Hellraisers Journal – Thursday December 10, 1914 Denver, Colorado – District 15 Calls Off Long Strike, Recognizes “No Surrender”
Meeting in convention in Denver, delegates of District No. 15 of the United Mine Workers of America unanimously voted to call off all strikes in the coal fields of Colorado, this decision to be effective on December 10th in both the northern and southern regions of the state.
The striking miners and their families endured through the long Colorado winter, living in tents after being evicted from the company towns. They faced hundreds of armed company guards who were deputized by the local sheriffs, a state militia infested with such company gunthugs, mass imprisonment, search lights that terrorized them in their tents at night. And yet their determination and solidarity remained unbroken.
Finally, with the spring, came the Ludlow Massacre followed by the ten day war. And still they remained determined to endure to the end. Now, many months later, that great strikebreaker, hunger, haunts them as they face another winter in the tents.
Their hopes for justice now depend on yet another committee and yet another investigation. This time, the committee is appointed by President Wilson. There is no agreement from the coal operators, led by Rockefeller’s Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, to abide by the findings of said committee.
In announcing the termination of the strike, the United Mine Workers of America recognized no surrender:
We recognize no surrender and shall continue to propagate the principles of our humanitarian movement throughout the coal fields of Colorado.
From The Cincinnati Enquirer of December 9, 1914:
STRIKE ———- Ended in Colorado. ———- Miners Act Favorably on Advice of Executives. ———- Troops May Be Called Off Immediately. ———- Order For Return of Men To Pits Marks Finish ———- Of Industrial Struggle That Has Cost Millions and Lives of Scores of Combatants ———-
Denver, Colo., December 8.-The coal miners’ strike in both the Northern and Southern Colorado coal fields was called off to-night. the miners voted to end the strike on December 10. This action was taken by the the convention of District No. 15 of the United Mine Workers of America by a unanimous vote late to-night after an all-day session, and ratifies the report of the International Executive Board introduced to-day recommending the termination of the strike.
The Executive Committee recommended ending the strike on the ground that such action would strengthen the union’s position in view of the appointment by President Wilson of a permanent commission, headed by Seth Low, to consider future differences in the coal fields.
Frank J. Hayes, International Vice President, in a statement to the convention explained in detail the reasons which impelled the International Board to make its recommendations, and there followed in executive session a lengthy and spirited discussion.
Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday December 6, 1904 Denver, Colorado – Governor Peabody Plots to Hold On to Power
This week’s Duluth Labor World sounds the warning:
Governor-Elect Adams
Colorado is resting over a political volcano. Everyone is on the qui vive and following closely, and in most cases bitterly, the extraordinary antics of the [Colorado] Supreme Court.
Governor Peabody continues his machinations with the assistance of the Court to thwart the will of the people of the State of Colorado. The election of Alva Adams, Democrat, by a plurality of 11,000 votes has not deterred Peabody from his quest to hold onto power.
The latest twist in the plot involves the unseating of three Senators who have been elected from areas of the state where strikes have been conducted during the past year.
From The Labor World of December 3, 1904:
“Czar” Seeks to Unseat Three Senators
Who Were elected From Strike Centers.
Colorado Resting On Political Volcano
Outbreak Is Momentarily Expected.
Governor Peabody
Denver, Col., Dec. 1.-The rounding out of the Peabody plot to retain the Gubernatorial chair was developed more clearly today by the renewed trial of men charged with contempt. Precinct Eight of Ward Five was the scene of operations. The men arraigned are prominent Democrats-Frank Kratke, Edward O’Mally, Joseph Ray and Charles Kofsky.
The defendants, half an hour before, were arraigned before the United States Commissioner charged with violating the federal laws in regard to the election. The commissioners postponed their hearings until the Supreme Court should pass upon the charges of contempt against them.
The trend is more and more toward a situation wherein the spectacle will be presented of two Governors ruling the same state.
At Pueblo the grand jury will begin consideration of the alleged Republican frauds tomorrow.
A banquet will be given here tomorrow night in honor of Adams’ election, and next day the Republicans will ask the Supreme Court to begin throwing out Democratic precincts.
Colorado is resting over a political volcano. Everyone is on the qui vive and following closely, and in most cases bitterly, the extraordinary antics of the Supreme Court.
Each hearing of cases by that body develops in which direction the efforts of the Republicans are tending, indicating what returns are to be attacked and what valuable precincts are to be thrown out.
To Control Senate.
Upon the face of the returns received from every county in the state, the Democrats elected ten members of the State Senate, without counting any of the members from this county. These, with the nine holdover Democratic Senators, would give that party the control of the Senate.
The Peabody managers have daily asserted that they would be able to organize the Senate. The basis of their claims was not apparent until yesterday when they announced that they contemplated unseating Martin of Pueblo, Ward of Boulder and maybe Beshoar of Trinidad, all Democrats.
The state canvassing board is looked to to do the work. The official canvass in Boulder County was completed several days ago and showed the re-election of Senator Ward by a small majority. No charge of fraud was made in that county until yesterday. In Las Animas County the canvass showed that Dr. Beshoar was elected if every contested ballot were counted for Barela. In Pueblo [County] the official canvass is not competed, but both sides concede that it will show Mr. Martin’s election. It is not charged that Mr. Martin’s supporters committed fraud, but the Peabody managers assert that Republicans voted for him and this is to be made the ground of contest.
Hellraisers Journal – Monday September 21, 1914 Trinidad, Colorado – Mother Jones Speaks at Special Convention of District 15
Mother Jones at Ludlow with Frank Hayes, possibly September 23, 1913
Mother Jones was greeted with wild cheering and applause in Trinidad, Colorado, when she arose to speak this past Tuesday at the special convention of District 15, United Mine Workers of America. Delegates were gathered there to consider President Wilson’s proposal for ending the year long strike.
Mother remembered the children and the mothers who were massacred at Ludlow on April 20th:
I stand facing the far east, sounding the voices of the babes of Ludlow, I stand here bringing their tears, their wasted hopes to you, the heartaches of the mothers, the screams and the agonies of those who gave up their lives there; but they did not die in vain. They stirred the nation from end to end and you never again will see such a condition of slavery in Colorado.
The convention resulted in a vote in favor of acceptance of the plan put forward by President Wilson.
From the Proceedings of the Miners’ Special Convention, September 15, 1914 -Excerpts from the Speech of Mother Jones:
Now, boys, many things have happened in the last year. One year ago today, I talked to you about industrial freedom. We are living in a great nation. Industrial despotism will have to die and you, my boys, must use your brains, you must study and think. The sword will have to disappear and the pen will have to take its place. We are the bulwark of the nation.
Thank God that we have another great man, another Lincoln, in Washington today in our President. (Applause.) He does not rush into things but weighs everything carefully in the scale.
If there are any representatives of the Colorado Fuel & Iron company here, I want to tell you to keep out. You cannot vote in this Convention, for none but bona fide working men will have a vote here. If you are here, I will find you, I can spot you immediately, for I can smell you four miles away. (Applause.)
* * *
At the time of the strike in West Virginia, I cancelled engagements in San Francisco and went to West Virginia. I went to Charleston and took the Cabin Creek train and went up there. A little boy came to me and he said, “Mother, have you come to stay with us?” “Yes, I have come to stay with you,” and the tears trickled down his cheeks as he told me how they had beaten his mother and his baby brother and driven his father away and he said: “If I live to be a man I will kill twenty of them.”
They were not United States bayonets. They were corporation bayonets, and corporation bayonets are in the hands of sewer rats and the others are in the hands of men. While in West Virginia, I was a guest of the State, I was arrested and placed in the bull pen. But they didn’t keep me quiet there for I was raising hell more than if I had been out. Now these boys didn’t get what they wanted in that settlement in West Virginia. They came to me and asked my advice and I said: “Take what you can get out of the pirates.” The newspaper men asked: “What do you think of the settlement?” and I told them it was alright, it wasn’t what we wanted, but what we could get. The mine owners of West Virginia have begun to realize what that settlement means to them. You were never in the condition here that they were in West Virginia. I was not followed here by the Baldwin-Felts thugs in the dead of night or horseback as I was in West Virginia. In a battle we had there seven of my brothers were murdered in cold blood and twenty-one were wounded.
* * *
The President of the United States, when he found you could not settle your difficulties, sent the federal troops here to defend you, and now if you don’t accept this proposition what more can he do. He has to withdraw the troops. The constitution gives him so long to keep them here and I don’t know but what he has already overstepped that authority now.
Another thing, you have allowed here in this strike is to let everybody to get a hand in it. Now this fight is ours, we have got the United States with us and we are fighting the greatest moneyed power in the world. John D. Rockefeller controls the whole of New York City and New York with its millions of population has to submit to him. He owns the mines, the industries and the railroads clear through the nation, but one man arises against that power and says to the miners of Colorado, I will be with you if you are fair. He faces the greatest moneyed power in the world and says these miners shall at least have a showing.
* * *
I stand facing the far east, sounding the voices of the babes of Ludlow, I stand here bringing their tears, their wasted hopes to you, the heartaches of the mothers, the screams and the agonies of those who gave up their lives there; but they did not die in vain. They stirred the nation from end to end and you never again will see such a condition of slavery in Colorado.
* * *
Now, boys, you know I have no interests outside of the welfare of the children yet to come. I have carried your case to Congress, to the President, and I feel that we ought to pay that tribute of respect to the head of the nation in accepting this proposition. It is not all we want but Christ did not get all he wanted. So, boys, take my advice, I beg of you in the name of the women and children of Ludlow to pay that tribute of respect to the President of the nation, saying that we appreciate the move he has made and I believe you will get more.
Now, don’t say Mother Jones is playing politics. I never played politics in my life. I have been a Socialist for twenty-nine years and I would hammer a Socialist if he is a crazy lunatic just the same as any one else. I am not living for nothing I hold no office only that of disturbing. Before I leave the world, I have a contract with God Almighty to stay here eighty-two years more, there will be no bayonets and no guns, we will all be great citizens, and the bayonets of the future will be the pen, which is mightier than the sword. The next thing the public officers will do at Washington will be to take over the mines. We want the mines and we want the oil fields and we are going to have them. I stand here today as one pleading with you, I ask you to accept the President’s proposition. Let the nation know that the United Mine Workers are not what they are represented to be by General Chase and his staff of pirates. I want the people to know that you miners are men and law-abiding citizens.
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday September 20, 1914 Colorado Miners Accept Wilson’s Peace Plan; John Lawson Charged with Murders
John Lawson, Mother Jones, Horace Hawkins
Las Vegas Optic of Las Vegas, New Mexico, reported the optimistic news that the Colorado Strike could be settled within the next few days. Mother Jones spoke in Trinidad at the Special Convention of District 15 of the United Mine Workers of America. She made a plea for acceptance of President’s Wilson’s peace proposal. She was greeted with much cheering and Wilson’s settlement plan was accepted by the miners, and that acceptance communicated to the President.
In other news, John Lawson, hero of the striking miners, has surrendered to authorities. He now stands charged with twelve murders. He was not present when any of these men were killed, but is charged under the reasoning that he was a leader of the strike which led to their deaths.
From the Las Vegas Optic of September 15, 1914:
Washington, Sept. 15.-President Wilson was notified today by the United Mine Workers of America that they had accepted the tentative basis for the settlement of the Colorado strike submitted by the president last week. The mine operators have not yet replied.
Trinidad, Colo., Sept. 15.-“Thank God! We’ve got a great man-another Lincoln-in the person of the president at Washington.” said “Mother” Mary Jones, 82 year old strike leader in a speech today before the convention of the Colorado miners called to consider the proposal of President Wilson for a three year truce in the Colorado labor war. And the cheers which greeted the tribute to the president brought smiles to the faces of the officers of the United Mine Workers of America who are advocating the adoption of the peace protocol.
“Mother” Jones, who admits authorship of the famous “save your money and buy a gun” speech in West Virginia, appeared today in the guise of a peacemaker.
“The sword will have to disappear; the pen will have to take its place,” she declared.
The convention got under way shortly before noon. The only business transacted at the morning session was the appointment of a committee to examine the credentials of the delegates.
Lawson Gives Self Up
John R. Lawson, Colorado member of the executive board of the United Mine Workers of America today surrendered himself to the sheriff of Las Animas county to answer indictments charging him with 12 murders in connection with the coal miners’ strike. He was released on $15,000 bond.
Lawson is accused of the following deaths:
Mack Powell, killed October 9, 1913; John Nimmo, killed October 25, 1913; Tony Heno, Joseph Uppson, George Hall, S. A. Newman, M. Newman, Edward Kessler, Gosney Murrake, Jacob Smith and Kito, all killed in the battle of Forbes April 29, 1914.
Lawson is charged with assault to murder Walter Belk, October 7 and Zeke Martin October 27, 1913. He is also accused of arson in connection with the attack on the Forbes mine.
Soon after his arrival from Denver today, Lawson went alone to the sheriffs office to give himself up. He was told to go to the district court and arrange for bond and return when his bond was ready.
Felix Shippl, a striker from Sopris, was arrested on a grand jury warrant today charging him with an assortment of murders.
Hellraisers Journal – Friday September 18, 1914 Las Animas County, Colorado – Gunthug Walter Belk Active in Arrests of Union Men
From the Appeal to Reason of September 12, 1914:
Ludlow Is Disfranchised
Ludlow, the strikers’ tent colony of nearly a thousand souls, is to be barred from the ballot box.
Ludlow’s citizens must go to Hastings two miles away to register, and Hastings is surrounded by company land, guarded by the armed thugs of the Baldwin-Felts Detective agency, armed while the union men are gunless.
No union man is permitted on company land and so the ballot box is in the grip of the coal operators.
A committee of citizens went to Colonel Lockett’s office in the city hall of Trinidad, Tuesday morning, to ask for protection at the polls and the colonel refused to see them. In his place stood Captain Rockwell with this message from the colonel:
“If the operators desire they can prohibit voters from going to the polls when the polls are on company land-the military will furnish no protection to any person on election day.”
The voice was that of Captain Rockwell, but the command was that of Colonel Lockett, Lockett of the United States army under whose protecting arm scabs have been flooding to the struck mines and digging coal for Rockefeller.
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday September 17, 1914
Colorado Socialists Now Lodged in the Foul Trinidad Jail
Colorado Socialists, Helen Schloss and A. Marians, are now imprisoned in the Trinidad Jail, a jail where conditions are so vile that it stands condemned by the State Board of Health. Also a guest of that foul lodging establishment is John Murray, Appeal correspondent.
No Stranger to Jail, Helen Schloss behind bars during Little Falls Strike:
From the Appeal to Reason of September 12, 1914:
Federals Imprison Trained Nurse
By telegraph to Appeal to Reason.
Trinidad, Colo.-Helen Schloss, Socialist, trained nurse in charge of hospital tents of the striking miners at Ludlow, was arrested while picketing with a number of miners’ wives at the railroad station. The gallant Southern Major Cabell of the United States army had on of his soldiers swear to the complaint, and a company just imported from Tellerville held court in the railroad station, sentencing Miss Schloss to 15 days in Trinidad’s jail.
It was this same Major Cabell and his soldiers that man-handled Miss Schloss and a score of miners’ wives a few days ago at Ludlow, the brutal attacks of the federals leaving black and blue marks upon the women. The jail in which Miss Schloss is confined has been condemned by the state board of health, and is at this time crowded with striking miners just indicted by a hand-picked grand jury, on which were a number of notorious gunmen.
Miss Schloss nursed the wounded miners in the hospital tents, and cared for their children. Her arrest has shocked the entire community.
Hellraisers Journal – Saturday September 5, 1914
News from Miners’ Strikes at Trinidad, Colorado, and Butte, Montana
From the Salem, Oregon, Capital Journal of September 2, 1914:
Mother Jones Says Government Will
Take Over the Colorado Mines
“Mother” Mary Jones, the militant woman strike leader, claims to have some “inside” information to the effect that President Wilson will soon take vigorous action in the Colorado mine strike situation. “Mother” Jones declared that within the next two or three days the United States Government will take over and administer the strike-bound Colorado mines.
[Photograph added.]
From Lawrence [Kansas] Daily Journal-World of September 2, 1914:
All Saloons Ordered Closed-No Public Gatherings
Newspapers Under Strict Censorship.
-Women Not Allowed on the Streets
Butte, Mont., Sept. 2.-Butte is under martial law by a proclamation issued by Governor Stewart. On the order of Major Dan J. Donahue, commanding the militia, all the saloons were closed and public gatherings of any character were forbidden without permission of the commanding officer. Women will not be permitted on the streets after 8 o’clock in the evening nor before 6 in the morning. No disturbance thus far has occurred since the troops have arrived. Major Donahue has formally notified the newspaper offices of the city that they were under censorship.[Emphasis added.]
From Lawrence Daily Journal-World of September 3, 1914:
Militia Arrest Leaders of Mine Workers’ Union
Butte, Mont., Sept. 3.-Butte’s fist day of Martial law was without disturbance. The Montana National guard occupied the court house and city hall. Headquarters of the state militia were established in the court house with Jess B. Roote as chief of staff and judge advocate. At the city hall Provost Marshal Frank Conley took charge.Orders were given soon after the militia moved into the business district to arrest leaders of the Butte Mine Workers’ union, the organization formed to oppose the Western Federation of Miners. Four arrests were made late in the afternoon, one of the men being James Chapman, chairman of the jurisdiction committee.
Provost Marshal Conley searched the city for President McDonald of the union, but he could not be found. He is wanted on charges of inciting riots. The list of men who are wanted was said by Major Roote to be a long one.
For the first time in three days the jurisdiction committee of the new union did not appear at the mines to prohibit non-members from working. Outside of the court house, Gatling guns were placed in the streets and two machine guns were placed on the roof of the court house. Martial law orders prohibit all public meetings without special permits.
[Emphasis added.]
From the New York Times of September 3, 1914:
Trinidad Jail Is Filled – Union Leaders Reported Indicted. Special to the New York Times
DENVER. Sept. 2. – Twenty prisoners, including union officials, strikers, and sympathizers, alleged to be concerned in the disorders arising out of the Colorado mine war are in jail at Trinidad, and many warrants are still to be served. The warrants, charging murder, arson, and other crimes, which followed the several pitched battles between strikers and mine guards this spring, are based on indictments which were returned by the Grand Jury last Saturday. It is believed that some of the prominent officers of the United Mine Workers have been indicted. Their names will not be revealed until the arrests are mad.The Trinidad Jail is filled tonight. Among the prisoners are William Diamond, National organizer of the United Mine Workers; James Davis, Marshal at Aguilar; Frank Miner, President of the Trinidad Trades Council, and Robert Uhlich, former President of the Trinidad Miners’ Union.
Helen Schloss of Denver, who is in charge of the strikers’ hospital at Ludlow, was arrested today by Federal troops charged with picketing. Her arrest has caused great concern among the strikers.
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday August 30, 1914 Trinidad, Colorado – Women’s Union Picket Squad Defies Federal Soldiers
As reported by John Murray in this week’s Appeal, the “Women’s Union Picket Squad,” will now take the place of the men on the picket line in defiance of the federal troops under the command of Colonel James Lockett.
Members of the Women’s Union Picket Squad include the widow of Ludlow Martyr John Bartolotti, who declared:
The soldiers can put me and my seven children in jail if they want to, but I am going on the picket line and keep the scabs from coming in and starving us to death.
Mrs. Petrucci whose three children perished in the Ludlow Massacre will also be found on picket duty:
I shall picket, too, but my children are all gone.
From the Appeal to Reason of August 29, 1914:
New Clash Imminent
Trinidad, Colo.-Federal troops under the command of Colonel James Lockett have driven the striking miners away from all the railroad stations in southern Colorado where non-union disembark for the coal camps. Union men are being arrested daily, but the miners’ wives are defying the military and have taken their husbands’ places on the picket line.
Members of the Women’s Union Labor Alliance, led by their president, Edith Walker, organized the Women’s Union picket squad and have met every train coming into Trinidad, in spite of the attacks made upon them by company spotters and deputy sheriffs.
Tourists heads fill every car window as the overland trains pull into Trinidad, and the eyes of the gaping crowd follow the fearless women as thy march along the platform questioning every suspicious looking stranger who they think may be on his way to the mines.
Thus far the federal soldiers on duty only stare at the women pickets, who, to make sure that there shall be no misunderstanding as to what they are doing, wear large white badges pinned across their breasts upon which are printed the words “Women’s Union Picket Squad.”
Mine Owners Get Busy.
Raging at this open defiance of what the coal operators call “Law and Order,” the daily Advertiser, mouthpiece of Rockefeller interests in Trinidad, shrieks to the United States commanding officer for help in the following front-page display, placed in a box and printed in large type:
Thus far no arrests have been made by the federals, but Captain Rockwell, the officer on duty at the Santa Fe station, has warned the miners’ wives on picket that “although human,” he “must obey orders.”
The women are prepared to go to jail if the federal soldiers force the issue.
Said Mrs. Bartoloti (Virginia Bartolotti) whose husband (Giovanni/John Bartolotti) was killed in the Ludlow massacre, “the soldiers can put me and my seven children in jail if they want to, but I am going on the picket line and keep the scabs from coming in and starving us to death.”
“I shall picket, too, but my children are all gone,” declared Mrs. Petrucci, whose three little ones met their end in the flames of the historic Ludlow “death-hole.”
Hellraisers Journal – Friday August 28, 1914 Trinidad Socialist Warns of Reorganization of Murderous State Militia
From The Day Book of August 27, 1914:
Colorado’s labor war threatens to break out again. A. Marians, a union coal miner, secretary of the Socialist party local at Trinidad, Col, has sent a telegram to all Socialist state secretaries. The copy received by John C. Kennedy, Illinois state secretary, reads:
Comrades of America: Troop A of Trinidad and E of Walsenburg (Col.) National Guard organization, which massacred women and children at Ludlow, have reorganized to their full strength and are holding nightly meetings in their armories. Col. Lockett, commanding federal troops, states to citizens that he will permit militiamen to parade through Trinidad streets. Federals will then leave. Citizens openly declare these preparations mean further bloodshed, as company gunmen and Baldwin-Feltz detectives have been enrolled in the militia here for the past week. These things being so, we Socialists of Las Animas county appeal to Socialists of America to take immediate action to protect workers here from repetition of Ludlow massacre, as authorities of state and nation are impotent. Will you see the slaughter repeated without coming to our aid? This message was sent to every state secretary.