Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones May Be Forced Out of United Mine Workers Due to Her Opposition to Settlement of Northern Colorado Miners Which Mitchell Favored


Quote Mother Jones re North n South Coal Miners Separate Settle, Ab p99, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday November 25, 1903
Denver, Colorado – John Ream Blasts Mother Jones: “This Action is Treason”

From The Rocky Mountain News of November 24, 1903:

Mother Jones re Northern Colorado Settlement v Mitchell Prz UMW, RMN p1, Nov 24, 1903

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones May Be Forced Out of United Mine Workers Due to Her Opposition to Settlement of Northern Colorado Miners Which Mitchell Favored”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Victor Debs Travels to Denver, Confers with Governor Ammons on the Colorado Coalfield Strike


Quote EVD, Law ag Working Class, AtR p1, Apr 29, 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday November 24, 1913
Denver, Colorado – Eugene Debs Confers with Governor Ammons

From the Denver United Labor Bulletin of November 22, 1913:

EVD to Colorado, Meets w Gov, ULB p1, Nov 22, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Victor Debs Travels to Denver, Confers with Governor Ammons on the Colorado Coalfield Strike”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Defies John Mitchell at Louisville Meeting, Speaks Out Against Separate Settlement for the Striking Coal Miners of Northern Colorado


Quote Mother Jones re North n South Coal Miners Separate Settle, Ab p99, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday November 23, 1903
Louisville, Colorado – Mother Jones Speaks Against Separate Settlement

Sunday November 22, 1903 – Louisville, Colorado
-Mother Jones Urges Northern Miners to Stand with Their Southern Brothers

Mother Jones Opposes Mt, DP p1, Nov 22, 1903

A meeting was held in Louisville yesterday, called by District 15 of the United Mine Workers, to consider an offer made by the operators of the northern coal fields to make a separate agreement with the miners of the northern Colorado, thereby calling on these miners to desert their brothers of the southern coalfields. President Mitchell is in favor of the separate settlement, while Mother Jones is adamantly opposed. Mother arrived at the meeting with William Howells, District 15 President, who also opposes the separate settlement. Howells spoke at the meeting and advised the northern miners not to make a separate agreement. The meeting then erupted with loud calls for Mother Jones. Mother Jones arose to speak, determined to stand up for the Italian miners of the southern Colorado whom Governor Peabody has lately been speaking of with great disdain and threats to deport. The speech made by Mother Jones, in defiance of her employer, John Mitchell, was a speech in favor of Solidarity:

Brothers, you English speaking miners of the northern fields promised your southern brothers, seventy percent of whom do not speak English, that you would support them to the end. Now you are asked to betray them, to make a separate settlement. You have a common enemy and it is your duty fight to a finish.

The enemy seeks to conquer by dividing your ranks, by making distinctions between North and South, between American and foreign. You are all miners, fighting a common cause, a common master. The iron heel feels the same to all flesh. Hunger and suffering and the cause of your children bind more closely than a common tongue.

I am accused of helping the Western Federation of Miners, as if that were a crime, by one of the National board members. I plead guilty. I know of no East or West, North nor South when it comes to my class fighting the battle for justice. If it is my fortune to live to see the industrial chain broken from every workingman’s child in America, and if then there is one black child in Africa in bondage, there I shall go.

[Emphasis added.]

Mother Jones received a standing ovation, and the miners voted 228 to 165 to stay out on strike with their Italian brothers of the southern coalfield.

Photograph added from Denver Post.


From The Denver Post of November 22, 1903:

Mother Jones v John Mitchell re Northern CO Coal Miners separate settlement, DP p1, Nov 22, 1903


“Mother” Jones the Factor.

…..There were loud calls for [Mother Jones], and she was not slow in coming to the front

[Mother acknowledged the telegram that had been sent by President Mitchell to this meeting endorsing a settlement, but stated nevertheless:] John Mitchell is in Boston, we are here in the field…A general cannot give orders unless he is in the field; unless he is at the battleground. Could a general in Washington give order to an army in Colorado?…

Are you brave men? Can you fight as well as you can work? I had rather fall fighting than working. If you go back to work here and your brothers fall in the south, you will be responsible for their defeat….

I don’t know what you will do, but I know very well what I would do if I were in one of your places. I would stand or fall with this question of eight hours for every worker in every mine in Colorado. I would say we will all go to glory together or we will die and go down together. We must stand together; if we don’t there will be no victory for any of us

I want the world to know, and all the papers to print, that I am going to Cripple Creek to speak there tomorrow for the Western Federation of Miners. I am not afraid to be classed as a friend of this organization and all criticism of me on that account falls flat upon my ears….

As “Mother” Jones walked off of the stage to many affectionate good-byes, she said:

I will see you again, boys after I have licked the C. F. & I.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Defies John Mitchell at Louisville Meeting, Speaks Out Against Separate Settlement for the Striking Coal Miners of Northern Colorado”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones in Boston and Baltimore with J. W. Brown of West Virginia, Speaks on Colorado Coal Strike


Quote Mother Jones, Stick Together, MI Mnrs Bltn p1, Aug 14, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 21, 1913
Mother Jones Travels to Boston and Baltimore Accompanied by J. W. Brown

From The Boston Globe of November 17, 1913:

Mother Jones w JW Brown Speaks re CO Strike, Bst Glb p8, Nov 17, 1913

From the Baltimore Sun of November 20, 1913:

Mother Jones w JW Brown Speaks re CO Strike, Blt Sun p2, Nov 20, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones in Boston and Baltimore with J. W. Brown of West Virginia, Speaks on Colorado Coal Strike”

Hellraisers Journal: “Louie the Greek”-According to Judge Jesse Northcutt, Coal Operators’ Attorney, Master of Public Opinion in Southern Colorado


Louis Tikas, Song by Frank Manning—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday November 20, 1913
Trinidad, Colorado – Northcutt Attacks Louie Tikas, Leader of Greeks at Ludlow

From the Trinidad Chronicle-News of November 13, 1913

Louie the Greek re Tikas, TCN p1, Nov 13, 1913

Jesse G. Northcutt, former Colorado district judge, is the publisher of the Trinidad Chronicle-News, he has also been hired on as attorney for the coal operators. Furthermore, he is known to assist John J. Hendrick, the district attorney for Colorado’s Third Judicial District which covers Las Animas and Huerfano counties. How handy for the operators to have one of their own working within the criminal justice system under which striking miners are being prosecuted!

Thus, we see that Judge Jesse G. Northcutt plays several roles within the strike zone: “respected” former Judge, attorney for the coal operators, and the assistant to the District Attorney. Let us now add to that list, the role of master of public opinion through the pages of the Trinidad Chronicle-News:

“Louie the Greek” leader of three hundred of his country men-striking miners at the Ludlow tent colony, is perhaps the most conspicuous figure in the industrial war in southern Colorado. “Louie the Greek” is shrewd and fearless-a veteran of the Balkan war, and he controls the Greeks at the tent colony with a spoken word, a lift of the eye brows or a gesture of his hand.

[Emphasis added.]

The above is from the November 13th edition of the Judge’s newspaper. A week earlier (November 4th), the Chronicle described Louie’s fellow Greek miners as:

..a band of warlike Greeks who have been carrying on guerrilla warfare in the hills for weeks and who have repeatedly declined to obey the orders of the strike leaders.

[Emphasis added.]

As far as reporting goes, the job done here is not such a great one. Tikas never went to war in the Balkans, although several of his fellow Greek miners did. Louie Tikas is, in fact, a United States Citizen. He is a respected leader in the Ludlow Tent Colony where he is known for his quiet, calm manner in the face of severe provocation from the deputized company gunthugs.

And as to armed Balkan War Veterans in the Ludlow Tent Colony, all we have to say is: Thank God, the miners and their families have some protection from the hundreds of imported deputized armed gunthugs with their machine guns, high powered rifles, searchlights, and the Death Special which roams the strike zone at will.

Judge Jesse G. Northcutt was seen riding in that very same Death Special which flaunts the mounted machine gun that killed Brother Luca Vahernick at the Forbes Tent Colony. The Judge was found in the Death Special along with the gunthugs Belcher and Belk at Forbes, by John Lawson, the morning after the attack. It was Louie Tikas who stepped between Lawson and Belk in that quiet, calm way of his, and perhaps, saved Lawson’s life.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Louie the Greek”-According to Judge Jesse Northcutt, Coal Operators’ Attorney, Master of Public Opinion in Southern Colorado”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Michigan Miners Bulletin: Secretary Wilson Perturbs McNaughton; Gunmen Attack Strikers


Quote Mother Jones, Stick Together, MI Mnrs Bltn p1, Aug 14, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday November 19, 1913
Michigan Copper Country – Labor Secretary William B. Wilson Perturbs McNaughton

From the Miners’ Bulletin of  November 18, 1913:

Miners Bulletin Mnrs Bltn p1, McN v WBW, Gunmen Attack Striking Miners, Nov 18, 1913

An article entitled “McNaughton’s Veracity,” concerning the truthfulness, or lack of thereof, of Mr. McNaughton, takes up almost half of the front page of the current edition of the Bulletin. Suffice it to say that Mr. McNaughton is not happy with the recent speech made by the U. S. Secretary of Labor, William B. Wilson, at the annual convention of the American Federation of Labor:

McNaughton hollers “liar, liar.” McNaughton’s reputation for truth and veracity is at such a low ebb in this community that those long distance, epithets makes the average person smile, for instance, he stated at the beginning of this strike that 85 per cent of his employees were willing to return to work but were afraid although he had 2,500 militiamen and 1,000 gunmen at his disposal….

[Emphasis added.]

There then follows a list of falsehood after falsehood put forth by Mr. McNaughton. But, on the same front page is a story about the effectiveness of the gunmen, imported into the strike zone by the copper bosses:


Yesterday morning while a large number of strikers were holding their usual morning parade, and when near the Quincy mine, they were joined by quite a number of mounted police who rode amongst them until a point opposite the Quincy was reached when the parade was met by a large force of gunmen. At this juncture, the mounted guards lined up on each side of the parade wilst the gunmen poured a volley into the ranks of the strikers. One striker was badly shot in the hip while it is believed several others were slightly injured by the firing of lead missiles. One guard was badly injured by being trampled upon by one of the frightened horses. The attack was no doubt planned beforehand as the concerted action of the mounted guards and gunmen would imply.

The parade consisted of men, women and a scattering of children, all of whom were quiet and were marching on the county road. The guards and the gunmen had not the least provocation for making this dastardly assault upon peaceable citizens who have a perfect right to parade on the public highway. After the melee, six of the paraders were arrested and taken to jail, but were later released. Assistant states attorney Nichols will make an investigation of this dastardly assault and in all probability will bring the guilty parties to justice.

[Emphasis added.]

Somehow, we suspect, that the last sentence is meant as a bit of sarcasm.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Michigan Miners Bulletin: Secretary Wilson Perturbs McNaughton; Gunmen Attack Strikers”

Hellraisers Journal: Striking Coal Miners of Southern Colorado Forced from Company Towns, Take Shelter at Camp Mother Jones


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday November 17, 1903
Trinidad, Colorado – Camp Mother Jones Shelters 300-400 Striking Coal Miners

From The Denver Post of November 14, 1903
-Mother Jones Camp (Tent Colony) at Trinidad:

Mother Jones Camp in Trinidad CO, Dnv Pst p1, Nov 14, 1903

From The Rocky Mountain News of November 12, 1903
-Camp Mother Jones Accommodates 300-400 Striking Miners:

CO Camp Mother Jones Accommodations, RMN p8, Nov 12, 1903

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Striking Coal Miners of Southern Colorado Forced from Company Towns, Take Shelter at Camp Mother Jones”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks to Reporter in Denver, Describes Conditions in the Coal Camps of Southern Colorado


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday November 16, 1903
Denver, Colorado – Mother Jones Describes Conditions in Southern Coalfields

From The Denver Post of November 13, 1903:

Mother Jones, Dnv Pst p1, Nov 13, 1903Mother Jones Interview re CO Coal Strike, Dnv Pst p1n3, Nov 13, 1903 Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks to Reporter in Denver, Describes Conditions in the Coal Camps of Southern Colorado”

Hellraisers Journal: Colorado Coal Miners Obey Strike Order; Evictions Underway; Mother Jones Visits Strikers and Families


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 13, 1903
Colorado Coal Miners Obey U. W. A. Strike Order; Mother Jones on Hand

From The Indianapolis News of November 9, 1903:


John Mitchell, The Columbian, Bloomsburg PA p2, Oct 23, 1902Denver, November 9.-Information received from the coal fields of Colorado to-day indicates that the strike of coal miners will be more extended than anticipated. It is reported that the order of the executive committee of the United Mine Workers of America declaring a strike in District 15 for to-day has been obeyed in Colorado almost to the man. At certain mines where it was confidently believed a sufficient number of men could be retained to operate them, it appears that not enough men reported to make a showing.In the northern fields, where the men decided to strike upon their own referendum vote because an eight-hour day has not been granted, the walkout is complete. It is said that several of the independent mine will make efforts to continue in operation, but, it is understood, with little hope of success.
Troops in Readiness

Unusual precautions have been taken by the sheriff of Las Animas county in southern Colorado, where trouble is feared. It is reported that strikers have threatened violence if they are ousted from the cottages of the Victor Fuel Company and the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company. The State troops are being held in readiness.Already the effects of the strike are being felt in this city. Practically all the dealers announced to-day that they had no coal to sell. The prospect is favorable for a serious coal famine in Denver and other points in the state.

[Emphasis and photograph added.]

Mass evictions from the  coal company “cottages” (shacks) are underway at this time. And, in fact, the miners, rather than threatening violence, have prepared for this eventuality by establishing tent colonies on land rented by the union. The company guards, however, do not refrain from violence as they evict the striking miners and their families, kicking in doors, ransacking family belongings, and generally spreading terror as they roam about the strike district heavily armed. Most of these company gunthugs have been deputized by the Las Animas County Sheriff.


From The Arizona Republican of November 10, 1903:


Formal Beginning of Strike in District 15
The Struggle Will Be a Long One
But Both Sides Are Prepared for It
-“Mother Jones” Is Now in the Field
CO Miners Idle, Strike Order Obeyed, Ipl Ns p11, Nov 10, 1903Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 9.-The strike of the coal miners of district No. 15 of the United Mine Workers of America is now on in full force, and indications point to a long struggle. This morning only a very small per cent of the men reported for work and the tie-up is complete in Las Animas county, the largest producer of District 15, Starkville, Gray Creek, Engleville and Sopris, the largest producing camps went out to a man.At union headquarters tonight all the officials were jubilant over the outlook and more than pleased at the number of non-union men who went out with the union. Since Saturday night nearly 2,000 men sent their names to the union. Out of nearly 3,000 employed in this county, it is claimed that less than one hundred reported for work. These are at Hastings, Delagua and Primero, Victor fuel camps, and it is openly stated that if any trouble occurs in this district it will be at the above camps.“Mother” Jones is doing more than all the balance of the organizers to bring the men into line. Union headquarters was very busy today. William Howells, president of District 15, said tonight, “You can say that the men in this section went out to a man and the tie-up is more complete than we thought it would be. We have a right to feel good over the large number of non-union men who joined us. Eighty per cent of the men have gone out in Huerfano county and also in Colfax county, N. M. We nor the Colorado Fuel and Iron company officials dreamed that the strike would be of such magnitude.

[Emphasis added. Newsclip added from Indianapolis News of Nov. 10th.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Colorado Coal Miners Obey Strike Order; Evictions Underway; Mother Jones Visits Strikers and Families”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks on Colorado Coalfield Strike at Washington [D. C.] Central Labor Union Meeting


Quote Mother Jones, Coming of the Lord, Cnc Pst p6, July 23, 1902—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday November 10, 1913
Mother Jones Speaks at Meeting of Washington, D. C., Central Labor Union

From The Washington Herald of November 6, 1913:

Mother Jones Speaks at WDC CLU re CO Strike, WDC Hld p2, Nov 6, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks on Colorado Coalfield Strike at Washington [D. C.] Central Labor Union Meeting”