Hellraisers Journal: President Wilson Demands Settlement to Colorado Coalfield Strike, Issues Plan for Three-Year Truce


Quote Mother Jones re Miners Org Real Power of Labor Mv, Speech UMW D14 Conv, Apr 30, 1914, Ptt KS, Steel Speeches p134—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday September 9, 1914
President Woodrow Wilson Demands End to Colorado Strike

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World of September 7, 1914:

Woodrow Wilson, 1912

President Wilson Sent Message
to Leaders of Miners’s Union
Are on Duty to Protect the Citizens
From Atrocities
Government Has Particular Interest
 in This Strike

Washington, D. C., Sept. 7.-President Wilson addressed letters to the heads of mining companies and officers of the United Mine Workers of America concerned in the Colorado coal strike, virtually demanding that the long strike be ended, because of federal troops on duty in the strike district, the president feels that the government has a peculiar interest.

[Photograph added.]

From the Mount Vernon, Ohio, Democratic Banner of September 8, 1914:


Wilson Submits a Proposition
to Operators and Miners.


Appeals to Patriotism of Belligerents and at the Same Time Warns
the Mine Owners That Federal Troops Should no Longer Remain
Doing Police Duty in Strike Districts. Now Up to John D., Jr.

Washington, Sept. 8.-President Wilson submitted a plan for a three years’ truce to all parties in the Colorado mining strike. The president urges the acceptance of this plan on patriotic grounds, alluding to the European war and the need that “all untoward and threatening circumstances be taken out of the life of the people of the United States.” At the same time the president serves warning on operators and miners that the federal troops have remained about as long as they ought to remain doing police duty in the strike districts.

This action by the president will again necessitate a decision by the Rockefeller interests as to whether they will make any concessions in the vital principles involved in the strike. Thus far John D. Rockefeller, Jr., has indicated a purpose of fighting it out to the very end.

The president points out that there are important public interests involved in the existing controversy aside from those of the two contending parties. The plan he submits was evolved by two representatives of the government who have studied the issues in the strike for several months with a view to finding a solution.

The plan contemplates establishment of a truce for three years, during whence the state mining and labor laws shall be enforced, and the restoration to employment of all striking miners who have not been found guilty of violation of the laws. Intimidation of nonunion or union men is to be prohibited and wage scales are to be posted at each mine. A grievance committee is to be chosen by the employes of each mine which shall be entrusted with treating with the employer when trouble arises. A committee, to be appointed by the president, is to be the appeal body to which grievances that can not be otherwise settled are to be taken.

The president sent a letter outlining the government’s plan to the presidents of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, the chairman of the Victor American Fuel company, the president of the Rocky Mountain Fuel company and the officers of the United Mine Workers of America.

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: President Wilson Demands Settlement to Colorado Coalfield Strike, Issues Plan for Three-Year Truce”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Labor Day Celebration at Columbus, Kansas


Quote Mother Jones, Stick Together, MI Mnrs Bltn p1, Aug 14, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday September 8, 1914
Columbus, Kansas – Mother Jones Speaks at Labor Day Celebration

From The Pittsburg Daily Headlight of September 7, 1914:

Mother Jones Coming to Seattle crpd, Stt Str p2, May 29, 1914Mother Jones at Columbus.

Columbus, Sept. 7-“Mother” Jones, the aged woman who has figured in the mine troubles of West Virginia and Colorado, and who has spent a large part of the past few years in military prisons and jails as a result of her activity among the miners, was the principal speaker at the Labor Day celebration in this city today. She spoke to an immense audience in the City park. L. F. Fuller of Girard, Socialist candidate for Congress, was the other speaker. It is estimated 5,000 persons came to Columbus to participate in the celebration today. There was a parade in the morning and outdoor exercises in the afternoon.

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Labor Day Celebration at Columbus, Kansas”

Hellraisers Journal: Nurse Helen Schloss and Union Leaders Jailed at Trinidad CO; Martial Law Enforced at Butte MT


Quote Mother Jones re Miners Org Real Power of Labor Mv, Speech UMW D14 Conv, Apr 30, 1914, Ptt KS, Steel Speeches p134—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday September 5, 1914
News from Miners’ Strikes at Trinidad, Colorado, and Butte, Montana

From the Salem, Oregon, Capital Journal of September 2, 1914:

Mother Jones Says Government Will
Take Over the Colorado Mines

Mother Jones Coming to Seattle crpd, Stt Str p2, May 29, 1914

“Mother” Mary Jones, the militant woman strike leader, claims to have some “inside” information to the effect that President Wilson will soon take vigorous action in the Colorado mine strike situation. “Mother” Jones declared that within the next two or three days the United States Government will take over and administer the strike-bound Colorado mines.

[Photograph added.]

From Lawrence [Kansas] Daily Journal-World of September 2, 1914:


All Saloons Ordered Closed-No Public Gatherings
Newspapers Under Strict Censorship.
-Women Not Allowed on the Streets

Butte, Mont., Sept. 2.-Butte is under martial law by a proclamation issued by Governor Stewart. On the order of Major Dan J. Donahue, commanding the militia, all the saloons were closed and public gatherings of any character were forbidden without permission of the commanding officer. Women will not be permitted on the streets after 8 o’clock in the evening nor before 6 in the morning. No disturbance thus far has occurred since the troops have arrived. Major Donahue has formally notified the newspaper offices of the city that they were under censorship.[Emphasis added.]

From Lawrence Daily Journal-World of September 3, 1914:


Militia Arrest Leaders of Mine Workers’ Union

Butte, Mont., Sept. 3.-Butte’s fist day of Martial law was without disturbance. The Montana National guard occupied the court house and city hall. Headquarters of the state militia were established in the court house with Jess B. Roote as chief of staff and judge advocate. At the city hall Provost Marshal Frank Conley took charge.Orders were given soon after the militia moved into the business district to arrest leaders of the Butte Mine Workers’ union, the organization formed to oppose the Western Federation of Miners. Four arrests were made late in the afternoon, one of the men being James Chapman, chairman of the jurisdiction committee.

Provost Marshal Conley searched the city for President McDonald of the union, but he could not be found. He is wanted on charges of inciting riots. The list of men who are wanted was said by Major Roote to be a long one.

For the first time in three  days the jurisdiction committee of the new union did not appear at the mines to prohibit non-members from working. Outside of the court house, Gatling guns were placed in the streets and two machine guns were placed on the roof of the court house. Martial law orders prohibit all public meetings without special permits.

[Emphasis added.]

From the New York Times of September 3, 1914:


Trinidad Jail Is Filled – Union Leaders Reported Indicted.
Special to the New York Times

DENVER. Sept. 2. – Twenty prisoners, including union officials, strikers, and sympathizers, alleged to be concerned in the disorders arising out of the Colorado mine war are in jail at Trinidad, and many warrants are still to be served. The warrants, charging murder, arson, and other crimes, which followed the several pitched battles between strikers and mine guards this spring, are based on indictments which were returned by the Grand Jury last Saturday. It is believed that some of the prominent officers of the United Mine Workers have been indicted. Their names will not be revealed until the arrests are mad.The Trinidad Jail is filled tonight. Among the prisoners are William Diamond, National organizer of the United Mine Workers; James Davis, Marshal at Aguilar; Frank Miner, President of the Trinidad Trades Council, and Robert Uhlich, former President of the Trinidad Miners’ Union.

Helen Schloss of Denver, who is in charge of the strikers’ hospital at Ludlow, was arrested today by Federal troops charged with picketing. Her arrest has caused great concern among the strikers.

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Nurse Helen Schloss and Union Leaders Jailed at Trinidad CO; Martial Law Enforced at Butte MT”

Hellraisers Journal: Joe Hill Denied New Trial, Case Appealed to Utah Supreme Court, Execution Date Stayed


Quote Joe Hill, General Strike, Workers Awaken, LRSB p6, Oct 1919—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday September 3, 1914
Salt Lake City, Utah – Joe Hill Denied New Trial by Judge Ritchie

HdLn Hillstrom Joe Hill, New Trial Denied, SL Hld p12, Sept 2, 1914
Salt Lake Herald
September 2, 1914

Joe Hill appeared Tuesday before Judge M. L. Ritchie accompanied by his attorney, Soren X. Christensen. Christensen presented an argument for a new trial stating that:

1). Hill had not been identified as the man who killed the store owner, Morrison.
2). There had been only one thing proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and that was that Hill had been shot on the same night that Morrison was killed.
3). The jury had been prejudiced when, in the presence of the jury, Hill fired his own attorneys (Scott and McDougall) These same attorneys were then retained by the court as friends of the court contrary to the wishes of the defendant.
4). The jurymen were not impartial but were inclined to favor the prosecution. On this point, Christensen argued that: “That jury was selected by a science at which the district attorney is a past master and the defendant’s attorneys were unskilled.”

District Attorney E. O. Leatherwood insisted that the trial was fair and had been conducted in strict accordance with the law, and that Hill should be executed on the date set by Judge Ritchie [September 4, 1914].

Judge Ritchie ruled for the prosecution.

Christensen immediately filed for an appeal to the Utah Supreme Court which again stays the execution of Fellow Worker Joe Hill, for now.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Joe Hill Denied New Trial, Case Appealed to Utah Supreme Court, Execution Date Stayed”

Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Gunmen and the Miners” by Eugene Victor Debs


Quote Mother Jones, Clean Up Baldwin Gunthugs, Speech Aug 4 Montgomery WV—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday September 2, 1914
Eugene Debs Advocates for Creation of a Gunmen Defense Fund

From the International Socialist Review of September 1914:

The Gunmen and the Miners

By Eugene V. Debs

Death Special, ISR p727, June 1914

The time has come for the United Mine Workers and the Western Federation of Miners to levy a special monthly assessment to create a GUNMEN DEFENSE FUND.

This fund should be sufficient to provide each member with the latest high power rifle, the same used by the corporation gunmen, and 500 rounds of cartridges.

In addition to this every district should purchase and equip and man enough Gatling and machine guns to match the equipment of Rockefeller’s private army of assassins.

This suggestion is made advisedly and I hold myself responsible for every word of it.

If the corporations have the right to recruit and maintain private armies of thieves, thugs, and ex-convicts to murder striking workingmen, sack their homes, insult their wives, and roast their babes, then labor unions not only have the right but it is their solemn duty to arm themselves to resist these lawless attacks and defend their homes and loved ones.

To the miners especially do these words apply, and to them in particular is this message addressed.

Paint Creek [West Virginia], Calumet [Michigan], and Ludlow [Colorado] are of recent occurrence.

You miners have been forced out on strike,and you have been made the victims of every conceivable method of persecution.

[For attempting to organize,] you have been robbed, insulted and treated with contempt; you have seen your wives and babes murdered in cold blood before your eyes.

You have been thrown into foul dungeons where you have lain for months for daring to voice your protest against these cruel outrages and many of you are now cold in death with the gaping bullet wounds in your bodies to bear mute testimony to the efficacy of government by gunmen as set up in the mining camps by the master class during the last few years.

Under government by gunmen you are literally shorn of the last vestige of liberty and you have absolutely no protection under the law. When you go out on strike, your master has his court issue the injunction that strips you of your power to resist his injustice, and then has his private army of gunmen invade your camp, open fire on your habitations, and harass you and your families until the strike is broken and you are starved back into the pits on your master’s terms. This has happened over and over again in all the mining states of this union.

Now the private army of gunmen which has been used to break your strikes is an absolutely lawless aggregation.

If you miners were to arm a gang of thugs and assassins with machine guns and repeating rifles and order them to march on the palatial residences of the Rockefellers, riddle them with bullets, and murder the inmates in cold blood, not sparing even the babes, if there happened to be any, how long would it be before your officials would be in jail and your unions throttled and put out of business by the law?

The Rockefellers have not one particle more lawful right to maintain a private army to murder you union men than you union men would have to maintain a private army to murder the Rockefellers.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Gunmen and the Miners” by Eugene Victor Debs”