Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1909, Part I: Found in Texas, Missouri, & Kansas


Quote Mother Jones, We Will Rest, UMWC Jan 27, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday September 12, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for August 1909, Part I:
-Found Speaking in Texas, Missouri, and Kansas

Mother Jones, Elkhart IN Dly Rv p2, Crpd, July 19, 1909

From The Houston Post
-of August 1, 1909:

Socialist Meeting at Tyler.

(Houston Post Special.)

TYLER, Texas, July 31.-About fifteen campers with outfits from Van Zandt and Henderson counties arrived this evening to attend the socialist encampment which commences Monday and lasts until Saturday of next week. The speakers for the encampment are prominent in the socialist party and includes Colonel Dick Maples, “Mother” Jones and Rev. Mr. Andrews.


From The Kansas City Star
-of August 4, 1909:

“Mother Jones,” the well known Socialist lecturer, is announced for a lecture Friday night in the circuit court room at Independence under the auspices of the Independence Socialist club.

From Appeal to Reason of August 7, 1909:


The convention of the Western Federation of Miners which recently adjourned was the most progressive in the history of that organization. There were some exciting debates and there were some minor elements with extreme tendencies, but on the whole the convention was composed of the clear-eyed, honest and progressive workers whose highest purpose it was to place their organization in the van of the working class movement…..

Mother Jones and Emma F. Langdon were the honored guests of the convention and made rousing speeches to the delegates. Mother is called “The Uncrowned Queen” by the rugged miners of the mountain states who have reason to know her for her fearless and faithful devotion to their interests at a time when it was at the peril of her life…..

From the Kansas City, Kansas, Labor Record of August 13, 1909:

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1909, Part I: Found in Texas, Missouri, & Kansas”

Hellraisers Journal: “Free America!” – Reign of Terror Continues Against Miners of Shoshone County, Part II


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege, Ab Chp III———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday August 21, 1899
Wardner, Idaho – Hundreds of miners have been in bullpen for over two months.

From the Appeal to Reason of August 19, 1899:

Free America!

Washington Times, [July 18, 1899].
(Part II)

WFM, Wardner Bull Pen of May 1899, Hutton photo 1, 1900

General Merriam had been instructed to go to Wardner to quell disturbances and to keep order, but according to the affidavits these were the last of the duties he imposed upon himself. It is sworn that immediately upon his arrival he began a wholesale carnival of arrests, which continued for several weeks. Every man who was known to have been connected in any way with a labor union was arrested without any charge being made, and as the county jail was considered too soft a place, the prisoners were placed in a large barn known as the “bull pen,” and were strongly guarded.


In a short time over 700 men were packed into this pen and forced to sleep on a filthy floor, and were given no attention. Nearly all of these men were charged with no crime, and were arrested by order of Governor Steunenburg because they had at some time belonged to labor unions. The sheriff of the county and two members of the board of county commissioners were arrested among others, because, as the governor said, they were “sympathizers.” The county attorney attempted to secure the release of the sheriff and was threatened with arrest if he dared offer a protest. The prisoners were cut off from all communication with the outside world and were allowed to see nobody. Their wives and children were allowed to starve and were subjected to the most revolting outrages by the colored troops and the lawless hangers-on who had sworn that they believed that labor unions to be criminal organizations.

The conditions inside the pen were sickening, according to the statements of those who have been imprisoned there. Scurvy and slime were everywhere, and several cases of insanity were developed among the prisoners. Every able-bodied man in the town of Wardner had some experience in this place and every miner who refused to sign an application for a permit to work was arrested as a “sympathizer.”

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Free America!” – Reign of Terror Continues Against Miners of Shoshone County, Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: “Free America!” – Reign of Terror Continues Against Miners of Shoshone County, Part I


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege, Ab Chp III———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday August 20, 1899
Wardner, Idaho – 300 Miners and Sympathizers Remain in Bullpen

From the Appeal to Reason of August 19, 1899:

Free America!


Wardner ID Bullpen, Terror Reigns, WDC Tx p1, July 18, 1899

Washington Times, [July 18, 1899].
(Part I)

ACCORDING to the affidavits and sworn statements presented to the president [William McKinley] yesterday by Senator Heitfeld, [Populist] of Idaho, a reign of terror and brutality has been established in Shoshone county in that state and an American Siberia has been inaugurated by the Standard Oil Trust, aided and abetted by Brig. Gen. H. O. Merriam and a regiment of colored regulars. The testimony now in the possession of the president contains the sworn statements of representative business men who describe such a round of brutal torture and barbarity as makes the rule of Spanish tyranny in Cuba seems merciful and humane in comparison.

The testimony shows that the Coeur d’Alene district has been under martial law for nearly three months, and the county has been absolutely cut off from the rest of the world. More than 300 innocent men, the testimony shows, have been imprisoned in a filthy “bull pen” during the three months, and have been subjected to such outrageous treatment that twenty-four deaths have occurred and the living are physical wrecks. Every sympathizer has been imprisoned or driven out of the county, and even now eight men are being tried for their lives without counsel. The county attorney is guarded and threatened with arrest should he dare to enter a protest, and over 100 witnesses for the defense have been driven out and warned not to return.


The Standard Oil Trust is paying all expenses of prosecution to insure conviction. A rigid press censorship has been established and no man’s life is worth a word of sympathy. Men have been murdered and woman outraged by the colored troops and no heed has been given these things by the military rulers. The governor of the state is charged with being in the employ of the Standard Oil Trust, and the accusations are backed up by his own defy, in which he states that “the large mine owners will run the state in the future and that he (the governor) will keep the country under martial law during the balance of his term.”

All this, and more, it is claimed, has been proven, and President McKinley has promised to begin an investigation at once.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Free America!” – Reign of Terror Continues Against Miners of Shoshone County, Part I”

Hellraisers Journal: The Western Tour of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn: “The trip has been an unqualified success.”


Quote EGF, Western IWW Aggressive Spirit, IW p3, Aug 12, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday August 18, 1909
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Describes Her Western Tour

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of August 12, 1909:


EGF, Restored, Spk Rv p7, July 9, 1909

My western trip has convinced me of at least two things, that the sun doesn’t rise in the Long Island sound and set in the Hudson river, and that I couldn’t possibly blarney myself into the idea that I am a hard-worked sort of martyr for the cause of labor, and give due consideration to the splendid treatment I have received from the organization and audiences in the west. The trip has been an unqualified success from all points of view, yet I have enjoyed every step of the way. Nowhere have I felt like a stranger, everywhere I could say regretfully of the cast, “Home was nothing like this!” I would recommend a like trip to any New Yorker who believes that their town is the world, and then some. Even if they travel the box car route they can feel at home after their 6×12 hall bedrooms on the air shaft, and they will feel, as I have, that New York is a very small part of the revolutionary movement, at least.

No. 64 at Minneapolis.

My trip started in Minneapolis, where Local No. 64 is forging ahead. We held a series of open air meetings in the employment agency district and every night before we opened up crowds 500 or 600 strong gathered. They listened attentively, sang revolutionary songs and judging by the enthusiasm the time is more than ripe to open up a hall and reading room in that city. We have certainly “started something” in the Flour City.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Western Tour of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn: “The trip has been an unqualified success.””

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1909, Part IV: Speaks for Mexican Revolutionaries


Quote Mother Jones Save Our Mexican Comrades, AtR p3, Feb 20, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday August 11, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for July 1909, Part IV:
-Mother Speaks on Behalf of Mexican Revolutionaries

From Los Angeles Herald of July 23, 1909:


Butte Union Insurgent Leaders Insist That
Funds Due Local Body Were Diverted
to the Main Organization

(By Associated Press.)

Mother Jones, Elkhart IN Dly Rv p2, Crpd, July 19, 1909

DENVER, July 22.-The expected controversy over the adoption of President Moyer’s report occupied practically the entire time of today’s sessions of the convention of the Western Federation of Miners.

The introduction of the committee resolution recommending favorable action was the signal for the anti-administration forces, led by P. W. Flynn of Butte, to launch their carefully prepared contest….

A lengthy discussion ended in an attempt by the Flynn crowd to have Moyer’s supplementary report as well as his statement tabled, but this was lost, 149 to 198.

Before the vote on the adoption of the Flynn statement could be taken the hour of adjournment was reached.

“Mother” Jones Talks

“Mother” Jones addressed the convention today in behalf of the alleged Mexican revolutionists, for whom extradition is sought by the Diaz government.

Hereafter when a delegate on the floor of the convention of the Western Federation of Miners calls another delegate a liar or uses profane language it will cost him $10. A resolution to this effect was adopted this morning.

The convention again reaffirmed its policy of education and recommended an aggressive campaign along the lines of independent political action and industrial unionism. It also instructed the executive board whenever the revenues would permit to place Socialist workers in the field and distribute Socialist literature.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1909, Part IV: Speaks for Mexican Revolutionaries”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1909, Part III: Addresses Convention of W. F. of M.


Quote Mother Jones, re Ruling Class, AtR p2, Jan 23, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday August 10, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for July 1909, Part III:
-Addresses Convention of Western Federation of Miners

From El Paso Herald of July 17, 1909:

Mother Jones, Elkhart IN Dly Rv p2, Crpd, July 19, 1909


Denver, Col., July 17.-The dispute between the Butte brewery workers and the Western Federation of Miners over the control of the brewery engineers, occupied the attention of the miners this morning and the question is still unsettled. “Mother Jones” addressed the convention this afternoon.


[Photograph added.]

From the Appeal to Reason of July 17, 1909:

SW Edition, Texas, WJ Bell Sec Tyler, AtR p3, July 3, 1909


Mineral Wells Encampment.

As encampments on a large scale is the order of the day, the locals and comrades of Parker and Palo Pinto counties instead of trying to hold ordinary encampments separately, have united their resources and efforts in the production of one huge encampment.

Mineral Wells is an ideal spot for and encampment [scheduled for Aug. 9-14]. A full corps of speakers will be on hand for the full six days. Hickey, Brewer, Andrews, Lena Morrow Lewis, Noble, Buchanan, Mother Jones and able local speakers. Every kind of amusement and attraction that goes with an encampment will serve to amuse those in attendance while the speakers educate. Bring your families in your wagons or come by rail at special rates and camp with us for the week.


[Note: Mineral Wells is about 50 miles west of Fort Worth.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1909, Part III: Addresses Convention of W. F. of M.”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1909, Part II: Found Speaking at Convention of the Western Federation of Miners


Quote Mother Jones, We Will Rest, UMWC Jan 27, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday August 9, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for July 1909, Part II:
-Found Speaking in Denver at W. F. of M. Convention

From Proceedings of the Convention of Western Federation of Miners
-Held at Denver, Colorado, July 12-August 3, 1909:

Third Day, Afternoon Session of July 14, 1909:
-From Financial Report of Secretary-Treasurer Earnest Mills

Mother Jones, Elkhart IN Dly Rv p2, July 19, 1909

We have been in receipt of $3,911.72, principally through the efforts of “Mother” Jones, for the defense of the Mexican Political Refugees, whose cases were discussed at the Sixteenth Annual Convention, and $3,809.75 has been paid to the Bisbee Mexican Defense Committee, and used directly in behalf of securing the liberty of the imprisoned men, while the balance, $101.97, has been forwarded to the Political Refugee Defense Committee at Chicago at the request of “Mother” Jones for the defense of Calixto Guerra, a political refugee, whose extradition is demanded by President Diaz of Mexico.

Fifth Day, Afternoon Session of July 16, 1909:

Mother Jones, having entered the hall at this time [following the Report of Vice-President C. E. Mahoney], was escorted to the platform, where she was introduced by the chair to the delegates, who received the venerable “mother” with ringing applause.

“Mother” Jones spoke at length, describing the struggle of the coal miners who are now on strike, and urging the delegates to elect men to their respective legislatures and congress who would look after the interests of the working class. At the conclusion of her address, “Mother” Jones was loudly applauded.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1909, Part II: Found Speaking at Convention of the Western Federation of Miners”

Hellraisers Journal: Western Federation of Miners Dedicates Monuments to John Murphy & George Pettibone, Part II


Quote John ONeill re Pettibone, Mnrs Mag p7, July 29, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday August 7, 1909
Denver, Colorado – Monuments for Murphy and Pettibone Dedicated, Part II

From The Miners Magazine of August 5, 1909:

Monument to Murphy and Pettibone Dedicated July 24th.
[Part II]

John Murphy, Pettibone, Mnrs Mag p4, Aug 5, p6, July 29, 1909

Judge Hynes in a neat address then introduced John M. O’Neill, editor of the Miners’ Magazine, who delivered the following address:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of Organized Labor and Delegates to the Western Federation of Miners:

We have gathered here today to dedicate monuments to the memory of two men, who in life entwined themselves in the hearts of men and women who are scanning with yearning eyes the distant horizon and watching for the faint gleams of that glad morning that shall usher in a civilization that bequeathes to humanity the priceless heritage of industrial liberty. These monuments are the generous gifts of men who mourned the cruel summons of the grim messengers of death that snatched from life’s arena men whose deathless devotion and loyalty to the eternal principles of justice, made their names immortal in the labor movement of Western America. They did not come from the gory field of battle bearing victories that were baptized in human blood. They were not crowned with achievements won amid the fire and smoke of shot and shell, but they were soldiers in that great army of the world’s struggling millions that is slowly but surely marching onward toward the goal of economic freedom.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Western Federation of Miners Dedicates Monuments to John Murphy & George Pettibone, Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: Western Federation of Miners Dedicates Monuments to John Murphy & George Pettibone, Part I



Hellraisers Journal – Friday August 6, 1909
Denver, Colorado – Monuments for Murphy and Pettibone Dedicated, Part I

From The Miners Magazine of August 5, 1909:

Monument to Murphy and Pettibone Dedicated July 24th.
[Part I]

John Murphy, Pettibone, Mnrs Mag p4, Aug 5, p6, July 29, 1909

On last Saturday afternoon the monuments erected to the memory of John H. Murphy and George A. Pettibone, were unveiled in the presence of more than 500 people who had gathered in Fairmont cemetery: The convention of the Western Federation of Miners adjourned at noon Saturday in order that the delegates might attend the dedication services in a body. At 2:15 p.m. the delegates left Denver in two special cars for the cemetery, followed by a special car containing members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen and another special car with members of the Granite Cutters’ Union. When the special cars reached the cemetery, the monuments were already surrounded by many of the friends of the departed and at 4 o’clock, Judge W. F. Hynes, who was master of ceremonies, addressed the gathering and paid eloquent tributes to the men who had proven their loyalty to the principles of organized labor. Judge Hynes then introduced A. H. Hawley, general secretary-treasurer of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, who spoke as follows:

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Western Federation of Miners Dedicates Monuments to John Murphy & George Pettibone, Part I”

Hellraisers Journal: Paul Corcoran, Secretary of Burke Miners’ Union, Found Guilty, Sentenced to 17 Years in Prison


Quote Ed Boyce re Manly Blood per Gaboury 1967———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday July 30, 1899
Wallace, Idaho – Paul Corcoran Found Guilty of Second Degree Murder

From The Butte Miner of July 28, 1899:

Paul Corcoran Found Guilty by
a Jury at Wallace.

The Defense Will Trust to Executive Clemency Rather
Than Risk Another Jury Trial-
After Sentence Had Been Pronounced,
Court Adjourned Until September.

Paul Corcoran, Sec Burke ID Miners WFM, Hutton p186, pubd 1900

Wallace, Idaho, July 27.-Paul Corcoran was this morning found guilty of murder in the second degree by a jury in the district court, for the killing of James Cheyne at Wardner on April 29 last, during the riots, when a mob of 1,000 miners blew up the Bunker Hill and Sullivan concentrator.

Judge Stewart this afternoon sentenced Corcoran to serve 17 years in the penitentiary. Corcoran’s case was considered a test one, and had he been acquitted it is not probable that any of the other 300 men who are under arrest would have been tried for participation in the riots and murders at Wardner. This afternoon, however, Judge Stewart set the trials of Graddock and Inman, on a charge of murdering Smith and Cheyne, for September 4.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Paul Corcoran, Secretary of Burke Miners’ Union, Found Guilty, Sentenced to 17 Years in Prison”