Hellraisers Journal: I. W. W. Members Charge Mormons with Exerting Religious Prejudice against Joe Hill

To the scrap heap we are going
When we’re overworked and old
When our weary heads are showing
Silver threads among the gold.
-Joe Hill

Saturday November 13, 1915
From The Salt Lake Tribune: I. W. W. Members “Declare Mormon’s Oppose Hillstrom”

The very same newspaper that was so scandalized by the lack of religious content for the funeral of Fellow Worker Horton, is now aghast that any member of Industrial Workers of the World would suggest that the Mormon church exerted religious prejudice against Fellow Worker Joe Hill during the trial which lead to his conviction. From the Tribune of November 12th:


Latest Charge Is Church Influence Was
Used Against the Murderer.
Mrs. J. Sergeant Cram and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Ask Wilson to Intervene.

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Hutchinson (KS) News, Nov 12, 1915

Members of the I. W. W. are endeavoring to get members of congress to intercede for Joseph Hillstrom on the representation that he was condemned to die because the Mormon church exerted religious prejudice against him.

This was learned last night from dispatches from Washington. Mrs. J. Sergeant Cram and Mrs. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, one a Socialist and the other an I. W. W., called upon President Wilson yesterday to plead for Hillstrom’s life. Dispatches said that the president had promised to investigate the case further and see if he could do anything.

At the governor’s office yesterday it was stated that no word had been received from President Wilson.

“I do not believe,” said Governor William Spry, “that President Wilson will ask another postponement of Hillstrom’s execution. There certainly has been no change of plans here. Hillstrom will be executed November 19.”

Protests against the execution of Hillstrom were received yesterday at the governor’s office, as every day for weeks, but there was none from Washington. The governor is ignoring threats and appeals alike.

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