Hellraisers Journal – Saturday May 15, 1909
Western Tour of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn from May to July
From the Spokane Industrial Worker of May 6, 1909:
General Administration,
310 Bush Temple, Chicago.
Labor Produces All Wealth-
Labor Is Entitled to All It Produces-
An Injury to One Is an Injury to All
Fellow Worker: The crying need of the hour with the working class is a form of organization that will create and maintain solidarity. To gain this means constructive work of great proportion. It needs correct education as well as correct form of organization. It means laying the foundation for the rule of the working class. It means the building of an organization that will enable its membership to successfully cope with the employing class in its everyday struggle. It means building an organization that will supplant the capitalist system and secure for the workers the full product of their labor.
Can this work be accomplished?
Can this organization be built?
It can and will!
It must be built!Industrial Unionism on revolutionary lines will furnish the organization needed.
Agitation, education and organization on industrial lines is first required.
The Industrial Workers of the World is arranging a tour of the West for
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn.
Miss Flynn is one of the cleverest and best posted industrial unionists before the country today. Her exposition of the aims and objects of Industrial Unionism can be understood by all.