Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason: Mother Jones, Miners’ Angel, Found in Heaven Wearing the Biggest Crown of All


Quote Mother Jones, Union Card n Pious Christian, Shenandoah Eve Hld p1, Aug 27, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday May 20, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for April 1911
Dreamer Finds Mother Jones in Heaven Wearing Biggest Crown of All

From the Appeal to Reason of April 1, 1911
-page 3, Kansas & Oklahoma edition:



Comrade Lee, of Oklahoma City, sends in a list of subs. He says that he had a dream not long ago and found himself, much to his surprise, in heaven. The first person he saw was Mother Jones, who was wearing the biggest crown in the bunch.

Mother Jones, Miners’ Angel

Mother Jones by Bertha Howell (Mrs Mailly), ab 1902

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason: Mother Jones, Miners’ Angel, Found in Heaven Wearing the Biggest Crown of All”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for March 1911: Found in Denver, Colorado, Standing for Freedom of Sixteen Jailed Miners


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III———–

Hellraisers Journal – Monday April 17, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for March 1911:
–Found in Denver Fighting for Sixteen Miners Jailed by Judge Whitford

From the Black Hills Daily Register of March 6, 1911:

Accuses Judge of Bribery

(By Pan-American Press.)

CO Miners in Dnv Co Jail by Jdg Whitford, ISR p525, Mar 1911
Sixteen miners freed from jail with assistance of Mother Jones.

Denver, March 6.-The impeachment investigation against Judge Greeley W. Whitford, which is being conducted by a committee of the Colorado house of representatives, took a most sensational turn when the committee was told by Mrs. Margaret Miller that prior to his sentencing sixteen union men to jail a few mouths ago, she had delivered a package to Whitford which, she alleged, contained $3,000.

Mrs. Miller said she had been on terms of close relationship with Whitford for eight years. She testified that during the Cripple Creek mining troubles she was in the employ of the Mine Owners’ Association. She alleges a man associated with her in those troubles, gave her the money to give to Judge Whitford.

The sixteen miner were released from jail recently by Judge Whitford after serving two months of their sentence.

Union labor organizations all over the state of Colorado united in petitioning for Judge Whitford’s removal from the bench, declaring that the court in sentencing the miners, had found them guilty of a criminal charge without giving them the right of trial by jury. “Mother Jones” played an important part in the freeing of the men by holding immense meetings in all the large cities of the state.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for March 1911: Found in Denver, Colorado, Standing for Freedom of Sixteen Jailed Miners”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for February 1911, Part II: Found in Report of Socialist Party’s Investigating Committee


Quote Mother Jones, Greensburg PA Cmas 1910, Steel 2, p83———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday March 20, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1911, Part II:
–Found in Report of Socialist Party’s Investigating Committee

From The Socialist Party Official Bulletin:

Socialist Party Official Bulletin, SPA, Feb 1911

Report of the Investigating Committee-
Sub-Committee of the National Committee

Report of SPA Investigating Com re Charges by Mother Jones et al, Nat HQ Chg Feb 28, 1911

As to charges of dishonesty, brought by Comrade Mother Jones against Comrade J. Mahlon Barnes, through Attorney Thomas J. Morgan, the Investigating Committee found that:

[W]hen the alleged claim was placed in the hands of Thomas J. Morgan there was, in fact, nothing due Mother Jones; that the debt had been paid in full, and that the subsequent payment of $200 to Morgan was made under duress.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for February 1911, Part II: Found in Report of Socialist Party’s Investigating Committee”

Hellraisers Journal: The Independent: “The Social Democratic Party” -by Comrade Eugene V. Debs


Quote EVD, Children of the Poor, AtR p2, Mar 17, 1900


Hellraisers Journal – Friday August 24, 1900
Presidential Candidate Eugene V. Debs on Mission of Social Democratic Party

From The Independent of August 23, 1900:

The Social Democratic Party

By Eugene V. Debs,


SDP Campaign, EVD n Job Harriman, SF Call p2, Mar 9, 1900


In the Presidential election of 1892 the socialist candidate received 21,512 votes; in the election of 1896 the vote was increased to 36,275 votes [Socialist Labor Party]. The following two years witnessed an unprecedented spread of Socialist sentiment and in the Congressional and state elections of 1898 the Socialist candidates received 91,749 votes, an increase of almost 200 percent, in two years. But it must not he assumed that this vote represented the entire political strength of Socialists in the United States. In a number of states the election laws were such that the Socialist ticket could not be placed upon the official ballot, while in many districts the number of socialists was so small and they were so widely scattered that no nominations were made and the socialist vote was not polled.

The figures given are sufficient to indicate that in the United States, as in other countries. International socialism is making tremendous strides and that its seven million supporters, spread over all the belts and zones of the globe, and the most active propagandists ever known, will in the next few years be multiplied into controlling majorities in all lands which have modern industry as the basis of their civilization. Socialism being wholly a question of economic development. This will mean the end of the present capitalist competitive system and the introduction of its economic successor, the cooperative commonwealth.

The movement is international because it is born of and follows the development of the capitalist system, which in its operation is confined to no country, but by the stimulus of modern agencies of production, exchange, communication, and transportation, has overleaped all boundary lines and made the world the theater of its activities. By this process all the nations of the earth must finally be drawn into relations of industrial and commercial cooperation, as the economic basis of human brotherhood.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Independent: “The Social Democratic Party” -by Comrade Eugene V. Debs”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Social Democratic Herald: Acceptance Speech of Eugene Victor Debs, March 9, 1900


Quote EVD, Proud Socialists SDP Conv, SF Cls Strgl p4, Mar 17, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday March 26, 1900
Indianapolis, Indiana – Eugene Debs Accepts Nomination for President

From the Social Democratic Herald of March 24, 1900:


[Social Democratic Party Convention
Indianapolis, March 9th]

SDP Campaign, EVD n Job Harriman, SF Call p2, Mar 9, 1900—–

Mr. Chairman and Comrades:A few moments ago your committee advised me of the great honor conferred upon me by this convention in making me one of the standard-bearers of the party in the great campaign upon which we are now entering. Never in all of my life was I so profoundly impressed with the conviction that there is a divinity that shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will. Yesterday [March 8th, Third Day of Convention] I left this hall under the solemn belief that I could not, under any possible circumstances, accept the nomination tendered me with such enthusiastic unanimity. But with your united voices ringing in my ears, and your impassioned appeals burning and glowing in my breast, and your eyes searching the very depths of my soul, I was soon brought to realize that in your voice in behalf of socialism there was the supreme command of Duty—that I could not disregard it and decline the nomination without proving myself wholly unworthy of the confidence which inspired it.

I felt that I could not decline the nomination, tendered me under such circumstances, without being guilty of treason to the cause we all love so well; and so I come to you this afternoon, obedient to the call voice by your committee, to say that I accept your nomination, and with it all of the responsibilities that the great trust imposes; and with my heart trembling upon my lips, I thank the comrades, one and all, for the great honor your have conferred upon me. I also thank you for having nominated as my associate and colleague so true a socialist, so manly a man as Comrade Job Harriman, and let me assure you that we will stand together, side by side, in the true spirit of socialism, and joining hands, will bear aloft the conquering banner of the Social Democratic Party of America.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Social Democratic Herald: Acceptance Speech of Eugene Victor Debs, March 9, 1900”

Hellraisers Journal: Unity Achieved with Socialist Labor Party at Social Democratic Party Convention, Fourth Day


Quote EVD, Proud Socialists SDP Conv, SF Cls Strgl p4, Mar 17, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday March 19, 1900
Indianapolis, Indiana – S. D. P. “Unity” Convention Nominates Debs

From San Francisco’s Class Struggle of March 17, 1900:

Class Struggle Ns p1, Mar 17, 1900EVD, Debs Harriman Campaign, Class Struggle Ns p1, Mar 17, 1900

[Part II of II.]

FOURTH DAY [March 9th].

SDP Conv, Eugene Dietzgen, Sc Dem Hld p4, Mar 17, 1900

J.C. Chase, who served as chairman on the third day, was again elected to preside.

A motion to elect two delegates to the International Congress at Paris in 1900 was carried. Eugene Dietzgen was elected as one delegate, and on motion the election of the second delegate was referred to the joint committee of 18, the delegate to be elected by referendum.

MacCartney took the floor and stated that Debs had reconsidered his declination. Great applause. Debs was declared the nominee.

G.B. Benham was called upon for a speech, and congratulated the convention upon the nomination of Debs.

A man recognized from the Atlantic to the Pacific as one of the bravest advocates of the rights of the workers that the world has ever seen. His example has inspired the best efforts of the exponents of socialism, and his candidacy cements the union of socialist forces and assures us a grand result for the coming Presidential campaign.

Victor Berger nominated Job Harriman for Vice President. The nomination was received with applause as hearty as that which greeted the nomination of Debs. His nomination was declared unanimous, and all rose and gave three cheers for the candidates. Great enthusiasm. Handshaking was in order.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Unity Achieved with Socialist Labor Party at Social Democratic Party Convention, Fourth Day”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Victor Debs Nominated for President by Social Democratic Party of America


Quote EVD, Children of the Poor, AtR p2, Mar 17, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday March 11, 1900
Indianapolis, Indiana – Social Democratic Party Convention Nominates Debs

From The Indianapolis Journal of March 10 1900:


He Was Unable to Resist the Pressure
of the Convention-Harriman
for Vice President.

SDP Campaign, EVD n Job Harriman, SF Call p2, Mar 9, 1900

The Social Democratic party, which had been in convention in the city since last Tuesday, adjourned yesterday afternoon after gaining the consent of Eugene V. Debs to make the race for President. Job Harriman, of California, was nominated for the vice presidency. It was also understood before adjournment that the Social Democrats and the Socialist Labor party would amalgamate.

The chief business of the convention yesterday was the selection of candidates. On Thursday Mr. Debs steadfastly refused to accept the nomination, but yesterday, when the convention would not listen to a refusal, and nominated him by acclamation, he decided to accept. Shortly after noon a committee brought him to Reichwein’s Hall and he made his speech of acceptance. He spoke feelingly and was apparently greatly impressed with the situation which confronted him. In beginning his remarks he said he had never been more profoundly Impressed with the conviction that there is a divinity which shapes our ends. He said that on Thursday he left the hall with the determination that he would not accept the nomination.

[He continued:]

But now, with your united voices ringing in my ears, with your impassioned appeals burning and glowing in my breast and your eyes searching the depths of my soul, I am brought to realize that in your voice there is a supreme command of duty.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Victor Debs Nominated for President by Social Democratic Party of America”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Socialist Montana News: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, New York Labor Agitator Now in Spokane


Quote EGF, Western IWW Aggressive Spirit, IW p3, Aug 12, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 13, 1909
Spokane, Washington – Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Fights for Free Speech

From the Socialist Montana News of December 2, 1909:


EGF, ed Spk Chc p2, Nov 18, 1909

The tour of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn through the west, and the strenuous work she has been performing in generaling the Free Speech fights has introduced to this section of country and earnest and energetic young woman.

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn is a married woman of New York, whose agitation in the labor movement has excited much attention in the capitalist press, and a certain amount in the labor and socialist press; although the attention given her by the latter has been by no means commensurate with the ability of her work, and the impression it has made upon those who have heard and seen her. But Elizabeth Gurley Flynn has broken into the labor movement under peculiar conditions. Reared in a socialist home, she grew up with her mind intelligent and keen as to the homogeneity of the socialist and labor movements, an idea that is as yet scarcely grasped at all in America, either by the great mass of laborers or the majority of the socialists themselves. To be a socialist, a social reformer, meant to Miss Flynn to work in the labor movement.

When the Industrial Workers of the World was organised she thought she saw in its methods the ideal line of activity for the workers to adopt, who were bent upon industrial emancipation through a revolutionary program. She became devoted to the interest of the Industrial Workers. She refused to ally herself with either the Socialist Party or the Socialist Labor Party because of their failure to co-operate decidedly with the I. W. W.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Socialist Montana News: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, New York Labor Agitator Now in Spokane”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Social Democratic Herald: Eugene V. Debs on Texas Coming to Social Democratic Party


Quote EVD Brush the Dust, Saginaw Eve Ns p6, Feb 6, 1899 ———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 4, 1899
Comrade Debs Has Successful Tour of Texas for S. D. P. of A.

From the Social Democratic Herald of June 3, 1899:

Texas is Coming

[by Eugene V. Debs]

Houston, Texas
[May 21, 1899]

EVD, Houston Daily Post p6, May 22, 1899

Beginning at Nashville on the 10th of May, this trip has been fruitful of results beyond all expectations. Nearly every meeting has been crowded and in some places many were turned away. Farmers have come in from 30 and 40 miles distant.

At Nashville the Socialist Club voted unanimously to join the Social Democratic Party. At Memphis, I am satisfied the Independent Socialist Society will follow suit. William Pinard, the national organizer of the Barbers’ Union and one of the most progressive trade unionists, will join at Memphis and enter our list of organizers.

At Little Rock a branch is organizing. At Dallas, Fort Worth, Bonham, Cleburne, Waco, San Antonio, and Houston, branches will soon be in active operation.

I have some good news for our comrades from Texas. I feel warranted in saying that the Socialist Party of Texas will soon be in the Social Democratic Party. At Bonham I had a conference with William E. Farmer, the veteran editor of The Social Economist and president of the party. He is heartily with us. At San Antonio I had an extended conference with the Executive Board of the Socialist Party of Texas. We canvassed the situation thoroughly. They unanimously resolved to issue an address to the party, recommending that their locals attach themselves to the Social Democratic Party. A referendum vote is now being taken. I do not have the least doubt that all the locals in the state will come to us in a body.

A committee of the Houston Section S. L. P. [Socialist Labor Party] has just called on me and we had a most pleasant interview. They are true comrades and I was happy to meet them. I assume the responsibility to predict that it will not be long before the comrades who compose this section will be in our party. Let the good work proceed.

The outlook everywhere is immensely cheering. My heart leaps with anticipation for the future. It is coming. The triumph is near. Onward comrades!


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Social Democratic Herald: Eugene V. Debs on Texas Coming to Social Democratic Party”