Hellraisers Journal: “Organized Labor” by John Mitchell, President of the U. M. W. A., Reviewed by The Wall Street Journal


MJ Quote Solidarity—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday October 31, 1903
Review of John Mitchell’s Book, “Organized Labor”
-from The Wall Street Journal of October 28, 1903

Organized Labor; Its Problems, Purposes, and Ideals
and the Present and Future of American Wage Earners
-by John Mitchell, President of the United Mine Workers of America

American Book and Bible House,
Philadelphia, PA, 1903

John Mitchell, Book Organized Labor, 1903

Prominently placed in the October 28th issue of The Journal is a long review of “Organized Labor,” the recently released book by Mr. Mitchell. The review takes up a full column of the front page and about a quarter of a second column, and contains a surprising amount of praise for the labor leader, if not for all of his ideas:

Mr. John Mitchell, president of the united mine workers of America, has published a book entitled “Organized Labor.” It is interesting, first because its subject is now uppermost in the attention of the public, and secondly, because its author has within a year loomed large in the public eye, by reason of the great anthracite coal miners’ strike of 1902. Mr. Mitchell’s book, therefore, deserves more than the merely perfunctory and passing notices which it has received in the press generally.

It is on the whole well written, temperate in its criticisms, moderate in its claims, and fair in its general judgments. Conservatism is very much the keynote throughout, and the work as a whole serves to strengthen the opinion formed by most fair minded people after the coal strike that Mr. Mitchell may be counted among the ablest most responsible, and most far-sighted of the labor leaders in power to-day. His book is in the main a plea for the principles of trade unionism….

[Emphasis added.]

The Journal then goes on to list Mr. Mitchell’s principles of trade unionism as:

1) Trade unionism seeks to represent the interest of the working class, the workingman should identify his union with his class, and the working man owes duties to his class just as to his country.

2) Trade unionism stands for collective bargaining and is opposed to the individual contract.

3) Trade unionism seeks to secure a “definite minimum standard of wages, hours and conditions of work” for all workers  in any given trade.

4) Trade unionism demands equal rights with employers “in determining how, when, with whom, at what time, and under what conditions work shall be carried on.”

5) “The trade unions..have nothing which is not free to all, which may not be shared by any and every capable workman.”

6) Trade unionism seeks to enforce the union shop in order to protect the union contract. (Or, as The Journal put it, trade unionism seeks “the monopolization of work for union men by enforcing the union shop..”)

7) Trade unionism seeks permanent industrial peace by means of trade agreements (the union contract.)

The Journal supports the right of the workingman to organized and bargain collectively, but is greatly troubled that allegiance to class should be valued as highly by a worker as allegiance to country, and calls this idea “a deep and dangerous fallacy.” The Journal also takes a stand against the “union shop,” failing to understand that without a “union shop,” the union contract that they so laud as leading to industrial peace, cannot be enforced.

The review ends with this recommendation:

While we totally disagree with Mr. Mitchell on the points discussed above, we can safely recommend his book to those who desire to inform themselves respecting the whole question. If we have in any way misrepresented his position we regret it heartily. We are fully as anxious to understand him as he is to be understood.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Organized Labor” by John Mitchell, President of the U. M. W. A., Reviewed by The Wall Street Journal”

Hellraisers Journal: From Miners Magazine: “Mother Jones of the Revolution-She Will Die Fighting” by Kate Richards O’Hare


Quote re Mother Jones per Kate Richards OHare, Mnrs Mag p7, Sept 18, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday September 21, 1913
“Mother Jones of the Revolution” by Kate Richards O’Hare

From the Miners Magazine of September 18, 1913:

Mother Jones per Kate OHare, Mnrs Mag p7, Sept 18, 1913Mother Jones per Kate OHare 1, Mnrs Mag p8, Sept 18, 1913Mother Jones per Kate OHare 1, Mnrs Mag p8, Sept 18, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Miners Magazine: “Mother Jones of the Revolution-She Will Die Fighting” by Kate Richards O’Hare”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Duluth Labor World: “Gene Debs Defines Labor Leaders Duty”-Do Not Vote for Enemy of Workers


Quote EVD, Socialist Ripe Trade Unionist, WLUC p45, May 31, 1902—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday September 1, 1902
Comrade Eugene Debs on Class Consciousness and the Ballot

From the Duluth Labor World of August 30, 1902:


EVD, LW p1, Aug 30, 1902

The time is near at hand when a member of a union will be expelled just as promptly for casting a scab ballot, that is to say for supporting the party of the enemy of labor, as if he took the place of a member while out on strike. Indeed, there may be some justification for the latter, but there can be none for the former act of treason, except alone that of ignorance. And thus it is the duty of the true leader to use his best efforts to overcome, so that the workers on all occasions, economically, politically, and otherwise, can use their entire organized class power in resisting the capitalist system, and in charging it at every point until finally it is overcome and the world’s workers stand forth free men.

The action taken by the three national conventions of labor organizations recently held at Denver [W. F. M., A. L. U. and United Association of Hotel and Restaurant Employes] in adopting a working class political program, has created widespread interest in every part of the country. The reactionary element predict for the new policy speedy and complete failure. So certain are they of this that they do not hesitate to misrepresent the action of the conventions and bear false testimony against those who took part in them. A number of misleading statements have appeared in the papers, and others are quietly circulated to bring the personnel of the conventions into disrepute, and this is engaged in by those who lack the courage to openly charge and face the men who led the movement which culminated in a new departure, which promises to remould the entire labor movement of the country, and bring it up-to-date in all its economic and political equipment.

The two men who led and inspired the conventions were Edward Boyce, president of the Western Federation of Miners, and Daniel McDonald, president of the Western, now the American Labor Union. McDonald was unanimously reelected upon that issue and holds his position by practically the unanimous confidence of the members of his great and growing organization. Edward Boyce retired from official life, honored by every true man and only hated by those who found him staunch and incorruptible, and utterly incapable of being swerved from his duty to his fellowmen. The name of this man will be honorably written in the history of trades unionism, as he has already written it in the deeds of duty that live forever.

I need not, at this time, repeat the terms of the essential change which has taken place in the Western labor movement. It is all summed up in this single statement that it has adopted a working-class political platform and is now equipped for united action in the political field in every contest until the victory is finally won.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Duluth Labor World: “Gene Debs Defines Labor Leaders Duty”-Do Not Vote for Enemy of Workers”

Hellraisers Journal: From Everett Defense News Letter 15: “Jury Chosen…Case Attracts Nation-Wide Attention.”

They will tell their lyin’ stories
Send their dogs to bite our bodies
They will lock us in their prison
Carry it on, carry it on,
Carry it on, carry it on.
-Gil Turner

Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday March 13, 1917
Seattle, Washington – Charles Ashleigh Reports on Tracy Trial

Everett Defense News #15, Mar 8, 1917

Everett Massacre, Tom Tracy, Trial Photo, ab Mar 5, 1917

SEATTLE, Wash., March 8th.-The jury for the trial of Thomas H. Tracy, the first of the 74 men to be charged with the murder of Jefferson Beard at Everett on November 5th, has been selected. The attorneys for both sides have had a grim and keen struggle over the choice of jurors.

The following are the jurors who are to sit on this case: Mrs. Mattie Fordran, wife of a steamfitter; Robert Harris, a rancher; Fred Corbs, bricklayer, once a member of the union, now working for himself; Mrs. Louise Raynor, wife of a master mariner; A. Peplan, farmer; Mrs. Clara Uhlman, wife of a harnessmaker in business for himself; Mrs. Alice Freeborn, widow of a druggist; F. M. Christian, tent and awning maker; Mrs. Sarah F. Brown, widow, workingclass family; James R. Williams, machinist’s helper, member of union; Mrs. Sarah J. Timmer, wife of a union lineman, and T. J. Byrne, contractor. Under the new “Extra Juror” law of Washington, there are also two alternate jurors, who sit with the jury but have no voice except in the event of sickness or death rendering one of two of the twelve incapable of acting. The two alternates are; J. W. Efaw, furniture manufacturer, president of Seattle Library Board and Henry B. Williams, carpenter and member of union.


An analysis of the jury will reveal that it includes six women and six men; of the women, two are widows, two are wives of middle-class men, and two are wives of union workingmen. Of the men, two are union working men, two are ranchers and two are small businessmen. Of the two alternate jurors, one is a union carpenter and the other a manufacturer. Thus we have a very equal division of sex and class.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Everett Defense News Letter 15: “Jury Chosen…Case Attracts Nation-Wide Attention.””