Hellraisers Journal – Thursday August 25, 1921
Marmet, West Virginia – Mother Jones Headed for Miners’ Camp at Marmet
From The West Virginian of August 24, 1921:
Charleston Citizens Still Hope
There Will Be No Trouble
CHARLESTON, August 24-Mother Jones, well know as a leader among miners, left here this morning for Marmet where about 3,000 miners have been in camp as a protest against the state of martial law in the Mingo county coal field.
She was to have addressed the men, who had moved their camp five miles from the original site, which was described as a more comfortable location.
While recognizing the gravity of the situation occasioned by the presence of so large a body of men within striking distance of the capital public officials and leading citizens here expressed the opinion that under proper leadership the incident would be closed without serious result.
It was recognized, however, that the situation still contained elements of danger particularly if the original program was carried out and the men carried out their march through Boone and Logan counties to Mingo.
[Photograph and emphasis added.]