Hellraisers Journal: San Francisco Bulletin: “The Stormy Petrel of the Strikers”-Mother Jones Deported from Trinidad, Colorado


Quote Mother Jones, re Chase Deportation Will Return to Trinidad, Carbondale Dly Fr Prs p1, Jan 6, 1914—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday January 8, 1914
Denver, Colorado – Stormy Petrel of the Strikers States She Will Return  

From the San Francisco Bulletin of January 7, 1914:

Mother Jones, Stormy Petrel, SF Bltn p6, Jan 7, 1914

From the Chicago Day Book of January 5, 1914:


Denver, Col., Jan. 5.-“Mother” Jones, the “angel” of the miners, was forcibly deported from the coal strike district at Trinidad on orders of General Chase, who had her met at the depot “when she arrived from El Paso and kept under surveillance of a detachment of military until the arrival of a train for Denver, when she was put aboard.

Lieut. H. O. Nichols and four soldiers guarded her to Denver. When the train reached Walsenburg, where “Mother” Jones had expected to make a speech to the strikers, she tried to talk to a group gathered around the station, but was prevented.

As the train pulled out of the station, she shouted: “I expect to visit you again, when Colorado is made part of the United States, but now-”

General Chase has ordered that she be sent out of the district never to return so long as the strike lasts. He says she will be deported every time she comes back. Mother Jones says she will return in two weeks. 

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: San Francisco Bulletin: “The Stormy Petrel of the Strikers”-Mother Jones Deported from Trinidad, Colorado”

Hellraisers Journal: General Sherman Bell States He Will Throw Mother Jones in the Bull Pen Should the Opportunity Arise


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday January 2, 1904
Military Despotism Rules Cripple Creek, Telluride and Southern Colorado

From the Duluth Labor World of January 2, 1904:

Gen Bell Will Throw Mother Jones in Bull Pen, LW p1, Jan 2, 1904


Mother Jones Strongly Excoriates the Tyrant and Gov. Peabody.

Denver, Colo., Dec. 24-…General Bell, smarting under the stings of “Mother” Jones’ masterful excoriation of himself and Peabody, declares in stringent tones that if opportunity offers he will slap her in the bull pen. That declaration was unnecessary. Those who are at all acquainted with his record know grey hairs, womanhood nor any other of those things which true men revere and hold sacred are as nothing to him if they stand in the way of groveling service to his masters.

Editorial Suppressed.

The Victor Record, the official organ of the strikers, has had a military patrol and censor placed at the office. George E. Kyner, editor, was notified that no editorials reflecting in any way upon Governor Peabody or the militia would be allowed, nor could the daily official statement prepared by the miners’ executive committee be published. Next day the Record came out with a black-faced heading “Record Reflections”- a two-column blank space with a border, on the editorial page, indicating that the matter, whatever it was, had been suppressed.

The official statement of the Miners’ Union which was suppressed follows:

“The governor of the state of Colorado has today pretended to declare martial law in the Cripple Creek district. There is absolutely no justification for this outrage. The strike has been on for three months and but one serious crime has been committed and that cannot be laid to strike conditions. The alleged attempt to wreck a railroad train is a trick plot of two detectives employed by the mine owners.

“The Vindicator matter was an accident, or a crime committed by someone employed by the mine owners.

The mine owners have lost the strike and hence their desperation.-District Union NO. 1, W. F. of M.

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: General Sherman Bell States He Will Throw Mother Jones in the Bull Pen Should the Opportunity Arise”

Hellraisers Journal: Miners’ Bulletin: “Harvest of Death, Striking Miner’s Children In Christmas Joys Are Called By The Angel Of Death”-Italian Hall Massacre


Quote Mother Jones, Pray for dead, ed, Ab Chp 6, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday December 28, 1913
Calumet, Michigan – Men, Women and Children Perish in Midst of Christmas Joy

From the Michigan Miners’ Bulletin of December 28, 1913:

MI Miners Bulletin p1, Dec 28, 1913MI Italian Hall Massacre, Mnrs Bltn p1, Dec 28, 1913

In the midst of Christmas good cheer and happiness twenty eight little girls, twenty four little boys, fifteen women and five men were swirled into the cruel jaws of death in less than five minutes at the Italian hall, Calumet, on Christmas eve. The striking miners of Calumet had prepared Christmas exercises and the distribution of presents for the little ones and at the appointed time the hall was filled with the happy little tots accompanied by their parents. The Christmas tree gaily decorated and loaded with presets stood upon the stage of the hall. The program was started by Mrs. Annie Clemenc who was making a talk to the children telling them that old Santa had not forgotten them just because their fathers had been denied work, and that they were all to be made happy by receiving many nice presents, candies, fruits and nuts.

The little ones had crowded near the stage their little faces beaming with delight when a fiend in the shape of a man sneaked up the stairway leading to the hall, opened the door and waving his arm cried “fire, fire,” then quickly making his way to the street where he disappeared in the gathering darkness. At the cry of fire the great throng arose as one and made a dash for the front exit of the hall. The way was made for the children first and they filled the stairway so full and crowded from the rear so fast that some of the children were swept off their feet. These little bodies acted a stumbling blocks for those who followed and within a few seconds the stairway was a mass of bleeding crushed, dead and dying humanity. The crowd from above kept crowding into the stairway until it was completely filled with bodies.

As soon as the cry of fire had been sounded the city fire alarm was bellowing its harrowing warning and the firemen upon arriving at the scene quickly placed ladders to the front windows of the building and ascended to the hall where they stopped any more from crowding into the stairway upon the dead bodies of their comrades. Within a few minutes the hall had been emptied and the work of removing the dead taken up. The bodies were so tightly wedged into the hallway that they could not be released below and had to be taken from above and carried back into the hall. The bodies were taken to a temporary morgue in the city hall where after identification they were sorrowfully removed to their homes.

The scene was one beggaring description and those who witnessed it will never have it effaced from their minds as long as they live. While the front hallway was being crowded and jammed full of men, women and children others were seeking escape at a fire exit in the rear of the hall, many getting out in this manner. Others jumped from windows and in nearly every instance were severely injured, one little boy who jumped had both legs broken.

One little girl who was jammed in the hallway in a dying condition begged one of the rescuers to save her. She grasped his hand, kissed it, then her little head dropped upon her breast and she was dead. One man whose name was not learned got in the hallway and tried to prevent the frenzied crowd from crowding down the stairs upon those below. He placed his arms across the hall way and checked them momentarily but the force behind became too great and he was swept into the vortex of death, his dead body being taken out a few minutes later. Holding high above her head her little child, a woman and her husband were carried into the mass of humanity trying to get out of the hall. This man and his wife were swept to their death but the child miraculously escaped.

The fiend who caused this terrible disaster made his escape and is still at large. From persons who stood near the door it is learned that he was rather stockily built, a little under medium height, and wore his hat well pulled down over his countenance. Upon the lapel of his coat he wore a Citizens Alliance button, is a statement made by several who got a good view of him. How anyone with reasoning power could have deliberately committed the act is beyond comprehension.

President Moyer of the Federation who was in Hancock at the time of the accident hurried to Calumet and assured those afflicted that their wants would be attended to by the organization at whose head he stands. The funerals of the victims will be held at Calumet this afternoon and will be attended by thousands of sorrowing friends and companions of those who, while in life, stood valiantly by their side in the great fight for justice which still holds within it grasp the entire district. The funerals will be held under the auspices of organized Labor, and no funds other than those donated by such organizations will be accepted. Organized labor has made this request and the wishes will be respected in this matter…..

[Emphasis and paragraph breaks added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Miners’ Bulletin: “Harvest of Death, Striking Miner’s Children In Christmas Joys Are Called By The Angel Of Death”-Italian Hall Massacre”

Hellraisers Journal: Goodwin’s Weekly: Polly Pry, in Recent Issue, Pays Her Respects to Mother Jones, “Hideous Hag”


Quote re Mother Jones Lioness Angel, LW p4, Dec 5, 1903—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 7, 1903
Polly Pry Pays Her Respects to Mother Jones, “The Hideous Hag”

From Goodwin’s Weekly of December 5, 1903:

Polly Pry re Mother Jones Hideous Hag, Gdwn Wkly p7, Dec 5, 1903

From the Duluth Labor World of December 5, 1903
-Mother Jones, Lioness, Miner’s Angel and Patron Saint:

Mother Jones Angel, LW p4, Dec 5, 1903 Mother Jones Opposes Mt, DP p1, Nov 22, 1903

[Photo from Denver Post of November 22, 1903]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Goodwin’s Weekly: Polly Pry, in Recent Issue, Pays Her Respects to Mother Jones, “Hideous Hag””

Hellraisers Journal: Miners Magazine: Poem by Ellis B. Harris for Annie Clemenc and the Other Women of Calumet


Quote Poem Ellis B Harris re Annie Clemenc n Women of Calumet, Mnrs Mag p14, Nov 27, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 28, 1913
Poem by Ellis B. Harris for the Heroines of the Michigan Copper Country Strike 

From the Miners Magazine of November 27, 1913:

Poem for Annie Clemenc by Ellis Harries, Mnrs Mag p14, Nov 27, 1913

From The Survey of November 1, 1913:

MI Strikers Parade, Annie w Flag, ed, Survey p127, Nov 1, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Miners Magazine: Poem by Ellis B. Harris for Annie Clemenc and the Other Women of Calumet”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Labor World: Eighteen Strike Sympathizers, Women and Girls, Arrested in Calumet, Michigan


Quote Annie Clemenc, Die Behind Flag, Mnrs Bltn, Sept 16, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday November 18, 1913
Calumet, Michigan – Eighteen Women and Girls Arrested

From the Duluth Labor World of November 15, 1913


Eighteen Charged With Violation of Injunction
at the Mohawk Property.

CALUMET, Mich., Nov. 13.-—Eighteen women and girls, strike sympathizers, were arrested at the Mohawk mine today, charged with violation of the injunction prohibiting abuse or intimidation of workers. They were cited to appear before Circuit Judge O’Brien on Nov. 24.

William Teddy, prominent strike leader, was arrested on suspicion of being connected with the dynamiting of a house in which mine guards boarded at Centennial Heights, Tuesday morning. The investigation of attacks on mail trains carrying imported workmen, is progressing quietly. Eleven arrests of strikers have already been made. The gunmen are losing no opportunity to harass the strikers.

MI Strikers Parade, Annie w Flag, ed, Survey p127, Nov 1, 1913

[Emphasis and photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Labor World: Eighteen Strike Sympathizers, Women and Girls, Arrested in Calumet, Michigan”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks on Colorado Coalfield Strike at Washington [D. C.] Central Labor Union Meeting


Quote Mother Jones, Coming of the Lord, Cnc Pst p6, July 23, 1902—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday November 10, 1913
Mother Jones Speaks at Meeting of Washington, D. C., Central Labor Union

From The Washington Herald of November 6, 1913:

Mother Jones Speaks at WDC CLU re CO Strike, WDC Hld p2, Nov 6, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks on Colorado Coalfield Strike at Washington [D. C.] Central Labor Union Meeting”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Arrives in Michigan’s Copper Country to Support WFM Strikers, Greeted by Great Throng


Quote Mother Jones My Life Work, Cton Gz June 11, 1912, ISR p648, Mar 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday August 8, 1913
Copper Country, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan – Mother Jones Arrives

From The Calumet News of August 5, 1913:

HdLn Mother Jones Arrives, Calumet MI Ns p1, Aug 5, 1913Article Mother Jones Arrives Speaks, Calumet MI Ns p1, Aug 5, 1913[……]

Mother Jones with Guard at WV Bull Pen, Calumet MI Ns p1, Aug 5, 1913—–Mother Jones, Calumet MI Ns p1, Aug 5, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Arrives in Michigan’s Copper Country to Support WFM Strikers, Greeted by Great Throng”

Hellraisers Journal: Oyster Bay-President Roosevelt Refuses to See Mother Jones and Her Army of Child Textile Strikers


Quote Mother Jones to TR, These Little Children, Phl No Am July 16, 1903, Foner p552—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday August 1, 1903
Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, New York-President Refuses to Meet with Mother Jones

From The New York Times of July 30, 1903:

Mother Jones March of the Mill Children, TR Refuses MJ and Army, NYT p2, July 30, 1903

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Oyster Bay-President Roosevelt Refuses to See Mother Jones and Her Army of Child Textile Strikers”