Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Worker: “The White Slave”-New Song Penned by Rebel Songwriter Joe Hill


Quote BBH, IU Socialism w Working Clothes On, NYC Cooper Union Debate w Hillquit, Jan 11, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday April 13, 1913
Published in Latest Edition of I. W. W. Songbook
-“The White Slave” by Joe Hill

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of April 10, 1913:

The White Slave by Joe Hill , IW p2, April 10, 1913

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Hellraisers Journal: From the Spokane Industrial Worker: Cartoon by Fellow Worker J. Hill, “Two Victims of Society”


Quote Joe Hill, Murderers Slaughter Our Class, IW p3, Aug 27, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday January 30, 1911
“Two Victims of Society” -Cartoon by FW J. Hill

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of January 26, 1911:

Joe Hill Cartoon, Two Victims of Society, IW p1, Jan 26, 1911

[“He can’t afford to have a home. She never had a chance. That’s why they are both selling themselves to the highest bidder.” -Joe Hill]


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Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Jane Addams on Society, the Social Evil and the Christian Attitude


Girls in this way, fall every day,
And have been falling for ages,
Who is to blame? you know his name,
It’s the boss that pays starvation wages.
A homeless girl can always hear
Temptations calling everywhere.
-Joe Hill


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday January 15, 1918
From Hull House, Chicago – Miss Jane Addams Speaks for “Fallen” Women

In this week’s Appeal, we find a reprint of an article by Jane Addams which previously appeared in The Survey of May 4, 1912.

From the Appeal to Reason of January 12, 1918:

Jane Addams, Society and Social Evil, AtR, Jan 12, 1918

Jane Addams, Survey, Apr 6, 1912

A great English preacher has said that life holds for every man one searching test of the sincerity of his religious life, and that although this test is often absurdly trivial, to encounter it is to “fall from grace.” We all know these tests: a given relative or familiar friend has an irritating power of goading us into anger or self-pity; a certain public movement inevitably hardens us into a contemptuous mood of all uncharitableness; one particular type of sinner fills us with an unholy sense of superior virtue.

If we may assume that society itself is subject to one such test, if it too possesses a touchstone which reveals its inmost weakness and ultimate meanness, may we not say that the supreme religious test of our social order is the hideous commerce of prostitution, and that the sorry results of that test are registered in the hypocrisy and hardness of heart of the average good citizen toward the so-called “fallen” woman. May we of claim that in consequence of this irreligious attitude, prostitution remains today a hard, unresolved mass in the midst of so-called Christian civilization, until it has come to be regarded as a vice which cannot be eradicated, as a sin which cannot be forgiven, as a social disease which cannot be cured.

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