Hellraisers Journal – Thursday July 17, 1919
Chicago, Illinois – Arrested for Speech Critical of Government
-Dissident to be “turned over to the government.”
From The Chicago Sunday Tribune of July 13, 1919:
Find Red Flag Poem on
Peace Treaty Assailer
Frank Michalucine, of 14 West Superior street, was arrested in a poolroom at North Clark and West Huron streets yesterday after he is said to have made derogatory remarks about the government and the treaty which is now before congress for ratification.
When searched at the detective bureau a copy of a poem called “The Red Flag” and said to have been written by Ralph Chaplin an inmate of the Leavenworth penitentiary, was found in his pocket.
Michalucine was arrested some time ago by federal agents on the same charge but was released. He will be turned over to the government tomorrow.
[Photograph and emphasis added.]