Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for September 1907, Found in Park City, Utah


[Old Glory, Our Flag]
-with all its faults, I dearly love,
and under it I stand for international brotherhood,
government ownership and universal equality.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Thursday October 10, 1907
Mother Jones News Round-Up for September, Found in Utah

From The Inter-Mountain Republican of September 2, 1907:

Interesting Program Planned For
Labor Day at Park City.

Republican Special Service.

Mother Jones, Mar 11, 1905, AtR

Park City, Sept. 1.-The Park City Miners’ union, which is in charge of the celebration of Labor day, has completed the arrangements for the event and provided amusement for young and old. The festivities will begin at 9 o’clock in the morning with a parade, in which the union will figure prominently. The fire department and school children, with the Park City military band, will lead the procession.

Prominent in the program will be an address by “Mother” Jones, who is known by all as an earnest worker in the cause of the laboring man. A stand has been erected on the Marsac ground for speakers . Various sports will follow the program….

[Photograph added.]

From The Salt Lake Tribune of September 3, 1907:


Special to The Tribune.

PARK CITY. Sept. 2.-Labor day in Park City was fittingly celebrated. At 9:30 a. m. the parade formed on Main street, at the Miners’ Union hall.

The parade was headed by the Park City fire department, followed by Harry Weist as flag-bearer. Then came the Military band and tho city officers. The members of the Miners’ union, small boys and girls, and, lastly, the “Hoot, Hoot” band.

The line of march was north on Main street to Heber avenue, then south on Park avenue to First street, then north on Main street to the band stand, where in a short address Mr. Langford introduced the speaker of the day, “Mother” Jones, as she is known. “Mother” Jones spoke for one hour and thirty minutes on the “Wealth of the Nation,” and the amount contributed to it by the laboring classes….

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Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason Takes on Collier’s Claim That “Best Detectives” Know Orchard Told the Truth


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday October 6, 1907
The View from Girard, Kansas:
Collier’s Licks the Velvet Hand

From the Appeal to Reason of October 5, 1907:

“Crucify Him!”

HMP, Haywood in Cell, Colliers, June 22, 1907

Collier’s Weekly, in the face of all the antagonistic circumstances under which Haywood was tried and acquitted, says that it is privately informed by the best detectives in the country that Orchard told the truth. Well, the Appeal is informed by the best detectives in the country that Orchard maliciously lied, to save his craven neck, under the paid expert coaching of a man whose antecedent history in the “Mollie Maguire” period, and at Parsons, Kan., where good citizens made affidavits denouncing him, shows him to be a creature whose moral pulse beats lower than a snake’s. All the time Orchard was “telling the truth” he was telling stories of his own despicable treachery and double dealing for pay.

HMP, Orchard on Stand, Colliers, June 22, 1907

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason Takes on Collier’s Claim That “Best Detectives” Know Orchard Told the Truth”

Hellraisers Journal: J. A. Wayland of Girard, Kansas, Publishes “Darrow’s Speech in the Haywood Case”


Darrow Peroration Haywood Trial, Waylands Monthly, Oct 1907


Hellraisers Journal, Thursday October 3, 1907
Girard, Kansas – J. A. Wayland Publishes Darrow’s Greatest Speech

From Girard, Kansas, home of the Appeal to Reason, Socialist weekly, comes the publication of the entire speech made by Clarence Darrow on July 24th and 25th. This speech resulted in the famous “Not Guilty” verdict which was cheered by working men and women the world over.

From Wayland’s Monthly of October 1907:

Darrow Speech Haywood Case, Waylands Monthly, Oct 1907


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: J. A. Wayland of Girard, Kansas, Publishes “Darrow’s Speech in the Haywood Case””

Hellraisers Journal: Grand Jury Refuses to Indict Mesabi Range Strikers, Teofilo Petriella Goes Free

You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday September 17, 1907
Mesabi Iron Miners’ Strike: Good News from the Front Lines

From the Duluth Labor World of September 14, 1907:

No Miscarriage of Justice in Duluth Courts.—
Won’t Practice Range Methods.
Jury Practically Holds That Petriella Was
Justified in Protecting Himself.

Mesabi Miners Strike, T. Petriella, Mpls Tb, July 27, 1907
Teofilo Petriella

The cases against the striking miners on the Mesaba range have fallen flat. When the Grand Jury took up the matter of the nine miners who were bound over on the charge of inciting a riot they listened to the evidence presented by the state, and then promptly, and very properly dismissed the matter by asking that the defendants be released.

Petriella too, who was bound over for carrying concealed weapons, was dismissed, and his $1,000 was returned to him.

One of the members of the grand jury in commenting on the cases said: “It was ridiculous to bring such frivilous cases before the grand jury.”

Judge Brady ought to see by this time that he is putting the county to needless expense in binding men over to the grand jury simply because hirelings for the Steel Trust bring them before him.

Petriella admitted carrying a revolver, but the jury thought he was justified, in view of the fact that newspapers on the range were threatening his life, advising tar and feathers, and demanding that he be driven from town. Petriella’s bail money was returned to him.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Grand Jury Refuses to Indict Mesabi Range Strikers, Teofilo Petriella Goes Free”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1907, Part II, Found on Minnesota’s Iron Range, and in Chicago, & Cincinnati


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Friday September 13, 1907
Mother Jones News for August, Part II: Travels to Chicago

Mother Jones, Tacoma Times, Sept 19, 1904

On August 21st, Mother left Duluth, Minnesota, after concluding her time in Northern Minnesota where she had been traveling the Mesabi Range in support of the striking iron miners and giving speeches alongside of C. E. Mahoney of the Western Federation of Miners. She next traveled to Chicago where she was found speaking in support of the Telegrapher’s Strike. At one union meeting she advised young woman on the issue of keeping company with scabs:

When you find these fellows sneaking back to work, keep him out if you can; if you can’t, renounce them and see that any fellow who calls on you carries a union card or else order him from your door.

Mother also made a short trip to Cincinnati in order to speak at Socialist Picnic in that city.

From The Cincinnati Post of August 23, 1907:

MJ, Ad Speech, Cinc Post p4, Aug 23, 1907

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1907, Part II, Found on Minnesota’s Iron Range, and in Chicago, & Cincinnati”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1907, Part I, Found in Arizona, Denver, & Minnesota’s Mesabi Range

You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday September 12, 1907
Mother Jones News for August, Part I: Arrives on Mesabi Range

Mother Jones by Bertha Howell (Mrs Mailly), ab 1902

During the month of August 1907, we found Mother Jones in Arizona continuing her work on behalf of the Western Federation of Miners. After a brief visit to Denver to congratulate William D. Haywood on his recent acquittal, Mother turned up briefly in Chicago and from there she traveled to Minnesota’s Mesabi Range to support the W. F. of M. and the ongoing strike of the iron-ore miners of that region.

Today we present Part I of our Mother Jones News round-up for the month of August 1907. We will continue tomorrow with Part II.

From The Clifton Copper Era of August 1, 1907:

Mother Jones in Clifton.

The well known labor champion. Mother Jones, arrived in Clifton last Sunday evening and commenced on Monday with a series of open air meetings, which will be continued throughout the week. She is a white-haired lady of seventy years and has spent the most of her life in the interest of the laboring classes. She is the best feminine speaker that has ever appeared in Clifton and outside of a few strong remarks about companies her talks so far have been very mild, and not what was expected of her.

In some of her talks she drifted back into ancient history among the laboring classes and brought it out to the present time. The main object of her visit here is to give advice to the Mexican laborers, some of whom have taken part in the recent strike at the A. C. smelter. She is a rugged old lady and her voice is exceedingly well suited for the position which she occupies. She has had vast experiences with the laboring classes, having taken active part in almost every strike that has occurred in the United States.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1907, Part I, Found in Arizona, Denver, & Minnesota’s Mesabi Range”

Hellraisers Journal: Striking Miners Cannot March on Labor Day; Imported Workers Imprisoned by Company Guards

There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday September 4, 1907
From the Duluth Labor World: News from Mesabi Miners’ Strike

The August 31st edition of The Labor World provides much news from the Mesabi Range concerning the ongoing strike of the iron ore miners led by the Western Federation of Miners.

Miners Not Allowed to March on Labor Day.

Mesabi Iron Miners Strike of 1907, Labor Day, Lbr Wld Aug 31, 1907

Strike Continues.

Mesabi Iron Miners Strike of 1907, Liberty, Petriella, Lbr Wld Aug 31, 1907

[Note: Photograph with caption added is from the Duluth News Tribune, the voice of the mine owners’ interests in Minnesota.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Striking Miners Cannot March on Labor Day; Imported Workers Imprisoned by Company Guards”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Comes to Duluth to Support Striking Mesabi Iron Miners


Plea for Justice, Not Charity, Quote Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday August 27, 1907
From The Labor World: “Labor’s Little Angel” Speaks in Duluth

Mother Jones, Mar 11, 1905, AtR

Mother Jones spoke at the Duluth Armory on Sunday August 18th. With her on the platform where William E. McEwen, editor and publisher of The Labor World, and C. E. Mahoney who served as acting president of the Western Federation of Miners until the recent release of Charles Moyer from jail in Boise.

The striking iron miners of the Mesabi Range were supported by the speakers, and the steel trust and their gunthugs were condemned.

During her speech Mother Jones declared:

When they bring in the guns and the military, they think they have conquered; they rejoice at the thought they have conquered labor. You can conquer the steel trust, you can conquer the paper trust—every other trust in the world, but put it down for the editor in the morning that you can’t conquer the labor trust. If you wipe out the working class, what are the rich people going to do; they can’t even cook a meal of victuals for themselves.

From The Labor World of August 24, 1907:

Mother Jones Tells Working People of
Duluth Something About
Labor Conditions.
Large Crowd Turned Out in Spite
of Inclement Weather—
Interest Was Great.

The mass meeting at the armory last Sunday evening [August 18th] brought out 300 of the faithful. The weather was most unfavorable. The worst storm of the season was at its height, and even those on the program as speakers didn’t expect to see more than the committee on hand. However, the attendance was good, and spirit was high.

The meeting was called lo order by W. E. McEwen. On the platform with him were Alderman Jos. Shartell, Mother Jones, C. E. Mahoney, acting president of the Western Federation of Miners, and M. Kaplin. The Finnish band opened the meeting with the playing of the Marseilles.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Comes to Duluth to Support Striking Mesabi Iron Miners”

Hellraisers Journal: Twenty Thousand Men, Women, and Children Cheer Big Bill Haywood at Pabst Park in Milwaukee


Stand shoulder to shoulder.
You can’t lose.
Yours, fraternally,


Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday August 21, 1907
Milwaukee, Wisconsin – Haywood Guest at Socialist Picnic

From The Green Bay Gazette of August 19, 1907:

Haywood, Wilshire's Magazine, 1906

Twenty Thousand Milwaukeeans
Turn Out to Greet Miner.

Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 19.-Twenty thousand men, women, and children crowded Pabst park yesterday afternoon to listen to William D. Haywood, secretary treasurer of the Western Federation of Miners, when he addressed the gathering of Milwaukee social democrats at their second picnic of the season.

The picnic was the most successful held by the party in this city and Mr. Haywood was given a most gratifying ovation.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Twenty Thousand Men, Women, and Children Cheer Big Bill Haywood at Pabst Park in Milwaukee”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1907, Part II: Found in Speaking in Arizona


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Friday August 16, 1907
Mother Jones News for July, Part II: Found in Arizona

From the Bisbee Daily Review of July 17, 1907:

Gets a Hot Tongue Lashing In Tucson
Before an Audience of Fifty-
Strike Notices Are Posted There.

(Special to Review.)

Mother Jones, Tacoma Times, Sept 19, 1904

TUCSON, Ariz., July 16.-“Mother Jones” spoke here last night [July 15] in front of the Cabinet saloon on Congress street. Fifty people by actual count listened to her discourse on the subject of “Relation of Capital to Labor.”

She stated that Sheriff Jack White of Cochise County had made the remark that she should be run out of the country, and proceeded to give the big sheriff at Tombstone a vitriolic tongue lashing the equal of which has never been heard on the streets of Tucson before.

She paid her respects to the Copper Queen and Calumet & Arizona companies, and proceeded to give her own version of the strike situation there.

Strike notices were posted about Tucson today warning working men to stay away from Bisbee. They are the same notices printed shortly after the strike was inaugurated and are signed by Rawlins, Cannon, Mitanovich et al.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1907, Part II: Found in Speaking in Arizona”