Hellraisers Journal: From The Progressive Woman: Ten Year Anniversary of Founding of the Socialist Party of America


Quote EVD, Proud Socialists SDP Conv, SF Cls Strgl p4, Mar 17, 1900—————–

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday July 5, 1911
Socialist Party of America’s Tenth Anniversary

From The Progressive Woman of July 1911:

From The Progressive Woman of July 1911:The above picture includes most of the delegates to the Unity Convention of 1901 the convention where the Socialist party came into existence. It was held at Indianapolis, Indiana, beginning July 29. The picture was taken on the east front of the state capitol. A number of the faces will be familiar to many readers.There were about one hundred and twenty-five delegates present, among whom were the following women: Corinne S. Brown, Martha A. Biegler, Margaret Haile, Elizabeth H. Thomas, Sula Lowrie, Mrs. Max S. Hayes, Martha H. McHugh and Carrie Rand Herron.The Unity Convention was called for the purpose of attempting to unite the various Socialist parties of the country. The largest of these were the Social Democratic Party and the Springfield wing of the Socialist Labor Party. The other wing of the Socialist Labor Party did not take part in the convention. State parties in Iowa, Kentucky and Texas, not affiliated with any national organization, were represented.The various factions that united in calling the convention had patched up their differences sufficiently to support the same ticket the year before. Animosities were very bitter, however. Had it not been for the withdrawal of various local and state organizations from the national organizations, thus decreasing their membership, it is hardly probable that the two national organizations could have been persuaded to consent to try to form an organic union.The main actions of the convention were the adoption of a national constitution, a national platform, a resolution on Socialism and trade unionism, a resolution on injunctions, and a resolution on the negro question.The platform came in for a hot discussion, especially the immediate measures. As adopted, it contained, among others, a provision for "equal civil and political rights for women."The resolutions were also warmly discussed. In fact, everything was warmly discussed. Socialists are always very earnest in their debates, and the bitter feelings which the delegates brought along made them especially earnest at that convention.But the great debate came on the constitution. Hot does not begin to express it. It was scalding, vitriolic. All the rancor in the hearts of the delegates was poured out in blistering words. At times it seemed to the most optimistic that unity was hopeless, and that we must disperse and go back to our several locals with the doleful confession that we had failed in our mission. But, out of it all came agreement-agreement on the famous Section Four of Article Twelve. Get out your national constitution and read it. It is historic. It is the state autonomy provision. Around it raged the battle as to whether we could organically unite. Its adoption made unity possible.Then came better feelings and a great relief. We went home with joy in our hearts, because we bore the glad tidings of a solidified Socialist Party-united-facing the enemy.---------------[Emphasis added.]

The above picture includes most of the delegates to the Unity Convention of 1901 the convention where the Socialist party came into existence. It was held at Indianapolis, Indiana, beginning July 29. The picture was taken on the east front of the state capitol. A number of the faces will be familiar to many readers.

There were about one hundred and twenty-five delegates present, among whom were the following women: Corinne S. Brown, Martha A. Biegler, Margaret Haile, Elizabeth H. Thomas, Sula Lowrie, Mrs. Max S. Hayes, Martha H. McHugh and Carrie Rand Herron.

The Unity Convention was called for the purpose of attempting to unite the various Socialist parties of the country. The largest of these were the Social Democratic Party and the Springfield wing of the Socialist Labor Party. The other wing of the Socialist Labor Party did not take part in the convention. State parties in Iowa, Kentucky and Texas, not affiliated with any national organization, were represented.

The various factions that united in calling the convention had patched up their differences sufficiently to support the same ticket the year before. Animosities were very bitter, however. Had it not been for the withdrawal of various local and state organizations from the national organizations, thus decreasing their membership, it is hardly probable that the two national organizations could have been persuaded to consent to try to form an organic union.

The main actions of the convention were the adoption of a national constitution, a national platform, a resolution on Socialism and trade unionism, a resolution on injunctions, and a resolution on the negro question.

The platform came in for a hot discussion, especially the immediate measures. As adopted, it contained, among others, a provision for “equal civil and political rights for women.”

The resolutions were also warmly discussed. In fact, everything was warmly discussed. Socialists are always very earnest in their debates, and the bitter feelings which the delegates brought along made them especially earnest at that convention.

But the great debate came on the constitution. Hot does not begin to express it. It was scalding, vitriolic. All the rancor in the hearts of the delegates was poured out in blistering words. At times it seemed to the most optimistic that unity was hopeless, and that we must disperse and go back to our several locals with the doleful confession that we had failed in our mission. But, out of it all came agreement-agreement on the famous Section Four of Article Twelve. Get out your national constitution and read it. It is historic. It is the state autonomy provision. Around it raged the battle as to whether we could organically unite. Its adoption made unity possible.

Then came better feelings and a great relief. We went home with joy in our hearts, because we bore the glad tidings of a solidified Socialist Party-united-facing the enemy.


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Progressive Woman: Ten Year Anniversary of Founding of the Socialist Party of America”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for March 1901, Part I: Found Writing for The Review and Marching with Striking Silk Mill Workers


Quote Mother Jones re Child Labor AL 1896, ISR p539, Mar 1901———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday April 10, 1901
Mother Jones News Round-Up for March 1901, Part I
Found Writing for The Review and Marching with Striking Silk Workers

From the International Socialist Review of March 1901:

ISR Mar 1901

Civilization in Southern Mills

T Graphic, ISR p539, Mar 1901

The miners and railroad boys of Birmingham, Ala., entertained me one evening some months ago with a graphic description of the conditions among the slaves of the Southern cotton mills. While I imagined that these must be something of a modern Siberia, I concluded that the boys were overdrawing the picture and made up my mind to see for myself the conditions described. Accordingly I got a job and mingled with the workers in the mill and in their homes. I found that children of six and seven years of age were dragged out of bed at half-past 4 in the morning when the task-master’s whistle blew. They eat their scanty meal of black coffee and corn bread mixed with cottonseed oil in place of butter, and then off trots the whole army of serfs, big and little. By 5:30 they are all behind the factory walls, where amid the whir of machinery they grind their young lives out for fourteen long hours each day. As one looks on this brood of helpless human souls one could almost hear their voices cry out, “Be still a moment, O you iron wheels or capitalistic greed, and let us hear each other’s voices, and let us feel for a moment that this is not all of life.”

We stopped at 12 for a scanty lunch and a half-hour’s rest. At 12:30 we were at it again with never a stop until 7. Then a dreary march home, where we swallowed our scanty supper, talked for a few minutes of our misery and then dropped down upon a pallet of straw, to lie until the whistle should once more awaken us, summoning babes and all alike to another round of toil and misery.

I have seen mothers take their babes and slap cold water in their face to wake the poor little things. I have watched them all day long tending the dangerous machinery. I have seen their helpless limbs torn off, and then when they were disabled and of no more use to their master, thrown out to die. I must give the company credit for having hired a Sunday school teacher to tell the little things that “Jesus put it into the heart of Mr. – to build that factory so they would have work with which to earn a little money to enable them to put a nickel in the box for the poor little heathen Chinese babies.”

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for March 1901, Part I: Found Writing for The Review and Marching with Striking Silk Mill Workers”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Social Democratic Herald: Sketch of Mother Jones, Publications of Charles H. Kerr


Quote JA Wayland, Mother Jones, AtR p1, Mar 17, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday March 15, 1901
Chicago, Illinois – Sketch of Mother Jones, Ad for Publications of Charles H. Kerr 

From the Social Democratic Herald of March 9, 1901:

Mother Jones, Drawing, SDH p4, Mar 9, 1901———-AD for ISR fr SDH p4, Mar 9, 1901

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Social Democratic Herald: Sketch of Mother Jones, Publications of Charles H. Kerr”

Hellraisers Journal: Social Democratic Herald: “Tribute to Martin Irons” by Comrade Eugene Victor Debs


Quote EVD, Ferewell Martin Irons, SDH p2, Dec 15, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday December 16, 1900
“Tribute to Martin Irons” by Comrade Eugene V. Debs

From the Social Democratic Herald of December 15, 1900:

EVD, Tribute to Martin Irons, SDH p2, Dec 15, 1900

Martin Irons fr Harpers p236, Apr 10, 1886, LoC
Martin Irons

It was in 1886 that Martin Irons, as chairman of the executive board of the Knights of Labor of the Gould southwest railway system, defied capitalist tyranny, and from that hour he was doomed. All the powers of capitalism combined to crush him, and when at last he succumbed to overwhelming odds, he was hounded from place to place until he was ragged and foot-sore and the pangs of hunger gnawed at his vitals.

For fourteen long years he fought single-handed the battle against persecution. He tramped far, and among strangers, under an assumed name, sought to earn enough to get bread. But he was tracked like a beast and driven from shelter. For this “poor wanderer of a stormy day” there was no pity. He had stood between his class and their oppressors-he was brave, and would not flinch; he was honest, and he would not sell; this was his crime, and he must die.

Martin Irons came to this country from Scotland a child. He was friendless, penniless, alone. At an early age he became a machinist. For years he worked at his trade. He had a clear head and a warm heart. He saw and felt the injustice suffered by his class. Three reductions in wages in rapid succession fired his blood. He resolved to resist. He appealed to his fellow-workers. When the great strike came, Martin Irons was its central figure. The men felt they could trust him. They were not mistaken.

When at the darkest hour Jay Gould sent word to Martin Irons that he wished to see him, the answer came, “I am in Kansas City.” Gould did not have gold enough to buy Irons. This was the greatest crime of labor’s honest leader. The press united in fiercest denunciation. Every lie that malignity could conceive was circulated. In the popular mind Martin Irons was the blackest-hearted villain that ever went unhung. Pinkerton blood-hounds tracked him night and day. But thru it all this loyal, fearless, high-minded working-man stood immovable.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Social Democratic Herald: “Tribute to Martin Irons” by Comrade Eugene Victor Debs”

Hellraisers Journal: Social Democratic Herald: “The Sower” by Edwin Markham, Based on Painting by Jean-Francois Millet


Quote Edwin Markham, Earh God, The Sower, SDH p3, Dec 8, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 10, 1900
“The Sower” by Edwin Markham, Based on Millet’s Painting

From the Social Democratic Herald of December 8, 1900:

POEM The Sower by Edwin Markham, SDH p3, Dec 8, 1900

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Social Democratic Herald: “The Sower” by Edwin Markham, Based on Painting by Jean-Francois Millet”

Hellraisers Journal: Poem for Eugene V. Debs by Daniel Peters: “The Forward Cry of Social Evolution-Advance! Advance!”


Quote EVD, Children of the Poor, AtR p2, Mar 17, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday August 16, 1900
Poem for Candidate Debs by Daniel Peters: “Forward Cry of Social Evolution”

From the Social Democratic Herald of August 11, 1900:

POEM f EVD by Daniel Peters, SDH p1, Aug 11, 1900

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Poem for Eugene V. Debs by Daniel Peters: “The Forward Cry of Social Evolution-Advance! Advance!””

Hellraisers Journal: From the Social Democratic Herald: Acceptance Speech of Eugene Victor Debs, March 9, 1900


Quote EVD, Proud Socialists SDP Conv, SF Cls Strgl p4, Mar 17, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday March 26, 1900
Indianapolis, Indiana – Eugene Debs Accepts Nomination for President

From the Social Democratic Herald of March 24, 1900:


[Social Democratic Party Convention
Indianapolis, March 9th]

SDP Campaign, EVD n Job Harriman, SF Call p2, Mar 9, 1900—–

Mr. Chairman and Comrades:A few moments ago your committee advised me of the great honor conferred upon me by this convention in making me one of the standard-bearers of the party in the great campaign upon which we are now entering. Never in all of my life was I so profoundly impressed with the conviction that there is a divinity that shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will. Yesterday [March 8th, Third Day of Convention] I left this hall under the solemn belief that I could not, under any possible circumstances, accept the nomination tendered me with such enthusiastic unanimity. But with your united voices ringing in my ears, and your impassioned appeals burning and glowing in my breast, and your eyes searching the very depths of my soul, I was soon brought to realize that in your voice in behalf of socialism there was the supreme command of Duty—that I could not disregard it and decline the nomination without proving myself wholly unworthy of the confidence which inspired it.

I felt that I could not decline the nomination, tendered me under such circumstances, without being guilty of treason to the cause we all love so well; and so I come to you this afternoon, obedient to the call voice by your committee, to say that I accept your nomination, and with it all of the responsibilities that the great trust imposes; and with my heart trembling upon my lips, I thank the comrades, one and all, for the great honor your have conferred upon me. I also thank you for having nominated as my associate and colleague so true a socialist, so manly a man as Comrade Job Harriman, and let me assure you that we will stand together, side by side, in the true spirit of socialism, and joining hands, will bear aloft the conquering banner of the Social Democratic Party of America.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Social Democratic Herald: Acceptance Speech of Eugene Victor Debs, March 9, 1900”