Hellraisers Journal – Sunday July 21, 1901
Merrie England by Robert Blatchford, “A Plain Exposition of Socialism”
From the Appeal to Reason of July 20, 1901:
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday July 21, 1901
Merrie England by Robert Blatchford, “A Plain Exposition of Socialism”
From the Appeal to Reason of July 20, 1901:
Hellraisers Journal – Monday May 22, 1911
“Out of the Modern Sodom and Gomorrah” by Art Young
From The Coming Nation of May 20, 1911:
Socialism Leads to Freedom from Grip of Ruling-Class Political Parties
Detail-Freedom from Democratic Party:
Detail-Freedom from Republican Party:
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday April 11, 1901
Mother Jones News Round-Up for March 1901, Part II
Found Arriving in Hazleton, Pa., for Mine Worker’s Convention
From the Philadelphia Times of March 13, 1901:
National Organizer Chris Evans
Makes an Impassioned Appeal to
the Delegates at Hazleton.
Bills Now Pending at Harrisburg
Come Up for Debate in the
Convention and Evoke
Heated Discussion.
[Mother Jones Arrives]From a Staff Correspondent.
Hazleton, March 12.
National Organizer Chris Evans, in a speech before the convention of the miners here this afternoon, struck the keynote of the situation when he made an impassioned appeal for uniformity…..
…It is sure that a resolution will be introduced in the convention, making a demand for uniformity in the day wage scale for each of the three districts.
The convention was called to order by President Mitchell in the Grand Opera House at 10 o’clock. The house was filled, and it is believed that 700 delegates are in attendance.
In his opening address President Mitchell referred to the great growth in this region since the strike of last fall, which, he said, had proven that there is a community of interest between the anthracite and bituminous miners which makes needless the argument that they should stand together in one union.
Mitchell Refuses a House.
President Mitchell created somewhat of a sensation this afternoon by positively refusing to accept the offer of a house which the anthracite miners have decided to give him. In a touching speech he thanked the men very kindly for their appreciation of his efforts, and strongly urged them to devote the money to erecting a monument to those members of the union who gave up their lives in the cause of unionism at Latimer in 1897……
“Mother” Jones arrived here to-night from Scranton and immediately went to MacAdoo, where she and District President Duffy and National Organizer Chris Evans addressed a big meeting. “Mother” Jones will remain here several days and will likely address the convention to-morrow.
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday March 19, 1911
Working and Eating in the Co-operative Commonwealth
From The Coming Nation of March 18, 1911:
Note: Looks like the Hobo, being a migrant worker, is the only one of those in the drawing who gets to eat.
Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday February 13, 1901
Mother Jones News Round-Up for January 1901, Part III
Found Speaking in Indianapolis on Evils of Child Labor in Pennsylvania
From the Indianapolis Sunday Journal of January 27, 1901:
“Mother” Jones and Mr. Debs.
Eugene V. Debs and “Mother” Jones will deliver public addresses in the Criminal Court room to-morrow night. Mrs. Jones will speak especially to the women, and particularly to women who belong to labor or trades organizations. To-morrow afternoon Mr. Debs will speak to the miners at their convention.
[Photograph added.]
From The Indianapolis Journal of January 29, 1901:
[-from Miners’ Convention]In the afternoon many resolutions, principally of importance to the miners only, were passed then the committee on officers’ reports was heard. After some discussion the report was adopted by sections. Of important bearing was the adoption of President Mitchell’s recommendation to organize a woman’s auxiliary union. The convention adopted the recommendation and gave the power of appointing an organizer to President Mitchell. It is understood that “Mother” Jones will be appointed organizer…..
“Mother” Jones Graphically Describes
Child Labor In Pennsylvania.“Mother” Jones addressed a meeting of mine workers and their friends in the Criminal Court room last evening on the subject of “Employment of Child Labor in the Mines.” Although her address was primarily intended to be in the interest of the miners, she made a general plea for all branches of labor. Quite a number of working girls were present and the eloquent appeals made in their behalf met with hearty applause from them. The speaker described the condition which prevails among the breaker boys of the mines of Pennsylvania, where boys of eleven years work thirteen hours a day for a wage scale of 1 cent an hour.
The miners and their families, she declared, are the helpless slaves of the great combinations of capital and the operators who own and control the mines. In those regions when a child is born, the day is eagerly looked forward to when he will be old enough to do a day’s work, and when that day arrives he is taken by his father to the operator of the mine, to whom his services are offered for a pittance. Some of the worst details of the present system were gone into and the need of organization among all the miners of the country was strongly urged.
Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday December 19, 1900
Mother Jones News Round-Up for November 1900, Part III
Found in Giving Ringing Speech to Large Audience in Vandling, PA
From the Carbondale Leader of November 24, 1900:
Mother Mary Jones was given a rousing reception in Vandling last night. The famous female friend of the miners came to this city on the 3 o’clock train and was met at the station by a number of people. Early in the evening she went to Vandling. Quite a number of Carbondalians went up to hear her. So large was the crowd which wished to attend the lecture, it was found that Mr. Closkey’s hall would not accommodate all. Rev. Clarke and the trustees of the Methodist church kindly offered its use and this large edifice was filled to overflowing. The audience was an attentive one and for over two hours and a quarter Mother Jones held the listeners’ close attention. She is a woman of about sixty-five and her hair is very white. She speaks in a very straight forward positive manner leaving no doubt as to the meaning of what she says. With “Mother” Jones there were on the platform Thomas Davis, J. Johns and Rev. Mr. Clarke.
“Mother” Jones began by scoring the Wall street men whom she characterized as a lot of idling robbers. Then she cut into the coal operators. She told an incident where to save a piece of wood valued at two and one-half cents the corporation sacrificed a mans life. That was held of less value than a piece of wood. In part the speaker said:
We believe we live in a Christian nation and yet why do we take our children from the school and put them in the mills and breakers. The Christian church never murdered. Christianity means the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God; it means that all men should be fed; it means that our schools should be populated. But look at the vile language the children learn in mill and factory. Look, and see what the coming generation will be. You and I will have to render an account for our life’s work here below. How can you expect justice then if you wont give it now.
Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 5, 1920
Statement from Convict 9653 E. V. Debs, Socialist Candidate for President
From The Atlanta Constitution of November 4, 1920:
Country Leaped From Frying Pan
To Fire, Says Debs
———-In Written Statement, Defeated Candidate Declares
Wall Street Is Still in Saddle.
———-(Wednesday morning Eugene V. Debs, socialist candidate for president, furnished The Constitution the following written statement in regard to the election results.)
There was never any doubt about the results of yesterday’s election. The fate of the democratic party was sealed at the Versailles peace conference. One thing was made clear by the election returns. President Wilson, Attorney General Palmer and Postmaster General Burleson now know what the American people think of their despotic administration.
But, unfortunately, the people have not profited by past experience. They need look for no improvement in conditions as the result of the election. Wall street is still in the saddle under Harding as it was under Wilson.
Politically speaking, the American people have the cheerful habit of jumping from the frying pan into the fire and back again. They seem to enjoy the diversion.
Lincoln said “If you want that thing that is the thing you want.”
Harding prays God to help him. The American people will be doing the same thing before they are through with his administration.
For President Harding will take his orders from Wall street, and his administration can be relied upon to see to it that the people get all they voted for-and then some.
Hellraisers Journal – Friday October 26, 1900
Wheeling, West Virginia – Eugene V. Debs Speaks at Arion Hall
From The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer of October 25, 1900:
By Eugene V. Debs to a Large Crowd
At Arion Hall Last Evening.
Can Be Established in This Country. Would Make
Radical Change in Present Conditions.
Eugene V. Debs, candidate for president on the Social Democracy ticket, addressed a large audience at Arion hall last night. Most of his hearers were of another political persuasion, however, attracted out of mere curiosity. Seated on the stage were the men prominent in socialist circles in this city. Mr Debs’ eloquence is well known and this fact alone was sufficient to attract a large crowd. He advanced nothing new along the line of socialism. Harry Leeds, the local socialist, acted as chairman of the meeting. He said they represented a body of workingmen whom strikes and lockouts had almost taken away their rights as American citizens. He said they were an embryonic party and they needed funds. He asked the audience to contribute to the campaign fund and before introducing Mr. Debs the hat was passed around the audience for contributions. Mr. Leeds introduced Eugene V. Debs, who was applauded as he stepped to the front of the stage.
Mr. Debs began by saying that a mighty social revolution was in progress. The world was gradually becoming co-operative instead of competitive. The social demoralization of the world was passing away. He would not appeal to the prejudice of his auditors. His sole purpose would be to appeal to their reason.
Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday September 4, 1900
“Outlook for Socialism in the United States” by Eugene V. Debs
From the International Socialist Review of September 1900:
[Part II of II-by Eugene Debs, Social Democratic Party’s Candidate for President.]
What the workingmen of the country are profoundly interested in is the private ownership of the means of production and distribution, the enslaving and degrading wage-system in which they toil for a pittance at the pleasure of their masters and are bludgeoned, jailed or shot when they protest—this is the central, controlling, vital issue of the hour, and neither of the old party platforms has a word or even a hint about it.
As a rule, large capitalists are Republicans and small capitalists are Democrats, but workingmen must remember that they are all capitalists, and that the many small ones, like the fewer large ones, are all politically supporting their class interests, and this is always and everywhere the capitalist class.
Whether the means of production—that is to say, the land, mines, factories, machinery, etc.—are owned by a few large Republican capitalists, who organize a trust, or whether they be owned by a lot of small Democratic capitalists, who are opposed to the trust, is all the same to the working class. Let the capitalists, large and small, fight this out among themselves.
The working class must get rid of the whole brood of masters and exploiters, and put themselves in possession and control of the means of production, that they may have steady employment without consulting a capitalist employer, large or small, and that they may get the wealth their labor produces, all of it, and enjoy with their families the fruits of their industry in comfortable and happy homes, abundant and wholesome food, proper clothing and all other things necessary to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” It is therefore a question not of “reform,” the mask of fraud, but of revolution. The capitalist system must be overthrown, class-rule abolished and wage-slavery supplanted by the co-operative industry.
Hellraisers Journal – Monday September 3, 1900
“Outlook for Socialism in the United States” by Eugene V. Debs
From the International Socialist Review of September 1900:
[Part I of II-by Eugene Debs, Social Democratic Party’s Candidate for President.]
The sun of the passing century is setting upon scenes of extraordinary activity in almost every part of our capitalistic old planet. Wars and rumors of wars are of universal prevalence. In the Philippines our soldiers are civilizing and Christianizing the natives in the latest and most approved styles of the art, and at prices ($13 per month) which command the blessing to the prayerful consideration of the lowly and oppressed everywhere.
In South Africa the British legions are overwhelming the Boers with volleys of benedictions inspired by the same beautiful philanthropy in the name of the meek and lowly Nazarene; while in China the heathen hordes, fanned into frenzy by the sordid spirit of modern commercial conquest, are presenting to the world a carnival of crime almost equaling the “refined” exhibitions of the world’s “civilized” nations.
And through all the flame and furore of the fray can be heard the savage snarlings of the Christian “dogs of war” as they fiercely glare about them, and with jealous fury threaten to fly at one another’s throats to settle the question of supremacy and the spoil and plunder of conquest.
The picture, lurid as a chamber of horrors, becomes complete in its gruesome ghastliness when robed ministers of Christ solemnly declare that it is all for the glory of God and the advancement of Christian civilization.
This, then, is the closing scene of the century as the curtain slowly descends upon the blood-stained stage—the central figure, the pious Wilhelm, Germany’s sceptered savage, issuing his imperial “spare none” decree in the snag froid of an Apache chief—a fitting climax to the rapacious regime of the capitalist system.
Cheerless indeed would be the contemplation of such sanguinary scenes were the light of Socialism not breaking upon mankind. The skies of the East are even now aglow with the dawn; its coming is heralded by the dispelling of shadows, of darkness and gloom. From the first tremulous scintillation that guilds the horizon to the sublime march to meridian splendor the light increases till in mighty flood it pours upon the world.