Hellraisers Journal – Friday December 23, 1910 Greensburg, Pennsylvania – Strikers’ Families Face Winter in Frozen Tent Colony
From The Labor Argus of December 15, 1910:
Thanksgiving at Greensburg Tent Colony
Pittsburg. Pa. Dec. 14.-Have you ever camped in a bleak and barren hillside in the frosty month of December with nothing to protect you from the biting winds but a flimsy tent, with the frozen ground for a carpet, and a hard wooden bunk for a bed? Can you imagine a more cruel punishment to inflict upon the most despised criminal upon earth? And yet this is exactly what thousands of people in the Irwin-Greensburg strike district are compelled to and they are not criminals either, but upright and honest, law-abiding people. The conditions which confront these poor mortals simply beggar description, no mind can picture nor pen accurately describe the situation.
And what have these people done to be thus punished? Is it a crime to revolt against merciless oppression, to prefer death by cold and starvation rather than a miserable existence in abject slavery. If it is then these people should be punished just like other criminals, but we know of no law they have violated, and hence society owes them some little consideration, at least an opportunity to live as others in this richly blessed land of ours live.
Hellraisers Journal – Saturday November 26, 1910 Fresno, California – I. W. W. Declares Free Speech Fight Re-opened
From the Spokane Industrial Worker of November 24, 1910:
From The Fresno Morning Republican of November 23, 1910:
COUNTY INSTITUTIONS TO HAVE THANKSGIVING TURKEY FEASTS ——- School Children of Fowler Send 1-2 Ton Fruit to County Orphanage. ——- Jail Prisoners Only Ones Who Will Not Taste Turkey and Pie ——-
Thanksgiving cheer will gladden the hearts of the inmates of the various county institutions tomorrow, all excepting tho prisoners in the county jail. Visions of the voluntary incarceration of the I. W. W. “martyrs” still afflict the officers in charge of “La Maison Fresno” and they strenuously deny any attempt to make jail life attractive with the garnishings of the American holiday. So if any prisoners partake of turkey it will be through the instrumentality of “Kangaroo Court,” the co-operative fund established by the prisoners, or through the assistance of friends…..