Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn for Chicago Propaganda League on Working Class Women and Suffrage


Quote EGF, Pious women, Servant girls, Bff Cr NY p6, Mar 1, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday March 10, 1909
Chicago, Illinois – Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks for Propaganda League

From The Industrial Union Bulletin of February 27, 1909:


EGF, Socialist Woman Cv, Dec 1908

Sunday evening, February 21, Elizabeth G. Flynn gave a very instructive lecture under the auspices of the Chicago Propaganda League, at 55 North Clark street, on the subject, “Why Women of the Working Class Need Not Be Interested in Woman Suffrage.”

The speaker argued not so much against woman suffrage in itself, as against the emphasis now being placed by Socialists upon a question of secondary importance. She pointed out that woman’s activity in the labor movement promised more fruitful results along the line of building up the economic organization, by which alone conditions in industry could be improved and rendered more nearly equal for both men and women, and the danger of “sex war” averted, which was one of the grave possibilities of the agitation merely for “equal political rights.”

The meeting was well attended, and interest manifest throughout the lecture and the discussion which followed.

Next Sunday, February 28, at the same hour (8 o’clock) and place (55 North Clark street). Theodore Hertz will speak on “Tendencies in the European Trades Unions towards Industrial Unionism.” The change in dates for these two lectures was made on account of the fact that Miss Flynn will speak in Buffalo on the 28th.


[Photograph added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Union Bulletin: James Wilson on the Power of Music to Rouse the Toilers


Then raise the scarlet standard high,
Beneath its folds we’ll live and die,
Tho’ cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We’ll keep the Red Flag flying here!
-Jim Connell

Hellraisers Journal, Friday July 31, 1908
Fellow Worker James Wilson on the Songs of Social Revolution

From The Industrial Union Bulletin of July 25, 1908:

One of the Most Powerful
of the Natural Forces.

[by James Wilson]

IWW Emblem, IUB -p1, July 25, 1908

Among the physical forces, made useful to men, sound has played one of the most important parts. We use the word light, in a literal as well as figurative sense. But sound has more often a real, plain meaning.

Is not the ear the most perfect of the organs of sense? We can remember a tune, long after the words have been forgotten.

The association of sounds, and in a higher degree, music, is one of the most lasting and forcible of impressions.

What old cavalry veteran does not know that even the war horse remembers the different bugle calls, and will neigh and paw the ground with excitement when he hears the stirring blast of the trumpet?

We know that music stirs the emotions in every way. The majestic funeral march of Beethoven appeals to the mind with its solemn and awful grandeur; the latest rag-time dance tune fills us with the feeling of gaiety and enlivens our care-worn existence.

What more powerful to excite ridicule than a comic song? How very useful to bring out the hollowness of the sham religionists, with their sounding drum and doleful chants while they pick our pockets and tell us that “he that giveth to the poor, lendeth to the Lord!” The debt to be repaid in the next world-probably Mars-for that its the world nearest to the earth!

The sky-pilots have long told us of reviving grace-whatever that may be. They also tell us to “taste of the Lord and see that He is good.”

How comforting to a hungry man!

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Union Bulletin: James Wilson on the Power of Music to Rouse the Toilers”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Industrial Union Bulletin: “Shall we Die Starving or Shall We Die Fighting?” -J. H. Walsh


Am I to die, starving in the midst of plenty?
Or shall I die fighting?
For my part, a thousand times over,
I’ll die fighting before I’ll die starving.
-J. H. Walsh

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday July 30, 1908
National I. W. W. Organizer Reports from the Pacific Northwest

From The Industrial Union Bulletin of July 25, 1908:

[by J. H. Walsh]

IWW Emblem, IUB -p1, July 25, 1908

We are confronting a new condition in the labor movement in the northwest, and judging from all the labor reports it is the same throughout the United States, as well as many of the foreign countries.

Every train in this country is loaded with dozens of “hoboes” (working men looking for jobs), and in some instances there are hundreds in place of dozens. Last night there arrived on one train in this city [Spokane?] 313 men who were beating their way. The previous night 73 arrived in one box car, and in another car 53. The men coming to the headquarters report the same news day after day, and that is that the unemployed army is growing larger and larger.

There are ten men in the harvest fields in this country for every job. They are working for as low as 75 cents per day. There are women and children in this country actually starving. This is not the worst. The worst is yet to come. After the harvest is over the hundreds who secured work, although at small wages, will return to the army of unemployed. Its ranks will be swelled again. And swelled just on the verge of winter, when hardships will be added to the workers’ struggles for an existence.

Those who are getting their “feet under dad’s table,” coupled with those who have a job sufficiently remunerative to eke out an existence, will stand united with the philosophers in passing resolutions condemning the conditions-Bryan, “God Knows” Taft, etc., etc. But resolutions, no matter how philosophically drawn, will not fill empty stomachs.

I am with the “down-and-outs”-I am broke. I am in a land of plenty. Am I to die, starving in the midst of plenty? Or shall I die fighting? For my part, a thousand times over, I’ll die fighting before I’ll die starving.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Industrial Union Bulletin: “Shall we Die Starving or Shall We Die Fighting?” -J. H. Walsh”

Hellraisers Journal: From the IWW “Prison Song” Series: “We Have Fed You All for a Thousands Years”


Then if blood be the price of all your wealth,
Good God! We have paid it in full.
-Unknown Proletarian


Hellraisers Journal, Monday July 15, 1918
Chicago, Illinois – I. W. W. Prison Song Series Now Available

Sheet Music for “We Have Fed You all For a Thousand Years”-

We Have Fed You All a Thousand Years, Haywood, G. B. 1918, JustSeeds

Detail: Copyright by Wm. D. Haywood; Art by G. B.-

Detail, We Have Fed You All a Thousand Years, Haywood, G. B. 1918, JustSeeds

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Hellraisers Journal: Ben Hanford on the Republican Party, Bill Taft, and the Unemployed: “Go and Eat Grass!”


The unemployed were clubbed by the police
under republican Mayor Busse in Chicago
and under democratic Mayor McClellan in New York.
-Ben Hanford, 1908


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday June 28, 1908
Chicago, Illinois – Republican Party to Unemployed: “Go and eat grass!”

From the Socialist Montana News of June 25, 1908:

Ben Hanford and Republicans

Socialist Candidate for Vice President
Scores Hypocrisy and Vulgarity
of Wall Street’s Recent Convention.

SPA, Ben Hanford, VP Candidate, AtR p4, May 23, 1908

“Go and Eat Grass!”

“If the people have no bread, why don’t they eat cake?”

So says the national convention of the republican party to the more than five million unemployed men in the United States. What sweet consolation to them and the twenty millions of people dependent on them.

We are a prosperous people, declared the leaders of the convention.

We have wealth to the value of $110,000,000,000, more than one quarter of all the wealth on earth.

We make more than one-third of the world’s modern manufactured products.

The republican convention was opened each day with prayer, and by a different clergyman—but there is no evidence that it was closed with a benediction.

The delegates considered themselves “the people”, and therefore they could truly say “the people” were prosperous. It was a convention of lawyers, office holders and millionaires. Why shouldn’t Senator Burrows be prosperous? For thirty-nine years he has drawn pay from a city, county, state or national treasury. Why shouldn’t Senator Lodge be prosperous? He graduated from Harvard Law School thirty-three years ago, and has been fed at the public crib for twenty-five of the years since past. These worthies fear lest socialism would “have the nation own the people.”

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Ben Hanford on the Republican Party, Bill Taft, and the Unemployed: “Go and Eat Grass!””

Hellraisers Journal: Industrial Union Bulletin: “The Value of Music in IWW Meetings” – a Spokane Fellow Worker


It is really surprising how soon a crowd
will form on the street to hear
a song in the interest of the working class.
-Fellow Worker James Wilson, Spokane


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday May 19, 1908
Spokane, Washington – Music fans “the holy flame of discontent.”

The Value of Music in I. W. W. Meetings.

Hallelujah I'm a Bum!, IUB, Apr 4, 1908

The use and value of music is one of the oldest and best known factors in influencing the human mind and moving men to action.

What tribe or nation of men, from the original savage to the “civilized” man of today, has not been swayed and stirred by the almost all-compelling power of harmony, rude or cultivated?

The cradle-song of the mother lulls the baby of the barbarian and soothed us ourselves when still infants. The wild war drum roused the hordes who overthrew Rome; the martial band and the fiery bugle incite the brother-murdering armies of the modern capitalist state. The indescribable powers of music are thus effectual alike for good and evil.

Can we, as Industrial Unionists, afford entirely to ignore the scientific study of this mighty auxiliary in our task of stimulating and rousing the lethargy and indifference of the downtrodden and well nigh hopeless mass of the working class?

It is said that the Marseillaise Hymn won all the battles of the French Revolution, from the epoch-making battle of Valmy to the last one of the brilliant military successes of Napoleon.

To avail ourselves of the weapons and arms of the enemy has always been part of successful generalship, even as the very form of our organization is adapted to meet the organized enemy, the capitalist class.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Industrial Union Bulletin: “The Value of Music in IWW Meetings” – a Spokane Fellow Worker”

Hellraisers Journal: “Work for Women in Industrial Unionism” by Sophie Beldner Vasilio for the I. U. B.


It should be encouraging for workingmen
to see women enter their ranks and,
shoulder to shoulder, fight for economic freedom.
-Sophie Beldner Vasilio


Hellraisers Journal: Thursday April 30, 1908
Sophie Beldner Vasilio on Women and Industrial Unionism

On Tuesday we republished an article from The Industrial Union Bulletin of April 25th of this year, written by Sophie Beldner Vasilio, on the topic of Women and the I. W. W. Today we republish an earlier work by the same author on the topic of Women and Industrial Unionism.

From The Industrial Union Bulletin of August 3, 1907:

Work for Women in Industrial Unionism

IWW Gen Adm Emblem, IUB, Mar 14, 1908

To give an instance of the solidarity prevailing amongst women I shall have to talk of my own experience.

Working in New York in the garment industry with women mostly, here is what I observed. Twice a year, about the summer and winter season, their discontent was heard. Usually the piece workers were the ones that kicked, the prices being cut in slack time, and the new styles paying so little that it was necessary to organize in order to get even less than they asked for.

Twice a year three or four girls would get together to talk about organizing. Then these girls would start to talk to the rest of them about it. All would promise to attend a meeting for the purpose of organizing. Then they would appeal to the walking delegate of the waist makers’ union to organize them.

The meeting announced, only a few would make their appearance, the rest of them giving all sorts of excuses for not attending it. Still we would be organized, as few of we were. The demand for the prices was sent to the employer through the business agent, usually being compromised. About two or three months after the settlement, dues paying was postponed for a while by most of them, then they would say frankly: “We have no use for the union. We’re going to get married before long it’s no use paying dues to the union.”

Working in San Francisco, the City of Unionism, a Mexican women and myself began to talk about organization. One of the girls gave the definition of unionism thus: “To pay fines when you don’t parade on Labor Day or when you don’t attend the meetings, and besides, to pay dues for nothing.”

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Work for Women in Industrial Unionism” by Sophie Beldner Vasilio for the I. U. B.”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Industrial Union Bulletin: “Women and the IWW” by Sophie Vasilio


It should be encouraging for workingmen
to see women enter their ranks and,
shoulder to shoulder, fight for economic freedom.
-Sophie Beldner Vasilio


Hellraisers Journal, Monday April 27, 1908
A Letter from a San Francisco Woman to the I. U. B.

Women in the I. W. W.

To the Editor of THE BULLETIN:

IWW Gen Adm Emblem, IUB, Mar 14, 1908

1. Is a married women of the working class a chattel slave or a wage slave?

2. Has she the right to belong to a mixed local of the I. W. W.?

I ask these questions because objection has been raised by some member of the Denver local to the effect that a married woman, a housekeeper, has no right to belong to a workingmen’s organization.

I wish to be made clear as to the attitude of the general organization on this matter.

As far as I know, the purpose of a mixed local is to educate and organize branches of different industries when there are enough members to form a local. Does a woman, that keeps house for her husband, interfere with the progress of the organization by being a member of a mixed local?

Some assert that we have no grievance against the capitalist class, therefore we have no place in the union. Our grievance is against our husbands, if we are dissatisfied with our condition.

I believe the married woman of the working class is no parasite nor exploiter. She is a social producer. In order to sustain herself, she has to sell her labor power, either in the factory, directly to the capitalist, or at home, indirectly, by serving the wage slave, her husband, thus keeping him in working condition through cooking, washing and general housekeeping.

Her being a mother and a housekeepers are two different functions. One is her maternal, and the other is her industrial function in society. And as an industrial factor in society. I believe the wage slave’s wife has got a right to belong to a mixed local. I think it should be encouraging for workingmen to see women enter their ranks and, shoulder to shoulder, fight for economic freedom.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Industrial Union Bulletin: “Women and the IWW” by Sophie Vasilio”

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Tour on Hold; Great Speaking Skill of Young IWW Orator Described


It’s great to fight for freedom
with a Rebel Girl.
-Joe Hill


Hellraisers Journal, Saturday April 25, 1908
Western Speaking Tour of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Postponed

From The Industrial Union Bulletin of April 18, 1908:

Flynn Lecture Tour Temporarily Postponed

EGF, DEN (ca) p 21, crpd, Sept 21, 1907

Fellow Worker Elizabeth Gurley Flynn will be unable to undertake the Western trip, for which arrangements had been in part completed, owing to the advice of physicians that to do so would endanger her health. She was compelled to abandon her program at Detroit, and will rest for several months in Minnesota, where she hopes to regain her strength and be prepared for active work in the fall of the year.

Readers of THE BULLETIN will, with us, regret this enforced abstinence from the lecture platform of our talented friend and sincerely hope for an early and complete restoration to health.

The Detroit News of April 9 gives the following appreciative notice of Comrade Flynn’s meeting in that city:

A union not to break the law, but a union to enforce the law when it is being broken by the capitalist class. A union that will enforce the will of the working class as expressed at the ballot box. A union that seeks not to enslave labor, but to emancipate it. A union that is organized on the principle that labor produces all wealth and is entitled to all it produces. A union that says there is no identity of interests between the owners of the tools of production and the workers who are bought by the week to run them for the benefit of the few and the the impoverishment of the many.

This is in part the outline given by Mrs. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Jones, of what the Industrial Workers of the World are organized for and what they expect to accomplish before an audience that filled Arbeiter hall to the doors Wednesday night.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Tour on Hold; Great Speaking Skill of Young IWW Orator Described”