Hellraisers Journal: From the Spokane Industrial Worker: “Free Speech Fight Is on in Kansas City” by G. H. Perry


KC FSF, Telegram re FL Arrested, Oct 14, IW p1, Oct 19, 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday October 29, 1911
Kansas City, Missouri – Fellow Worker Frank Little Sent to County Farm 

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of October 26, 1911:

KC FSF by G. H. Perry, IW p1, Oct 26, 1911

The long threatened fight with the city authorities is on in real earnest. On Saturday, October 14th [Saturday], the blue coated minions of “law and order” came up to our open air meeting at Missouri and Main streets and without giving any warning arrested the speaker, F. H. Little. The then turned to other members and asked if they were leaders,. When they were informed that we had no leaders in the crowd they stated that being a member of the I. W. W. was enough, and so they arrested all who admitted membership. After laying in jail over Sunday the the seven I. W. W. men who were arrested were treated to a burlesque show in the shape of a kangaroo court presided over by Judge Burning. “His honor” listened to a cockroach business man telling that the thought that we were unfair (how horrible Archie) in our statements…

Fellow Worker Little asked for a jury trial which was denied. The “kangaroo” said, “I know what you men want and I don’t want to be bothered with you this winter and I am not going to stand for any stump speeches.” Little told the court why we were organized and the reason he wished a jury trial was so he could be tried in a real court….

Little then went on explaining to the judge the purposes of the I. W. W. and in the middle of a sentence the judge cut him off with “You are fined $25.00 and rest $10.00 each.” Little and the writer were the only ones allowed to say a word in our own defense. Fellow Workers [Albert V.] Roe, [J.] McGuire, [H. D.] Montgomery, [G. W.] Reeder and [Carl] Strobach were kangarooed without saying a word in their own defense…..

After we had gone back to the jail a delegation from the local saw his honor and after telling im that we intended to have free speech he decided to reconsider his former action and he discharged us all but Fellow Worker Little. …

Little left for county farm this morning…This attempt to do away with the selling of I. W. W. literature and street speaking must be met with determined opposition. Men are needed. We are sure they will be found.


[Emphasis added.]

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