There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Monday November 11, 1907
Rathdrum, Idaho – Socialist Editor Called to Testify at Adams Trial
The second trial of Steve Adams is proceeding in Rathdrum, Idaho, where Ida Crouch-Hazlett, editor of the Socialist Montana News was called to testify during the Adams trial and grilled on her Bible reading, speech making, etc., see below.
In Rathdrum, Mrs. Hazlett is the sole correspondent representing the American Socialist press. That situation was much different during the Haywood trial in Boise when the Socialist press was well represented, demonstrated by the photograph below from Wilshire’s Magazine of August 1907:

From the Montana News of November 7, 1907:

Explains Socialist Party Methods to
the Court and Jury
Special Correspondence.
Rathdrum, Ida., Oct. 31.

One peculiar feature of the present prosecution of the Federation cases is the ferocious attacks Prosecuting Attorney Knight thinks he has to make on everything that smacks of socialism. And his zeal falls as flat as the echo of a last year’s bird’s nest. For instance, he asks every prospective juror if he ever belonged to any organization, opposed to government; and he says it in connection with other remarks in such a way as to show he is making a direct slap at the socialists. Nothing could be more malicious and unjust.
That socialists should be classed as opposed to government, is the height of ignorant bigotry , with the socialist ticket appearing on the official ballots at every election, under the direct protection of the government. Such unfair slurs do no credit to those who represent an opposing political organization. It is simply the persistence in a policy of poisoning the public against the socialists.
The defense has had to put up a big fight against Willes, the news paper man from Coeur d’Alenes City. It is evident to all that he is intensely prejudiced against the defendant and bis paper has been most vicious in publishing every lie and slander current against the Federation men. Still he evaded all questioning so cleverly that it took a peremptory challenge to get rid of him. It was proven that when Wade Parks was delivering a speech on the streets of Coeur d’Alenes city on the cost of the trials to the state of Idaho, that Willis had said, he ought to be driven out of town. When questioned as to why he made this remark be said the man was making a tirade against government, law and order and established society, and he said to a policeman that he ought not to be permitted to remain in town. He admitted that he had only heard the speaker for five minutes, and then got on his wheel and rode away. And yet this is the sort of an ignoramus that is poisoning the mind of the public against truth and science through the avenues of the capitalist press. Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Prosecutor in Adams Trial Makes Issue of Socialism, Calls Ida Crouch-Hazlett to Testify” →