Don’t Mourn; Organize!
-Joe Hill
Hellraisers Journal, Monday November 15, 1915
From The Salt Lake Tribune:
Sheriff Corless Prepares for Execution of FW Joe Hill
At this time, the only man that stands between Fellow Worker Joe Hill and a Utah firing squad is Governor William Spry. Preparations by Sheriff Corless continue apace for the execution of our Rebel Songwriter who now has less than four days left to live. The Salt Lake Tribune reports:
Preparations for Execution of Condemned Man
Continued by Sheriff.

Yesterday was devoid of occurrence of significance in the case of Joseph Hillstrom, condemned to be shot Friday morning for the murder of John G. Morrison, except in that its passing shortened the time allotted him for life from five to four days.
Several special delivery letters were received by Governor William Spry in relation to the execution, but the governor said last night that they were of the usual order. Other letters are probably among the accumulation that will be delivered at the governor’s office this morning. Governor Spry said that the situation was the same as it had been for some time past, no word having been received from any person of official standing with regard to the case. Oscar W. Carlson, Swedish vice consul in Salt Lake, said last night that he had received no further word from the Swedish minister or other officials with regard to Hillstrom. He said that so far as he knew at the time of speaking there remained nothing to do in behalf of the condemned man.
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