Hellraisers Journal: Chicago IWW Trial Testimony: Deportations from Bisbee and Murder of Frank Little at Butte


Don’t worry, Fellow Worker,
all we’re going to need
from now on is guts.
-Frank Little

Hellraisers Journal, Monday July 8, 1918
Chicago, Illinois – Trial of I. W. W. Leaders Continues

Fellow Workers Embree and Rogers for the defense:

Court was adjourned for the Fourth of July, and those defendants still confined in Cook County Jail were kept locked in their cells for that entire sweltering summer day. On the 5th of July, Defendant A. S. Embree resumed the testimony begun July 3rd regarding the Arizona deportations. Harrison George, also one of the defendants, picks up the story:

The law of Arizona was but the plaything of the Copper Trust, he said, in giving a long and explicit account of how he and 1,185 other men were deported from Bisbee by gunmen under direction of Sheriff Harry Wheeler and company officials. Embree was examined by Attorney W. B. Cleary, himself a deportee, and his story of that memorable 12th of July, 1917, when all law was set aside in the interest of industrial autocracy, was backed by many photographs of the deportees and their deporters. On the morning of that day five men with rifles came out of the office of Postmaster Bailey, and more guns came from the Y. M. C. A., Embree stated.

Bisbee Deportation, White Arm Band Gunthug, libcom

Of those deported, 40 percent. were members of the I.W.W., 25 percent. were members of the A. F. of L. and 35 per cent. were unorganized workers or business and professional men. Fred Brown, state organizer of the A. F. of L., was deported. Several grocery men were deported; also the proprietors of two restaurants with all their employees. Registered men, 400 of them, were sent away and forbidden to return, even for draft examination; many holders of Liberty Bonds, one a cash purchaser of $15,000 of these bonds-everyone who would not bow to gunman rule and Copper Trust law-400 married men with families dragged from homes and sent into the desert-

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Hellraisers Journal: As Jury Selection Continues in Chicago, New York Tribune’s Full-Page Article Finds IWW Guilty, II

Quote Ralph Chaplin"all the world that's owned", Leaves
-Ralph Chaplin

Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday April 17, 1918
As Chicago Trial Continues, IWW Found Guilty by Kept Press, Part II

Today we offer the conclusion of our two-part series featuring the article by Boyden R. Sparkes which appeared as a full-page spread in the April 14th edition of the New York Tribune.


Chicago Trial Shows Searing Sparks from the Anvil Where Industrial-Military Power is Being Forged Endanger Progress-
Sabotage, Malcontents’ Principal Weapon,
a Menace to Farm, Factory and Home.

By Boyden R. Sparkes
Chicago, April 13, 1918.

[Part II]

WWIR, IWW Leaders BBH StJ BF etc, NYTb p28, Apr 14, 1918

WWIR, IWW Leaders Sketched in Court by MM Evers, NYTb p28, Apr 14, 1918


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: As Jury Selection Continues in Chicago, New York Tribune’s Full-Page Article Finds IWW Guilty, II”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Ohio Socialist: “Prison Song” and a “Picture with a Story…The Man Behind the Bars”


For Freedom laughs at prison bars;
Her voice re-echoes from the stars,
Proclaiming with the tempest’s breath
A cause beyond the reach of death!
-Ralph Chaplin


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday March 12, 1918
From the Cook County Jail: “Prison Song” by Ralph Chaplin

From The Ohio Socialist of March 10, 1918:

Prison Song by Ralph Chaplin, OH Sc, Mar 10, 1918


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Ohio Socialist: “Prison Song” and a “Picture with a Story…The Man Behind the Bars””

Hellraisers Journal: From the Cook County Jail: New Lyrics to an Old Song by Class War Prisoner Harrison George


We laugh and sing, we have no fear
Our hearts are always light,
We know that every Wobblie true
Will carry on the fight.
-Harrison George


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday November 18, 1917
From Cook County Jail, Illinois – “For the O. B. U.”


Cook County Jail, Oct. 18, 1917
(Tune: “Hold the Fort”)

We speak to you from jail today
Two hundred union men,
We’re here because the bosses’ laws
Bring slavery again.


In Chicago’s darkened dungeons
For the O. B. U.
Remember you’re outside for us
While we’re in here for you.

We’re here from mine and mill and rail
We’re here from off the sea,
From coast to coast we make the boast
Of Solidarity.

We laugh and sing, we have no fear
Our hearts are always light,
We know that every Wobblie true
Will carry on the fight.

We make a pledge-no tyrant might
Can make us bend a knee,
Come on you worker, organize
And fight for Liberty.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Cook County Jail: New Lyrics to an Old Song by Class War Prisoner Harrison George”

WE NEVER FORGET: Oct 4, 1917, Butte, Montana, Fellow Worker Verner Nelson Murdered for Calling a Scab a Scab


Don’t worry, fellow-worker,
all we’re going to need from now on is guts.
-Frank Little


WNF, Butte MT, Verner Nelson IWW, Oct 4, 1917


Fellow Worker Verner Nelson
Martyr of the Industrial Workers of the World

On October 4, 1917, Fellow Worker Verner Nelson was gunned down on the streets of Butte, Montana. His crime was that he had called a scab a scab.

Nelson was about 26 years of age and a card carrying member of the Industrial Workers of the World. At the time of his death, his Red Card proved that his dues were paid up in full, and that he had joined the Agricultural Workers’ Union (IWW) of Larimore, N. D.

A note found on his body read: “In case of accident, notify Tom Nelson of Erie, Pa.”

From The Butte Daily Post of October 5, 1917:

Conflicting Evidence Over the Death
of I. W. W. Who Was Shot.

Verner Nelson, the I. W. W. leader shot by Ziki Savichevich on South Arizona street yesterday afternoon after he had called the latter a “scab,” received the gunshot wound which caused his death while he was in flight from Savichevich, according to the testimony of Joseph Schellhorn before a coroner’s jury this afternoon.

Continue reading “WE NEVER FORGET: Oct 4, 1917, Butte, Montana, Fellow Worker Verner Nelson Murdered for Calling a Scab a Scab”

Hellraisers Journal: The International Socialist Review on the September 5th Raids Made Upon the IWW and the SPA


We ask the membership to redouble their efforts
to build up the organization to the end that
the lot of the workers may be bettered,
and their toil-worn existence brightened.
-Big Bill Haywood


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday October 2, 1917
From the International Socialist Review: Raids and More Raids

This month’s edition of the Review describes the raids conducted September 5th by Federa Agents at the behest of the U. S. Department of Justice upon the headquarters and regional offices of the Industrial Workers of the World and the Socialist Party of America:

SP Nat HQ w Germer, ISR Oct 1917


The I. W. W. and the Socialist Party

SIMULTANEOUSLY on September 5th, representatives of the U. S. Government raided the national offices of the Socialist party and of the I. W. W. Chicago, and of some twenty branch offices of the I. W. W. in different states. U. S. marshals armed with search warrants have taken files, records, pamphlets, leaflets and in many places the entire offices were cleaned out.

Such a wholesale and simultaneous invasion upon the offices of a labor and Socialist organization have never taken place before in the history of this country. The charge has been made that the I. W. W. is a seditious organization and that the I. W. W. and the Socialist Party headquarters are guilty of violating the Espionage Act.

From the National Office

SEPTEMBER 5th a force of Federal Agents took possession of the national office. A thoro search of the office was made and later copies of books, leaflets, records and lists were taken.

This material is to be placed before the grand jury. The charge made against the national office is that some of the comrades have violated the Espionage Act.

It may have been the intention to conceal the real purpose of this search, but the inference was left that there was no disposition to interfere with the routine work of the party. If the information given us is correct, we will be permitted to continue our regular activities except so far as we interfere with the war program.

We appeal to the members of the party to lay special stress on organization at this time. Every member should enlist as a recruiting officer in order to build up the party machinery so that we can win a sweeping victory in the congressional elections of 1918.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The International Socialist Review on the September 5th Raids Made Upon the IWW and the SPA”

Hellraisers Journal: “To The Memory of Frank Little-Hanged at Midnight,” A Poem by Arturo Giovannitti


Arise with a mighty roar!
Arise and declare your war:
For the wind of the dawn is blowing,
For the eyes of the East are glowing,
For the lark is up and the cock is crowing,
And the day of judgement is here!
-Arturo Goivannitti


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday September 23, 1917
“When the Cock Crows” by Arturo Giovannitti, a Poem for Frank Little

From Solidarity of September 22, 1917:

Cock Crows for Frank Little, Giovannitti, 1-4, Sol Sept 22, 1917

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “To The Memory of Frank Little-Hanged at Midnight,” A Poem by Arturo Giovannitti”

Hellraisers Journal: “Frank Little was an agitator, he made the people think..” -Whitewash by Emma Little


Emma Little Quote, Whitewash, Sol Aug 11, 1917


Hellraisers Journal, Thursday August 30, 1917
Fresno, California – Sister-in-Law of Frank Little Pens Poem

Emma Little, staunch supporter of the Industrial Workers of the World, lives in Fresno with her husband, Fred, brother of our martyred Fellow Worker, Frank Little. Emma and Fred have three children: Walter, Lawrence and Victoria.

Fresno was the scene of the famous Free Speech Fight of 1910-1911 in which Frank Little, along with Fred and Emma, played active and heroic roles.

From Solidarity of August 11, 1917:

ISR Doodle, 614, Apr 1917
Frank Little Whitewash by Emma, Sol Aug 11, 1917
ISR Doodle, 614, Apr 1917

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Frank Little was an agitator, he made the people think..” -Whitewash by Emma Little”

Hellraisers Journal: The Lynching of Frank Little by Cesare of Evening Post and Bingo of Solidarity


Don’t worry, fellow-worker,
all we’re going to need from now on is guts.
-Frank Little


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday August 12, 1917
Cartoonists Depict the Lynching of Fellow Worker Frank Little

From the American Socialist of August 11, 1917:

Frank Little, MT Law n Order, Cesare, Am Sc, Aug 11, 1917

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Lynching of Frank Little by Cesare of Evening Post and Bingo of Solidarity”