “Mother” Jones, as she is known. “Mother” Jones spoke for one hour and thirty minutes on the “Wealth of the Nation,” and the amount contributed to it by the laboring classes….