Hellraisers Journal: “Miners Go Out…Mother Jones Lecturing Miners for More Complete Organization”-Speaks at Sopris


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday November 9, 1903
Mother Jones Speaks to Miners at Sopris and Starkville, Colorado

From The Rocky Mountain News of November 8, 1903:

Colorado Coal Strike, MJ Speaks at Sopris, RMN p1n2, Nov 8, 1903

[Mother Jones at Sopris and Starkville]

…..The meeting held at Sopris last night [November 6th], where the speaker was Mother Jones, was crowded. To-night she speaks at Starkville. Both these towns are incorporated, and the coal companies do not own the town sites, so no interference with the meeting can be brought about, even if it was the desire of the operators…..

     It is stated that all the miners are out at Berwind, and that all at Sopris and Starkville will refuse to go to work Monday. In the two latter towns, Mother Jones has made hurricane appeals to the miners to strike. She is a speaker of the strongest type, and the fact that she is a white haired woman carried weight with her talks, all of which recited the condition in the Eastern fields, and none of which referred to the conditions prevailing in Colorado or how to improve them…..

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Miners Go Out…Mother Jones Lecturing Miners for More Complete Organization”-Speaks at Sopris”

Hellraisers Journal: From Miners Magazine: “The Faithful Dog” Walks the Streets of Chicago to Advertise Against Scabs


Quote Mother Jones, Stick Together, MI Mnrs Bltn p1, Aug 14, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 7, 1913
Chicago, Illinois – Faithful Dog, Topey, Says, “Don’t Be a Scab”

From the Miners Magazine of November 6, 1913:

No Scab Dog of Chicago, CO UMW MI WFM Strikes, Mnrs Mag p8, Nov 6, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Miners Magazine: “The Faithful Dog” Walks the Streets of Chicago to Advertise Against Scabs”

Hellraisers Journal: State Militia Arrives in Southern Colorado Strike Zone, Finds Striking Coal Miners Standing Firm


Quote Mother Jones, Coming of the Lord, Cnc Pst p6, July 23, 1902—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday November 6, 1913
Southern Colorado Coalfields – State Militia Arrives, Strikers Standing Firm

From the Denver United Labor Bulletin of November 1, 1913:

HdLn Militia to So Colorado, ULB p1, Nov 1, 1913

[Captain Van Cise Issues “Shoot to Kill” Orders:]

Van Cise Colorado Militia Shoot to Kill, ULB p1, Nov 1, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: State Militia Arrives in Southern Colorado Strike Zone, Finds Striking Coal Miners Standing Firm”

Hellraisers Journal: UMWA Declares Strike of District 15’s Coal Miners Will Begin November 9th. Order Signed by President Mitchell So Instructs President Howells.


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday November 1, 1903
Indianapolis, Indiana – United Mine Workers Issues Strike Call for District 15

From The Rocky Mountain News of October 30, 1903:

CO etc District 15 Strike Declared by UMWA, Mother Jones Prominent, RMN p1, 9, Oct 30, 1903

Note error above: District 15 coal miners are members of the United Mine Workers of America, not the Western Federation of Miners (metal miners).

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: UMWA Declares Strike of District 15’s Coal Miners Will Begin November 9th. Order Signed by President Mitchell So Instructs President Howells.”

Hellraisers Journal: “Organized Labor” by John Mitchell, President of the U. M. W. A., Reviewed by The Wall Street Journal


MJ Quote Solidarity—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday October 31, 1903
Review of John Mitchell’s Book, “Organized Labor”
-from The Wall Street Journal of October 28, 1903

Organized Labor; Its Problems, Purposes, and Ideals
and the Present and Future of American Wage Earners
-by John Mitchell, President of the United Mine Workers of America

American Book and Bible House,
Philadelphia, PA, 1903

John Mitchell, Book Organized Labor, 1903

Prominently placed in the October 28th issue of The Journal is a long review of “Organized Labor,” the recently released book by Mr. Mitchell. The review takes up a full column of the front page and about a quarter of a second column, and contains a surprising amount of praise for the labor leader, if not for all of his ideas:

Mr. John Mitchell, president of the united mine workers of America, has published a book entitled “Organized Labor.” It is interesting, first because its subject is now uppermost in the attention of the public, and secondly, because its author has within a year loomed large in the public eye, by reason of the great anthracite coal miners’ strike of 1902. Mr. Mitchell’s book, therefore, deserves more than the merely perfunctory and passing notices which it has received in the press generally.

It is on the whole well written, temperate in its criticisms, moderate in its claims, and fair in its general judgments. Conservatism is very much the keynote throughout, and the work as a whole serves to strengthen the opinion formed by most fair minded people after the coal strike that Mr. Mitchell may be counted among the ablest most responsible, and most far-sighted of the labor leaders in power to-day. His book is in the main a plea for the principles of trade unionism….

[Emphasis added.]

The Journal then goes on to list Mr. Mitchell’s principles of trade unionism as:

1) Trade unionism seeks to represent the interest of the working class, the workingman should identify his union with his class, and the working man owes duties to his class just as to his country.

2) Trade unionism stands for collective bargaining and is opposed to the individual contract.

3) Trade unionism seeks to secure a “definite minimum standard of wages, hours and conditions of work” for all workers  in any given trade.

4) Trade unionism demands equal rights with employers “in determining how, when, with whom, at what time, and under what conditions work shall be carried on.”

5) “The trade unions..have nothing which is not free to all, which may not be shared by any and every capable workman.”

6) Trade unionism seeks to enforce the union shop in order to protect the union contract. (Or, as The Journal put it, trade unionism seeks “the monopolization of work for union men by enforcing the union shop..”)

7) Trade unionism seeks permanent industrial peace by means of trade agreements (the union contract.)

The Journal supports the right of the workingman to organized and bargain collectively, but is greatly troubled that allegiance to class should be valued as highly by a worker as allegiance to country, and calls this idea “a deep and dangerous fallacy.” The Journal also takes a stand against the “union shop,” failing to understand that without a “union shop,” the union contract that they so laud as leading to industrial peace, cannot be enforced.

The review ends with this recommendation:

While we totally disagree with Mr. Mitchell on the points discussed above, we can safely recommend his book to those who desire to inform themselves respecting the whole question. If we have in any way misrepresented his position we regret it heartily. We are fully as anxious to understand him as he is to be understood.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Organized Labor” by John Mitchell, President of the U. M. W. A., Reviewed by The Wall Street Journal”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones and Representative Keating, of Colorado, Speak at Meeting of Washington (D. C.) Central Labor Union, Urge Federal Investigation


Quote Mother Jones WV Miners Conditions, ISR p179 , Sept 1901—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday October 30, 1913
Washington, D. C. – Mother Jones and Rep. Keating Speak at Meeting of C. L. U.

From The Washington Times of October 28, 1913:

Mother Jones n US Rep Keating Speak in WDC for Fed Investigation of CO Strike, WDC p7, Oct 28, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones and Representative Keating, of Colorado, Speak at Meeting of Washington (D. C.) Central Labor Union, Urge Federal Investigation”

Hellraisers Journal: Governor Ammons Orders Troops Out Against Strikers in the Coalfields of Southern Colorado


Quote John Lawson 1913, after October 17th Death Special attack on Forbes Tent Colony, Beshoar p74—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday October 29, 1913
Denver, Colorado – Governor Declares Martial Law in Southern Coalfields

From The Denver Post of October 27, 1913:

CO Gov Ammons, McLennan, Hayes, White, Last Try bf Troops, DP p2, Oct 27,1913

Officers of the United Mine Workers of America in conference with Governor Ammons regarding the strike situation in the Southern coal fields. Left to right are Governor Ammons, John McLennan, district president of the United Mine Workers of America and president of the Colorado State Federation of Labor; Vice President Frank J. Hayes and President John P. White of the United Mine Workers of America.

From The Rocky Mountain News of October 28, 1913:

Bnr HdLn CO Gov Orders Troops ag Strikers, RMN p1, Oct 28, 193

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Governor Ammons Orders Troops Out Against Strikers in the Coalfields of Southern Colorado”

Hellraisers Journal: “Rich Suffragets Know Nothing of Miners’ Wives’ Suffering Says Mother Jones” by William G. Shepherd


Quote Mother Jones, Dont need vote to raise hell, Ab Chp 22, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday October 28, 1913
Mother Jones Lectures Rich Suffragettes on Suffering of Miners’ Wives

From the Chicago Day Book of October 27, 1913:




Mother Jones, Day Book p29, Oct 27, 1913

Trinidad, Col., Oct. 27.-Mother Jones, 81, here fresh from the West Virginia prisons to help Colorado coal strikers, recently gave me her opinion on women’s suffrage.

From what I see of conditions in this corrupted state of Colorado, where they have had women’s suffrage for 14 years, it seems to me that the influence of women has been utterly useless. I wish Mrs. Pankhurst would frame me a statement as to why women’s suffrage has failed so utterly in Colorado. Conditions of women and children in mining districts are worse than in any other part of the United States.

This state is owned by corporations. Votes of the women of Colorado have never helped Colorado women and children, made their lives easier or lessened their toil or gained for them any additional human rights.

The rights of lower classes are less respected in this great woman suffrage state than in West Virginia, where women don’t vote. It is like prescribing cough medicine to cure consumption for Mrs. Pankhurst to suggest votes for women as a cure for economical slavery.

Mrs. Pankhurst doesn’t understand problems of the lower classes; she belongs to the upper classes. What does Mrs. Belmont or Mrs. Mackay or other rich women who surround Mrs. Pankhurst know about suffering of miners’ wives and infants? Mrs. Pankhurst travels with women who are opposed to what laboring classes of America stand for. They demand to know what right Mrs. Pankhurst has to associate with such women at the same time she talks about uplifting the world. The consumptive, economical America needs something more than Mrs. Pankhurst’s celebrated cough syrup. I wish Mrs. Pankhurst were coming to speak to the women in the tented camps of the coal strikers of Colorado. It would be more of a lesson for Mrs. Pankhurst than for the wives.

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Rich Suffragets Know Nothing of Miners’ Wives’ Suffering Says Mother Jones” by William G. Shepherd”

Hellraisers Journal: News from Colorado Coalfield Strike: Guards/Deputies Continue Reign of Terror at Forbes and Walsenburg


Quote John Lawson 1913, after October 17th Death Special attack on Forbes Tent Colony, Beshoar p74—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday October 26, 1913
News Round-Up from the Coal Miners’ Strike in Southern Colorado

From The Rocky Mountain News of October 25, 1913:

Walsenburg Massacre Oct 24, RMN p3, Oct 25, 1913

Saturday October 25, 1913
Southern Coalfield, Colorado – Mine guards and deputies continue reign of terror.

Forbes Tent Colony, October 23At dawn today, Under-Sheriff Zeke Martin and fifty deputies, some of them deputized company gunthugs, brought the Death Special back to the small colony. They surrounded the colony with four machine guns pointed at the terrified residents. The men were rounded up and held at gunpoint. The women and children were forced from their beds. The tents were torn apart, trunks, beds, and floorboards, in a search for guns. Four of the striking miners were arrested and taken away for the death of Luca Vahernick, the striker who was murdered by the gunthugs that ambushed the colony on the 17th.

Walsenburg, October 24Thirty heavily armed company guards and deputy sheriffs rode their horses into town today. They came to escort a scab’s wife into the stockade of the Walsen Mine. Strikers, along with their wives and children, gathered and began shouting and jeering, “Scab herders, scab herders!” Some of the children threw dirt clods. Without warning, the deputies opened fire. They fired several times, and then rode off leaving two dead strikers (Andy Auvinen and Cisto Croci) and one dying (Kris Kokich) in the street behind them. These brother-miners  join Gerald Lippiatt, Mack Powell, and Luca Vahernick as the martyrs, thus far, of the miners’ strike in the coalfields of southern Colorado.

Sheriff Farr and 50 deputies barricaded themselves in the courthouse as strikers and sympathizers in the town of Walsenburg picked up their guns and called for vengeance.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: News from Colorado Coalfield Strike: Guards/Deputies Continue Reign of Terror at Forbes and Walsenburg”

Hellraisers Journal: William Gunn Shepherd on the Coal Strike in Colorado: “The Wrath of 25 Years Breaking Loose”


Quote Mother Jones, Rise Up and Strike, UMW D15 Conv Sept 16 Trinidad CO, Dnv Exp Sept 17, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday October 25, 1913
Trinidad, Colorado – William Gunn Shepherd Reports on Coalfield Strike

From The Day Book of October 23, 1913:

Mother Jones at Tent Colony, Day Bk p21, Oct 23, 193Colorado Coalfield Strike War by WG Shepherd, Day Bk p20, Oct 23, 1913Colorado Coalfield Strike War by WG Shepherd, Day Book p21 n 22, Oct 23, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: William Gunn Shepherd on the Coal Strike in Colorado: “The Wrath of 25 Years Breaking Loose””