Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones 1898, Part I: January-May; Found in St. Louis, Missouri


Quote Mother Jones, Perish in Sight of Plenty, St L Rpb p14, May 12, 1898—–

Hellraisers Journal – Friday February 10, 1899
-Mother Jones News Round-Up for the Year 1898, Part I

Mother Jones, Factory Girls, St L Rpb p14, May 12, 1898
The St. Louis Republic
May 12, 1898

During February of 1898, Mother Jones was found in St. Louis, Missouri, preparing for a Conference of Labor and Labor Reform Organizations scheduled to be held in that city on May 2nd. She was also found advocating for Domestic Workers in that city who were seeking to establish “a home of their own.”

Mother departed St. Louis in early March and headed out on a tour of Eastern cities in order to “stir up sentiment among the several reform organizations in behalf of the reform convention” to be held in May. Mother was back in St. Louis in time to present at that convention which was, sadly, not well attended. Nevertheless, Mother was soon busy attempting to organize factory girls, of whom, she declared:

The factory girls should be organized because their condition should be improved. This can be effected by organization, and by no other means. The girls are, as rule, underpaid, kept in cramped, unhealthy quarters, and ground down till their young lives have been dwarfed and stunted. Through the children the world is made what it is. In the unions they could be educated how to better themselves.

I have been all through the factories of this and other cities, and find conditions in them such that the lives of these children will be shortened many years by having worked in them. We have war abroad and war at home. The conflict with Spain is not half so grinding upon humanity as the battle for bread. A few hundred go down in a naval battle; thousands perish beneath the grinding tread of greed every day. We have reconcentrados in our own country-they are the poor, without wealth or friends, who perish in sight of plenty.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones 1898, Part I: January-May; Found in St. Louis, Missouri”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene V. Debs to Comrades of the Social Democratic Party: “Prepare for the work of the future.”


Quote EVD re Words n Action, Sc Dem Hld, Nov 26, 1898

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday November 27, 1898
Message from Eugene Debs to Local Branches of S. D. P. of A.

From the Social Democratic Herald of November 26, 1898:

To Local Branches

[-from Eugene V. Debs]

Marquette, Mich., Nov. 20, 1898


EVD re Social Democracy, SLTb p3, Feb 9, 1898

The recent election had gratifying results for us, but these results are of permanent value to our cause only to the extent that we follow them up with renewed vigor and determination. Each branch should at once prepare for the work of the future. In this work each member should enlist with heart and hand. There is not a moment to be lost. Henceforth we are in the field to press our claims and advocate our principles in municipal, state, and national campaigns until we have swept the country and the cause of socialism in triumphant.

The National Headquarters of our party should have its resources strengthened in order that organizers may be placed in the field and the work of propaganda pressed with all possible vigor. The admission fees of new members and quarterly dues should therefore be promptly remitted, and the returns should be full and complete. Besides this, a thorough canvass should be made for subscribers to the Social Democratic Herald. Each branch should appoint an agent and each member should assist in securing subscribers. Let this work be taken in hand at once and our subscription enlarged, so that in the near future the size of our paper can be increased to meet the growing demands of the organization.

Comrades, action only will determine your interest in our cause. Words, promises, professions will not do. The time to act is now, and you, each of you, is expected to do his duty. Will there be any who fail to respond?

[Drawing of Debs added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene V. Debs to Comrades of the Social Democratic Party: “Prepare for the work of the future.””

Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Part I-“The Cry of the Poor” by George Howard Gibson of Social Gospel


The needy shall not always be forgotten;
the expectation of the poor
shall not forever perish.
-Psalm 9:18

Hellraisers Journal, Monday August 1, 1898
From Commonwealth, Georgia – George Howard Gibson Speaks

From the Appeal to Reason of July 30, 1898:

Cry of Poor by GHG Social Gospel Cwealth GA, AtR p4, July 30, 1898

[Part I of article by George Howard Gibson]

“When a man finds himself going down and down, without power to mend things, freezing, hungering and dying by inches, he’s sure to get desperate, In the last week I’ve been an atheist, anarchist and devil. I’ve sat here and cried out that there was no God except for the rich. I’ve said that if I could get down stairs I’d burn and kill. I’ve looked at my wife and children with murder In my heart.”

Those words were spoken to a reporter for the New York World by a sick man, living with his wife and children in a dingy room on the third floor of a miserable tenement house in New York City. There are millions in like circumstances, landless, homeless, destitute—and they are wealth producers. They are workers, but they must beg for a job and pay tribute for each day’s work when men choose to hire them.

When products cannot be sold at a net profit, the workers can get nothing to do and have no income to live on.

Read another item clipped from a New York paper of about the same date:

At a dinner party given in New York the other day to thirty-three persons, the bill was $6,500, or $200 a plate.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Part I-“The Cry of the Poor” by George Howard Gibson of Social Gospel”

Hellraisers Journal: Poems for the People from the Appeal to Reason: “And Why?…Reconcentrados; piteous God!”


Reconcentrados; piteous God!
The misery of want and death!
The heavens smile, the flowers nod,
The birds sing forth their limpid breath-And why?
-A. W. Thomas

Hellraisers Journal, Monday June 27, 1898
Girard, Kansas – Poems for the People

From the Appeal to Reason of June 25, 1898:

A poem for the Cuban Reconcentrados by A. W. Thomas-

POEM re Reconcentrados, AtR p2, June 25, 1898

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Poems for the People from the Appeal to Reason: “And Why?…Reconcentrados; piteous God!””

Hellraisers Journal: Poem for Militiaman Walker, Sent Home for Burial C. O. D.


And, if in Glorious battle,
Your life should offered be,
Your body will be sent home sure-
But strictly C. O. D.
-W. H. Piper


Hellraisers Journal, Friday June 17, 1898
St. Louis, Missouri – Body of Corporal Walker Sent Home C. O. D.

From the Appeal to Reason of June 11, 1898:

Poem by W. H. Piper

POEM Corpse COD, by WH Piper, AtR p3, June 11, 1898

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Poem for Militiaman Walker, Sent Home for Burial C. O. D.”

Hellraisers Journal: Convention of Social Democracy of America Ends in Fracture; Debs, Keliher, Mailly, and Others Bolt


EVD Quote, Revolutionary Solidarity, ISR Feb 1918~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hellraisers Journal, Monday June 13, 1898
Chicago, Illinois – Debs Rejects Utopian Colonization Scheme

The Social Democracy of America was founded just one year ago in the same city where now that party is torn asunder as the result of a bitter disagreement between those who prefer to purchase themselves a refuge from the oppression of Capitalism and those who are willing to remain in thick of the fight against the forces of Capitalism.The latter group of Socialists includes Eugene Debs who has always and ever stood shoulder to shoulder with working class men, women and children,-injunctions, gunthugs, and prison bars be damned.

EVD, SDA Fdg Conv, Chg 6-15-97, wiki, Chg Chc, June 16, 1897
Debs Addressing Founding Convention of Social Democracy of America,
Chicago, June 15, 1897

From The Chicago Chronicle of June 12, 1898:

Debs Goes Out:
Social Democracy is Split into Two Factions

Eugene V. Debs left the Social Democracy of America, which he founded and of which he was President, at 2:30 o’clock yesterday morning [June 11th] and the men who seceded under his leadership formed the Social Democratic Party of America. In one year’s experience he had determined that the colonization scheme which he had fathered was chimerical and that political action should be the purpose of the organization. When the convention in Ulhich’s Hall, after a night of bitter debate, upheld colonization by a vote of 52 to 36, Debs and his followers walked out and in the Revere House organized a new society and adopted a new platform.

While the old Social Democracy will embark at once on the establishment of its first cooperative community in the mining industry at Green Mountain Falls, Colorado, the Social Democratic Party will confine its work to propagating the principles of socialism by the use of the ballot. The division extends to the old leaders. Of the men who were imprisoned in Woodstock Jail in consequence of the great railroad strike of 1894 E.V. Debs and Sylvester Keliher are in the seceding faction, while W.E. Burns, James Hogan, Roy Goodwin, and J.F. Lloyd adhere to the old party. In both organizations the officers are new, but the former leaders are the ruling spirits.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Convention of Social Democracy of America Ends in Fracture; Debs, Keliher, Mailly, and Others Bolt”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Chicago Social Democrat: Eugene V. Debs Opposes Fusion of SDA with Populists


The Social Democracy is a socialist party
and is pledged to the principles of socialism.
It can not and will not fuse with any capitalist party,
by whatever name it may be called.
-Eugene Victor Debs

Hellraisers Journal, Monday May 23, 1898
From Spring Valley, Illinois – Debs Address Issue of Fusion

From the Chicago Social Democrat of May 19, 1898:

Against Fusion

[by Eugene V. Debs]

Spring Valley, Ill., May 14, 1898

Notwithstanding our repeated declarations as to the attitude of the Social Democracy in respect to fusion with other political parties, there are still those who persist in misunderstanding our position.

The Social Democracy is a socialist party and is pledged to the principles of socialism. It can not and will not fuse with any capitalist party, by whatever name it may be called. As special allusion to the Populist party is made by our inquirers, let it be said that the Populist party is a capitalist party and the Social Democracy will not fuse with it any more than it will with the Republican or Democratic party.

EVD of Social Democracy, Tpk St Jr KS p6, Feb 4, 1898

It is urged by some that we should encourage alliance with the Populist party because it inclines in our direction. Their advice, if followed, would wreck our party. If socialism is right, Populists should become socialists and join the Social Democracy. If they are not ready to do this they are not socialists, and hence opposed to socialism, and fusion with their party would result in inevitable disaster.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Chicago Social Democrat: Eugene V. Debs Opposes Fusion of SDA with Populists”